Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 557: transfer order

Chapter 557: Order

"What do you guys do with this complexion? Do you even look down on me and think I'm not worthy of Liu Zhiqiu? I'm a government official and a ladylike girl! Liu Zhiqiu's incompetence, a muddy leg, and he Take Joe in front of me! Isn't it that you want to marry and do farm work? People like him are only worth marrying a peasant woman, which is best for him! "Kang Ziyu was stimulated by his father and mother's faces.

This is her father and mother, but even they look down on her and think she doesn't deserve a mud leg!

What's wrong with her?

It is said that in the eyes of father and mother, their children are all good. Unlike her father and mother, she sees others higher than her own children!

Such a person is simply not worthy of being her father and mother!

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Kang Ziyu's face was dark.

"When I go back, I will go on a blind date! I do n’t believe it. With me Kang Ziyu, I ca n’t marry a better one! I want to show you all, many people want to marry me Kang Ziyu! Just pick any He can't match Liu Zhiqiu! "

Kang Shiming and Mrs. Kang listened to her howling so much that they did not agree with her.

Not only Kang Shiming, but even Mrs. Kang feels tired. Are they all drawing for the sake of this daughter?

But in the end, the children blame them for looking down on her.

The feeling of exhaustion born in their hearts made them feel speechless when facing Kang Ziyu.

There is no reason at all.

The carriage was dull again, until they returned to the county gate, the three of them never spoke again.

In the courtyard of the Liu family, there was no further comment on the arrival of the Kang family.

Just when the dinner table was together, Du Juan said something inadvertently, "Today Mrs. Kang asked me during a chat with me, it seemed like an interesting match between our family Zhiqiu and Miss Kang. Zhiqiu, you told Kang What's your idea?

"No idea, I can't deal with her." Liu Zhiqiu buried his head for dinner without raising his head.

"Do you really have no interest in Kang Ziyu?"

"Mother, do you think our family is too harmonious, and you want to come here to make a noise? Even so, don't look for Kang Ziyu. If she comes to our house, the noise will not be temporary, but forever. Can you eat it? "

Du Juan said lightly, "I just ask, if you have that meaning, I will drive you out of the house."


His father and mother are pits.

Later the family never talked about Kang Ziyu.

The cuckoo's face only appeared sad when she fell asleep at night.

"His father, do you think our family knows that Qiuqi won't hit a bachelor all his life?"

"What do you say? Zhiqiu is only a little older now? Just in his twenties, he said he would hit a bachelor all his life. The kid is not fate yet, wait, you do n’t need to worry, he has to worry. Do n’t worry. Thinking all day long. "

"I was worried that the situation of the girl Li would hit Zhiqiu too much. I lost his thoughts of being married. Do you think it is possible that he remembered it in the heart, is the girl Li?"

"Everyone's gone, what's the use of remembering? What about the girl of the Li family, don't say anything about it, the big guys think she is dead, let's be this person away, lest she be calculated by that family again. Maybe She went to another place by herself, but was able to live quietly. OK, don't think about it, go to sleep. "

The man was so big-hearted that he fell asleep when turned over, snoring loudly.

Dujuan was sad, and he sighed a long time.

After their boy returned from Xuzhou for the first two days, he never saw him laugh.

Obviously, he looked at a big and small guy who didn't care about it, but this time he had hidden his mind, and he couldn't even see them as parents.

Only children and grandchildren have children and grandchildren, let him go.

News of Xinghua Village, Wei Hong will spread to Kyoto every few days. There will also be some information that even Liu Er's family did not receive the wind.

For example, within a few days after the Kang Shiming family had visited the Liu family compound, Kang Ziyu settled a family relationship.

It is a famous family in the capital of Yunzhou. There are children in the family as officials in Beijing.

Compared with Kang Ziyu's introduction to Li Junyue's Meng family, it was not a level.

When Mrs. Liu and others heard the news at home from Liu Yusheng's mouth, they were silent.

Can't figure out how a smooth and sophisticated person like Kang Shiming can teach such a daughter who doesn't want to go to May or June.

The grandma and grandpa's sighs made Liu Yusheng laugh. "Fortunately, at the beginning, you gave the second brother some music and did not order Kang Ziyu, otherwise you can worry about it now."

Mrs. Liu yelled, "Grandma didn't know much, but her eyes weren't blind. When she first met at Wanjin Restaurant, people who could speak like that in the face of our elders were not rectums. No tutor. Grandma never liked her from the beginning! "

"Then we will not mention her in the future. Pack your luggage, and we will return to Xinghua Village in a few days. Milk, you and your grandfather must have been homesick, right?" The court transferred to Yunzhou Renzhifu. It was Liu Zhixia who received the transfer order three days ago. It happened that the family went back together.

Speaking of going back to Xinghua Village, the wife and the father immediately smiled on their faces. "Think, don't you want? Beijing is so good, without Xinghua Village. I just want to go here, I don't know who to look for, The surrounding area is full of officials, and they have no time to chat with us. "

Liu Yusheng and Fu Yuzheng sneered at each other.

In Beijing, people's houses are divided by crowd.

The Beijing official is one and is located in the third ring of the city.

Commercial celebrities are in the middle of the third ring road.

The houses of ordinary people are distributed outside the Third Ring Road.

Fu Yuzheng took hold of Mrs. Liu's hand and looked at the family sitting next to her. "Grandpa, grandma, father, mother, for me and Zhixia, let you work hard."

"This child, talk foolishly, if you work hard and don't work hard, I can see you and Zhixia well, and we will be happy as elders. I now look forward to my little great grandson coming out!" Looking at Fu Yuzheng The wife's belly became bigger and bigger, her wife narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Since their family grew up, there have been no cute little dolls in the family for many years.

When the great-grandchild comes out, and it is Baoer at home, the elderly will no longer look deserted under their knees.

Chen Xiulan was also very happy, just thinking that her family would have to travel long distances, and she was also worried. "Yuzheng has a big belly, can she sit in a carriage for nearly a month, can you sit still? It ’s so cold, and Zhixia ’s order came down. No time to hurry ... "

"Ma'am, it's okay, I'll give me tea for all day long. Even now that I'm older, I don't feel tired at all. I'm better than before. Besides, the carriage specially arranged by Wang Ye can lie down when you are tired. It ’s okay to say that I ’ve only been in the car for a month, and longer. ”

After conceiving a child, the elders of the family took turns to let the kitchen stew and supplement her meals every day, and together with the simmering tea, for a few months, Fu Yuzheng rounded out a whole circle and her face was healthy. Ruddy, watching the spirit glow.

In Liu Yusheng's words, people are trouble-free and fat-hearted.

(End of this chapter)