Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 519: Villain's scheme

Chapter 519 The villain's scheme is invincible

These words fell in the ears of the elders of the Liu family, so angry that their faces were discolored.

Mrs. Liu was about to go out and scold when she rolled up her sleeves and was intercepted by Liu Yusheng.

She patted her hand. "Granny, don't be mad, I don't think of such a trick."

"Lady Liu, the goods have been delivered. Our owner is not feeling well, so he will not come in person. He will only explain the two silver goods on the spot." The little magpie who came with the carriage wrinkled his eyes, and he felt strange.

The carriages behind him consisted of a long line of ten cars, all covered with fabric.

Liu Yusheng smiled, walked up, picked up a car curtain, picked up a cloth, opened it on the spot, and the dense dark brown mold spots on the gorgeous cloth exposed people's eyes.

"When the goods arrive, it should be the same for the silver goods, but although these cloths are all unusable waste materials, it also cost me fifty thousand two, and the point check is also necessary," Liu Yusheng said later. The little sister-in-law here called, so hurry up and don't delay the younger brother's return to life. "

Mrs. Liu stared at Father Liu with a smile on her face, "Okay, here it is!"

Chen Xiulan, Liu Da, and Fu Yuzheng all came out, learning Liu Yusheng's appearance, one person and one carriage, and taking out the fabric inside one by one, . "

A pair of cloths opened up, without exception being densely covered with mildew.

The onlookers were dumbfounded and looked at each other.

The people who ridiculed Liu Yusheng's injustice just now blushed.

How can such fabrics be sold to others? When the rag does not absorb water.

Thanks to the Kyoto Yanagiya family, it was like a big loss.

For this kind of waste, fifty thousand two are all given, which is equivalent to taking the silver for free.

For anyone, it's impossible to buy money!

"What's going on with this Liu family owner, is this kind of cloth still being sold out? It's also charged fifty thousand two?"

"How did Dr. Liu think about it, he was willing to take out fifty thousand two, and bought it too much to occupy the place."

"Maybe it's because the two willows and Liu Shenyi are in a pitiful situation in Kyoto's Liu family, so they found a name to generously help them.

The wind direction of people is always easy to change.

When you don't understand the truth, stand on the moral high ground and criticize others.

I really figured it out, and I could change my mouth immediately, without realizing what was wrong with my previous words.

Because they are not bearing them.

They are just outsiders.

Can stand and talk without backache.

In this regard, Liu Yusheng only reported a slight smile.

All the goods, two thousand integers, were all opened by the people of Xinliufu. No piece of fabric was good.

The small house of the Liu family mansion took fifty thousand silver tickets, did not dare to stay at all, and slipped away in the ironic eyes of the people.

A little farce ended as the people in Xinliufu moved the fabric into the house.

I do not know what the rumors of the hustle and bustle of Beijing's streets will spread.

"The true meaning of Liu Zhai over there is welcoming, and he has used this gimmick to fool the people. He is really unscrupulous. How can he be so bad-hearted!" Sitting in the hall, Mrs. Liu couldn't be more angry.

"The people over there aren't good things at all, otherwise they can calculate our house again and again?" Father Liu said, "Listen to what the outside world said, Liang Liu is a family! What they want to calculate now is this. My family swallowed it! "

Liu Da twisted his eyebrows. "It's getting more and more real from the outside. We always pull the two of us together to talk about it, won't it really be because of this moth?"

"I also think that the Liu family's calculations are definitely not that simple. Can they not know what kind of cloth they are? With such a big fanfare, they know they will fight and do it. What do they want to do?"

"Well, there must be other schemes behind them. It's definitely not just that we want to respond to our bad luck. We have to be careful." Fu Yuzheng also said.

Liu Huai has been a homeowner for decades, and has been immersed in shopping malls for many years. Xinjichengfu has it all. He can't do this kind of trick.

So what exactly does he really want?

Liu Yusheng looked at the worried family on his face and laughed, "Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, grandma, don't worry, no matter what they are trying to do, let's see what we can do. Bright people can still be afraid of mice in the gutter. ? "

"The villain's calculations are invincible, and hesitate not to be taken lightly." Fu Yuzhen advised, she also survived the calculation all the way, knowing the villain's insidiousness.

If you are not careful, you will be counted as having no residue.

"I know what they want to calculate," Liu Yusheng sighed. She didn't want to say more. She didn't want the dirty and dirty eyes of her family, but she didn't say that her family was uneasy. "Liu Huai just counts us to fight back against the people , I will open the fabric to show them on the spot and wash it away to fame. Moldy fabrics ca n’t be sold. Even if we can wash those mold spots afterwards, that ’s also moldy fabrics. Noble people do n’t To wear this kind of cloth is equivalent to the backlog of these cloths being sold in our hands. If we sell it to ordinary people at a low price, we will lose it, and it will have an impact on our reputation. We let him suffer a dumb loss, and he wanted us to end likewise, losing both. "

"The one who killed Qiandao! Why didn't he die!-"

Before Mrs. Liu's words had been scolded, she saw her uncle suddenly lying on the table and holding his belly and smirking suddenly.

"Grandma, this sentence is exactly the same as the two elders of the Liu family scold that day, oh!"




In the end, even Wife Liu couldn't help laughing.

Those in the Liu family were so angry with their own cowards that they couldn't even care about the face of the elders of the big family, and the shrews scolded the streets.

Just like she was angry today.

The thought of two ordinary people dressed in bright clothes in front of the family juniors, gave the stance of a vixen to the air, and the temperament in Mrs. Liu's heart disappeared completely.

What is she angry with?

After the family laughed, Fu Yuzheng asked Liu Yusheng, "Well, can you handle it?"

For fifty thousand goods, you can't do anything like this for nothing.

And she believes that I must have thoughts in her heart, she is a person who can turn decay into magic.

Kyoto Yanagi, can't count her.

"Rest assured, you'll wait to see Liu Huai spit blood for another three liters." Liu Yusheng blinked his eyes at the playful family members, his eyes were full of cunning about to do bad things.

A muffled laughter sounded again in the hall.

At the same time, several elders of the Liu family flashed pride and comfort.

Their family has really grown up, and is no longer the little baby they need to pamper and protect, she has begun to bloom her glory and show off.

(End of this chapter)