Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 591: He is a bit desperate

Chapter 591 He Is A Little Desperate

She almost thought that grandma ...

"Hurry up and bring people into the house!" Liu Zhixia followed closely and ordered to see it.

Fu Yuzheng's foot was slower. When he saw the two old men being held by him, he covered his mouth and wept, and almost followed the old man step by step. He was afraid that the next man would carelessly bump them into contact.

The two elders had different meanings to her. Zhixia gave her love, and grandparents gave her affection.

Only then can she feel the warmth again.

She nodded and cherished this home to others.

Qian Wanjin also relaxed himself. When the woman around him held his hand to comfort him, she found that his hands were all sweaty.

Although not the real Liu family, but his affection for the two elders of the Liu family, no less than Liu Yusheng Liu Zhixia and others.

That's who he treats as his grandparents.

The Liu family, as well as the two elders of the Liu family, have occupied almost all of his happy time in his youth, until now.

The two elders were carried into the room and lowered. Liu Yusheng and Xue Qinglian immediately proceeded to explore the pulse for a diagnosis, and after confirming it twice, they really felt relieved.

"It was exhausted and fainted. It didn't matter much." Xue Qinglian said with the same humanity beside.

Liu Yusheng didn't say anything. After he let his heart down, he noticed his grandmother's condition at this time.

The two old men wore only one set of jackets, their outer robes were missing, and there were scratched holes in the thin shirts, stained with dust, and they could even see the traces left by the fall. .

The shoes on the feet were also very dirty, and there were a lot of places on the side of the shoes that were worn and covered with green plant juice.

There are also two old faces with a lot of finely broken blood scars, scattered hair, and looked extremely embarrassed.

This shows that the two old men have traveled a long distance, and the road conditions are extremely bad, they escaped!

The hearts of the people were screwed together.

Liu Yusheng took a deep breath, gave the two old men needles, and fed them potions. The crowd waited around the bedside, no one moved.

Soon, the old man woke up leisurely. The first person to open his eyes was Father Liu. After his eyes were clear and he was familiar with the bad situation and the people around him, he immediately sat up. "Hurry up, save people, know Xia! To rescue ... "

"Go and save Girl Li! Hurry!" The wife also opened her eyes, her expression agitated and anxious, the person was still weak and could not sit still, she could only yell anxiously, "East, the suburban suburb of Maoershan, there are bandits, go and save people what!"

"Grandpa, grandma, don't be excited. Slowly, my elder brother will transfer someone right away!" Liu Yusheng quickly caught the old lady's waving hand and held her tightly in her arms. "Clarify things, my elder brother can be faster. Save people back, milk, take your time! "

"It's too late ... it's probably too late ..." the old woman murmured, tears running down the corner of her eyes, blank and guilty.

A few people at the bed watched the old lady cry like this, their hearts twisted into a ball, and they felt bad.

"In my case, your grandma can't calm down!" The old man patted his guilty and painful wife, and quickly and concisely said what happened. "The life of our two elders was saved by the girl of the Li family. She cited People ran in the other direction, looking at the sky. It's been more than an hour since we ran out for help, but unfortunately, we fainted in the middle! Zhixia, hurry up and send someone! I ... this is The old man's only shame in his life! "

Liu Zhixia nodded, "I ordered it immediately!"

Said that people rushed to Yemen to adjust orders.

In any case, try to get there the shortest time possible, maybe ... maybe there is still a chance!

Listening to the old man telling the story, the wife was sobbing, Liu Yusheng and others were also mixed, and at the same time, they were shocked.

To Li Junyue.

Between them and Li Junyue, in fact, there wasn't much intersection at all. If there were, they had only met a few times.

Li Junyue gave them the impression that she was an ordinary woman in a deep house. She had the scheming and calculations of a woman in a big mansion, and she always liked to disguise.

No one here is blind-eyed, how can you not see that Li Junyue lives in a mask.

Because of this, none of them accepted the woman.

But it was such a person who saved the Liu family three times.

Liu Yusheng knows this best. Li Junyue gave up to save the second brother twice. At that time, she could still think that the other party had the deepest affection for the second brother. But this time when she encountered difficulties with her grandmother, she still made a pass Unexpected and shocking choice.

She suddenly didn't understand what kind of woman Li Junyue was.

What made her make this choice, and what was it?

Is it Love House and Black?

Reaching out to hug the crying grandma, Liu Yusheng slowly reddened his eyes.

She almost lost the most important person in her life.

She sincerely appreciates Li Junyue.

Liu Zhixia over there has personally made people go to Maoershan. Here, Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou also returned to the restaurant to inform the news of the old man's return. At the same time, they went to Maoershan to search. With more people and more power, Li Junyue ’s chances of survival will also increase. .

Liu Yusheng and Fu Yuzheng accompanied the two elders in the house.

When people came back safely, Xue Qinglian could not see the tears of several people, and stretched back to the room.

The door closed, watching the person appearing in front of him, lazy look unchanged.

"Master, on the halfway to Yunzhou, his subordinates found that the two old Liu families were lying unconscious on the roadside, and immediately sent people to the corner of the Fuyao door. No one was around at the time."

"Where is Li Junyue?"

"On the treetops under the cliffs of Maoershan Mountain, I don't know whether life or death. The master didn't tell him, his subordinates ignored it."

"Come on, don't run out and shake, if your grandfather is gone, pick your heads."


"Wait a minute, and lead the stupid idiot down the cliff."

"But the master wants to save Li Junyue?"

"I asked you to ask a question?"

"... subordinates do it!"

When the others flashed, Xue Qinglian walked to the bed with her hands on her pillows and her legs crossed.

After a while, irritability turned over.

Sit up.

He was a bit desperate.

This will not work, he is dead.

With the Liu family, he will become the Virgin.

The Liu family is all poisonous!

Forget it, this is the last time.

If Li Junyue can't come back, the old lady's eyes will cry blindly, and the two old guys will laugh in this life.

the last time.

Really the last time.

When Liu Zhixia rushed to Maoershan, there was no sound in the mountain top village, and only one body and the shocking blood stains described that there had been a killing here.

I searched around and finally found a shivering little girl in the firewood haystack behind the stockade.

"Master, the rest are dead!"

Liu Zhixia looked down, looking at the little girl full of fear.

1500, the higher the debt, the higher the barriers, if you let yourself go, crying will have to honor the hahaha ~ little fairies! Come, keep asking for abuse! Tickets rushed duck!

(End of this chapter)