Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 517: Not necessarily

Chapter 517

Now she can't believe anyone except herself.

Everyone looks like an assassin.

Feng Qingbai is too hard!

She is the emperor's concubine and one of the few widows left by the emperor. She is an elder and she deserves respect!

Feng Qingbai treats her like this, not even the royal ancestors, and he is going to suffer retribution!

"Where's the palace zero, call the palace zero to enter the palace, tell him to guard the palace!" He sounded fierce, but lost his original momentum due to weakness.

Opened with bloodshot eyes, like a crazy woman.

"Return to your mother, Lord Gong said," If you have nothing to do, don't go to the palace ... "

"Feng Qingbai is going to kill this palace! This palace is going to die! This is not a matter, what is the matter! Call me in!" Screamed, Tai Liufei rushed out of bed and beat just now Miyazaki in reply.

She's had enough of this torture!

"He is so daring and embarrassed, this palace wants to regret this palace, this palace will make him regret it, this palace wants him to regret it!"

Since Feng Qingbai wanted to kill Gu Xiaodao and kill her, she wanted him to taste the pain, and finally went to **** with Liu Yusheng!

A nasty doctor girl is not eligible to show off in front of her!

The movement of the Qingning Palace passed to Feng Motuo's ears, Feng Motuo raised his eyebrows slightly, and his subtle expression followed the green cypress.

"Chering the Royal Doctor, the toffee is too old, and she has committed a magic wand. Please see her for good treatment. If the cure is not good, ask the Royal Doctor to raise her head to see her."

The emperor Jinkou ordered that the imperial doctor did not dare to neglect, and hurried to the Qingning Palace, pretending to prescribe Ningshen's medicine, only to make Mad Madame Liu shut her mouth.

Go to sleep.

Xin Liufu, Qian Wanjin came to pick up Liu Yusheng, and was already on his way to Wanjin Restaurant.

Xue Qinglian wasn't on the invitation list, and she was so happy that she nestled in her kennel to continue researching his new medicine.

It's the last private room.

The last three were Liu Huai and the two elders of the Liu family.

The only difference between the other's faces this time was much uglier than last time.

Liu Yusheng looked at Liu Huai's face, with dark blue and qi deficiency.

Really angry.

So seeing her and Qian Wanjin, even if they tried to hide, they could not hide the fierce light in their eyes.

Look at them like enemies who don't share the sky.

"It's this private room again, Master Liu is kind of nostalgic." Qian Wanjin headed in and smiled, how to look and fake.

It is now that the other party is asking for them, and they are in an upper hand and feel particularly good.

Liu Yusheng walked behind, nodding politely with the three of them when he sat down, with a slight smile on his lips, calmly.

The two looked in Liu Huai's eyes in such a gesture, and felt dazzling.

Both parties know why there is such an invitation today.

Why bother.

"The old man has been immersed in the mall for many years, and has never suffered a big loss. I did not expect that when I was old, I was repeatedly defeated in the hands of two posteriors. It is truly terrible!" Gritting his teeth, Liu Huai sneered.

"There are talents coming out of the Jiangshan generation, which shows that Nanling has a lot of talents. One generation is more successful than the other. Master Liu should be happy for Nanling. How can he be so ugly?" Qian Wanjin asked with a smile.

Liu Yusheng laughed without saying a word, opened by Qian Wanjin.

To say tartars, he can fight one hundred.

This is his real strength over doing business.

The three of them were stunned and turned pale.

How to answer.

Are they not happy?

Qian Wanjin's little beast had said something to death, and it was actually related to the national conditions of Nanling. Are they afraid to say it?

"Qian Shaodong's family is so eloquent, I wait and admire it! The purpose of this banquet today is to understand each other's minds. Let's not go into circles. It's better to go straight to each other than to look at each other! Thank you, Mrs. Liu Chess! "One of the elders hummed.

Digged them a pit, and finally asked them to come to the door in person to ask, so imaginative, let them feel ashamed!

Liu Yusheng bent his lips. "The elders are praising, the tricks of carving worms are nothing compared to the battle that Liu Da is in charge of, which is really not worth mentioning, but fortunately."

With a touch of irony, Liu Huai was so angry that he wanted to lift the table.

"Isn't this good show directed by Girl Liu, just for the cloth of my Liu family? You want to take it away, as long as you pay for the silver, we have two silver goods!" Liu Huai said.

"What the Lord Liu said, it's just that you happened to be in this batch of goods, and we can use it here. If the Lord Liu is willing to cede, it would be better, but if the Lord Liu couldn't bear it, we would not force it. "Liu Yusheng chuckled." After all, we don't have to. "

It is not absolutely necessary.

The praise that Feng Moyu said in the palace solved the dilemma of Fu Yuzheng's special confession.

Compared with silk cloth, the inferior Yunjin in her hand became the priority of the harem nobles.

Still let them pass easily.

What is the special offer for? To make clothes for the nobles in the harem.

The nobles are all dressed up for the emperor. What materials and styles are used for the emperor's like.

They were united, and the Kyoto Yanagi family did not even have the opportunity to talk about conditions.

This is what Liu Yusheng wants to tell them.

It means, don't think about asking the price!

Those cloths, she wants, the Liu family can get the silver.

She does n’t, and the Liu family does n’t want to make any money!

Not only Liu Huai, both elders wanted to lift the table on the spot.

Can't talk at all.

Liu Yusheng doesn't have to buy the goods they have in their hands, but they can only sell it to her!

With the exception of her, no one would scoop up the pile of waste!

"Twenty-five thousand and two!" Liu Huai bit his back molars. "The purchase price of twenty-two thousand and the cost of fifty-two thousand dyeing will not earn you one cent. The transportation back will be counted as a Liu family subsidy and sent to you. of!"

Liu Yusheng raised his eyebrows slightly and said nothing, holding up the tea cup in front of him, slow and light.

It makes people wonder what she meant.

Qian Wanjin smirked and raised his eyes. "Liu Master, the painful look, really makes us think how much cheap we have. Twenty-five thousand two thousand, are you always joking? A pile of equivalent waste We are willing to buy the best fabrics, that is to let you take advantage, but you in turn want to pit us? It ’s not as bad as the big ones. ”

"Many money! What exactly happened to the batch of materials is unclear! It is clearly your hands and feet! My Liu family is willing to make a big loss! If you can't solve the problem with the fabric, why would you buy it? They all understand people and don't need to dress! This time my Liu family was out of control. We admit it, but we ca n’t be too fast to kill! ”Liu Huai was extremely angry.

As Liu Huai scolded him, Qian Wanjin leaned his body against the back of the chair, smiling indifferently, his eyes already cold, "Do we have hands and feet? Is there evidence? Can't talk without evidence. Talk about business It ’s time to talk about business. It ’s about your love and willingness. It ’s all people in the business. What has n’t happened? Master Liu said? Is this business still in talks? ”

(End of this chapter)