Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 585: If you do n’t work hard, you have no f

Chapter 585: No work

Feng Qingbai has gone, and the days must continue.

A few days later, the imperial decree of the imperial court arrived in Yunzhou, and the relief fund allocated by the imperial court was 800,000.

Liu Zhixia was so busy.

Liu Yusheng, Qian Wanjin, and others were not able to sit idle. The distillery in their hands needed to be reorganized. Due to the flood, the orders received in the hands could not be completed, and the transaction was temporarily interrupted.

Need to supply people as soon as possible.

At the same time, the workers in the distillery urgently need to work to make money in order to survive after the disaster.

There are hundreds of families in their hands, waiting for them to feed.

When I was busy, I didn't even have time to spend with my family.

The children were so tired that they could n’t sit up straight. The old couple in the Liu family saw the pain in their eyes, and they changed the recipe every day to prepare them for food.

In addition, there is also a pregnant woman in Fuzhong. The two seniors discuss with the kitchen, and the dishes they make should be as supplementary as possible.

Just after the flood in Yunzhou, it was in Fucheng, and there was no food to buy in the vegetable market.

Chickens, ducks and geese, which were seen everywhere in the past, could not be found, and they were washed away by the water.

Even the pork is very small, and once it is displayed, it will be robbed by people. It will come a little later and you can't buy anything.

Worried the two old men.

After the children fell asleep that day, the two elders returned to the room.

Mrs. Liu sat on the bed, frowning, "The flood has passed. Old man, how long do you have to wait before this day can be restored?"

Father Liu reluctantly said, "A flood of water washed everything away. I wanted to restore it to its original state. After half a year, I couldn't recover at all, so I just boiled it slowly."

"It's hard to boil, but you can see how tired the children are. After half a month's work, their chins are sharp and they are so busy every day. How can we go on like this? Think of a way. I ca n’t help anything else. I ca n’t even give them a whole table, so what's the use of staying here? ”

Father Liu frowned when he heard the words, and thought, "Why do n’t we two go to the countryside for a while? See if we can order some game. If there is no food in the mountains, they will go hunting in the mountains. Receive something good back. "

"Yeah," said the wife, his face brightened. "Why didn't I think of it? Let's go there. If anyone sells it, it doesn't matter if it's more expensive. We'll buy it for you! You didn't see the radish and cabbage stew tonight, Xiao Jin's face turned into a dish when she ate it. "

The old man nodded, "Let's go, Minger, we'll go there, and now the two of us are the busiest, even Yuzheng has a big belly, and talks with the people in the four big families about how to help Zhixia eases the burden. The two of us who have lived for decades can't match the children? "

The matter was settled. The next day, after the children in the house went out, watching Fu Yuzheng fell asleep, the two old men quietly touched the door.

It's not that they want to sneak up. It's the children who pay close attention to them and say that there is nothing left to be done outside. There are many refugees and beggars in the city who are chasing around and chaotic.

Afraid that the two elderly people would go out and bump into each other, or encounter something, so they rarely let them go out by themselves during this time.

If the children were to know again that they were going to collect the game in the countryside, they wouldn't want to go out of the gate.

There were still people coming and going on the street, but there was no smile on everyone's face, and there was a cloud of sadness between the eyebrows.

In the corners of the streets, beggars and exiles piled up in pairs, nestled in the corners, with empty eyes and numb expressions.

Only when someone approached, a little light appeared in his eyes. When someone walked by, the light was extinguished.

Staying in the city for more than half a month, this situation is already commonplace, but when the two old men saw it, they still felt that it was not a taste, and their hearts were stuffy and uncomfortable.

"It will gradually get better in the future. Our family knows that Xia and the children will definitely build the city better and more prosperous than before. After this disaster, Yunzhou will be able to weather smoothly." I don't know if I'm comforting my wife or comforting myself.

But the children's efforts for Yunzhou are in their eyes, and they believe that there will be one day.

Liu Yusheng, Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou just arrived at Luxi Village.

Because of the need to rectify the winery and start again, during this time, they would commute between Fucheng and Cangwu Town almost every day to gather the village heads to discuss the next plan together.

The floods washed away everything that could be washed away.

The house was damaged, poultry was washed away, and none of the crops in the field survived. It was the stubborn rice in Xinghua Village. The rice seedlings survived, but the ears of rice on the stalk were also washed out, leaving only a bare stalk.

There are also medicinal materials used as raw materials in the distillery, all soaked in water to rot and mold. Tea trees were not spared, and their roots were rotten.

If the distillery is to start again, there is no material.

So I convened the big guys to discuss and temporarily buy materials from other states for the time being.

Although this will greatly increase the cost, it is better than having no work to do, and the workers in the winery have no work to do.

"I have ordered a batch of tea from Yuzhou, and I have stepped up the work in the next few days. As for the medicinal materials, I have to buy them from major pharmacies. I ca n’t raise enough quantities between one and a half, so I have to slowly. "Liu Yusheng said, by the way, to the village chiefs," Is the repair of the damaged wineries everywhere completed? "

The head of Luxi Village nodded. "It has been repaired. All the people in the village help to work together. In a few days, they will restore the winery to its original state and wait for work."

If you don't work hard, you will have no food.

Workers have been getting angry all these days.

As soon as I heard that as long as the winery was reorganized, I could start to work, and all of them helped me to repair the winery as quickly as possible. Now I am waiting for a word from the two owners.

The same is true of other villages.

Liu Yusheng nodded. "The time is set for the day after tomorrow. At that time, the raw materials will be delivered directly into the winery."

On hearing that, several village chiefs frowned and nodded frequently.

"Okay, the day after tomorrow!"

After discussing with the village chiefs, there was still a little time, Liu Yusheng and Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou took a carriage to the village wineries and watched it again.

To determine the specific situation of overhaul completed, you can be more assured.

After all, it is a house soaked in water. If it is strong, there will be hidden dangers.

The workers are working in the distillery when they work, and if something happens, they will threaten the safety of the workers' lives.

Such things must be completely avoided.

During the trip, Shi Xianrou followed them.

When Feng Qingbai returned to Beijing, she did not return with the same, and temporarily stayed in Yunzhou.

Therefore, when inspecting the winery, the three worked in cooperation. Liu Yusheng and Qian Wanjin were responsible for inspecting the corners of the walls and walls, and Shi Xianrou was responsible for the roof.

Waiting for the three to check the several pubs, it was already early night to return to the city.

Liu Zhixia just returned from a busy day.

Several people met at the entrance of the Qianmen and returned to their homes together.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard a noise inside.

(End of this chapter)