Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 586: Two old men are missing

Chapter 586: Two Old Men Missing

A few people looked at each other and accelerated their pace to go inside.

In the hall, Fu Yuzheng looked anxious, Xue Qinglian was sitting on the side, her brows frowned.

Seeing Liu Zhixia and others coming back, Fu Yuzheng almost fluttered up, "Zhixia, alas, grandparents didn't come back, I don't know when they went out, they haven't come back yet ..."

People are so anxious that they are incoherent.

Liu Yusheng sank at the time.

Watching the daughter-in-law's lips stubbornly anxious, Liu Zhixia Qiang reluctantly embraced people into her arms and patted her on the back.

"Ma'am, sit down and say slowly, when did you finally see your grandma?" Liu Yusheng's hands dangled from his side were shaking.

Qian Wanjin was as calm as Shi Xianrou and looked at Fu Yuzhen together.

"I had lunch at noon, and I talked to my grandma for a while, and then I lost my body, so I went back to the break house. When I got up, it was noon in the afternoon and I did n’t see my grandma. I thought Maybe they stayed in the house and were bored, so they went out for a stroll. "Fu Yuzheng tried hard to calm down and made things clear," I blame me at the time, I didn't care, I thought they would come back soon. I was negligent. I should send someone to look for them earlier. I ... "

"Yuzheng, relax, relax, it's not your fault," the woman has blame herself, and it wasn't her fault, how can she blame her, Liu Zhixia said, "Relax, grandma will come back safely. Come People, immediately divert their manpower, look for people in the city, and seal the gates of the city. No one is allowed to come and go at will! "

"Brother, I'm going to find someone!" Liu Yusheng turned and rushed out. She couldn't calm down, and couldn't stay here.

When Grandma said that Grandma didn't return, she was cold all over.

That was her grandmother, the first person to warm her when she came to this world, and one of the most inseparable people in her life!

"Well, come back!" Liu Zhixia hurriedly yelled.

Xue Qinglian stopped her at the fastest speed, "Well, calm down ..."

"I can't calm down!" Liu Yusheng shouted, the quiet eyes of the past turned red at the moment, and the fear inside made people feel distressed.

Holding her arm tight and letting her struggle, Xue Qinglian pursed her lips. "You're not rushing to find someone like this, and the old man and the old lady are not people who don't know how to act. There must be a cause for something, we have to analyze the cause first! If there is a cause, then we can find people to be more targeted, otherwise it will be futile! "

Instead of grabbing the man's arm, Liu Yusheng's eyes condensed with water, and his chest kept rising and falling.

But did not speak.

Xue Qinglian looked at her, he knew that she had listened to his words, and she was forcing herself to calm down.

Her fingers clasped his arms tightly, almost choked into the meat, it hurt, and he didn't frown. "We analyze the possible situation first, determine the most likely target, you can rest assured, I will put They found it. I promise. "

"I can find it ..."

"Yes, I can do it when I say yes."

Qian Wanjin also said, "Fuyao, this time listening to Xue Qinglian, you can rest assured that I will let everyone in the Qian family help me together. Grandparents are blessed people, and nothing will happen."

Shi Xianrou was the calmest of the few. "Sit down first. The more you get into trouble, the more you calm down and you can't solve the problem in a hurry."

Liu Yusheng listened to the words of several people, kept breathing deeply, and then slowly released Xue Qinglian's hand, and then raised her eyes, it was ruthless. "Grandma should be the door where Dasao went out alone after falling asleep. Side should know the exact time. "

"I asked. The porter said that he saw the two old men go out at noon. He didn't dare to ask more!" Fu Yuzheng said busyly. She had asked all the servants in the government just now, and was about to send someone to look for him. Just a few people came back.

"I was going out at noon. Three hours have passed since now. Grandma has no acquaintances in Fucheng, and she will not stay outside for a long time. If she hasn't returned yet, either she has been delayed or something has happened. "At this time, Liu Yusheng seemed to be completely changed. He was not only calm, but also a bit calm.

Obviously the person is still that person, but it feels like something is different.

The body seemed to have sharp spikes suddenly, becoming strong and sharp.

"It is impossible to delay something, and even if it is really delayed, grandma will definitely say something to Yemen, there will be no news at this time. Now it is still being rebuilt everywhere, and there are many beggars in the capital, and the refugees who flow around. Refugees, if anyone knows the identity of grandma, it is not impossible to ask for money, "Liu Zhixia groaned, at last he looked up, and spoke with Qian Wanjin almost in unison," Kidnapping! "

"No." Liu Yusheng shook his head. "It's easy to kidnap two old men who haven't managed to fight back. Three hours are enough for each other to arrange, so they should come early to ask for money."

"Not for money, that's for power." Xue Qinglian opened her lips and spit out the words slowly.

The whole living room fell into silence because of this sentence.

Being able to cause two people to be abducted in the Fucheng city, ordinary refugees simply cannot do it.

During this time, Liu Zhixia went all out to rescue the disaster. People in the city are grateful. If anyone finds anything, they will report it.

But for three full hours, no one reported to Yamen.

At this point Liu Yusheng's heart settled down instead.

"Brother, let the officers and men search the city first, money and money. I'm sorry to ask you for help. Most of you are ordinary people. If you don't have the eyes and eyes of the officers and soldiers, you can secretly explore the clues. If you can't find them in the city, it means that your grandma is still safe. "

Liu Zhixia nodded. "As long as no bad news comes, it is good news for us."

At this time, the possibility of the elderly losing themselves has been crossed out.

After the analysis, several people immediately got up and acted.

Fu Yuzheng wanted to follow up and be soothed by Liu Zhixia.

Grandma may be in an accident, and Yuzheng can't follow them together. If she happens, she will have two lives.

Tired for a long time, all of them were hungry, and now they can't care about it.

Liu Zhixia personally brought officers and soldiers to guard the gate, and the rest went from house to house to conduct search and interrogation.

Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou went to Wanjin Restaurant, and the shopkeeper gave the message to Qian's family, cooperated with Liu Zhixia, and searched for clues.

Liu Yusheng stood on the brightly lit street, watching the officers and men shuttle back and forth, his lips tightly closed, his eyes cold.

Grandma taught her kindness, and they taught her to pass on warmth to others.

If something happens to her, she doesn't know if she will be the current Liu Yusheng!

(End of this chapter)