Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 630: He can still bear fruit

Lot 630 Absentee Bid $

On the third day after Xue Qinglian left, Feng Qingbai and his party arrived on schedule.

Hearing that someone had returned, Liu Yusheng ran to the outer courtyard with a skirt in his skirt.

The whole little face was as bright as light.

Shi Xianrou and Liu Muqiu slowly walked behind, shaking their heads and teasing, "Looking at Fu Yi, you know what is falling in love."

"What about you and Shaodong's?" Xiao Bailian was curious.

"I and our little gold are in love every day," patted the girl's thin and thin shoulders, Shi Xianrou isolated, "Little Bailian, work hard, the next couple is you, I am optimistic about you."

Xiao Bailian's shoulders collapsed. "I'm optimistic about what I'm doing. I'm almost out of confidence. I feel that Brother Qiu is an iron tree that won't bloom."

An iron tree who was about to step out of the Second Hospital paused and twitched his face.

Will he not bloom?

Not only will he bloom, he will bear fruit!

"Wind cypress!"

In the front yard, the little girl and Ruyan cast a forest and darted it into Junyi's man's arms.

"I'm back." Feng Qingbai showed her lips slightly, lowered her head, and her eyes were full of only a woman.

Can the elders standing in the yard still be stunned?

I can only open my eyes and close my eyes.

Even Liu Da looked up at the sky when he couldn't see it.

The daughter is outgoing and cannot return.

With the other two who would be pulled by Feng Qingbai together, the little old man Jiu Lao was looking at the entire Liu Family Courtyard, and Wei Lan took a poke to Wei Hong. "Wei Dahong, I am back."

"Well." Wei Hong crossed her arms with her arms and looked at Wei Lan with a squint. "Fat."

"..." Would you talk to someone? Can you chat?

He took out the small bronze mirror in his arms and shot it from left to right, Wei Lan changed countless angles, trying to find strong evidence to prove that he was still perfect, and finally found a double chin in the mirror.

"Slap." The mirror broke.

There, Shi Xianrou, Liu Muqiu, and Liu Zhiqiu and Qian Wanjin also arrived at the outer courtyard one after another.

I saw the people in the courtyard at a glance.

"How long has this been held? I don't let it go, it's boring and weary!" Qian Wanjin shouted at Feng Qingbai with his hands on his hips.

The man began to look up at this side, his narrow eyes narrowed, and Qian Qianjin swept across, like a cold front, which scared Qian Wanjin carefully and his liver trembled.

Liu Muqiu was the first time to see this legendary prince.

The title Nanling King, regent.

The purple robe was noble and elegant, with a long eyebrow and a straight, straight temperament, but not too sharp.

He was most impressed by his uncle's eyes.

It's like looking at your only treasure.

Quietly pulling on the sleeves of Shixian Rou with one hand, Liu Muqiu whispered, "Xiao Rou, shall we salute?"

No one in the Liu family compound moved, and she didn't dare to act rashly, otherwise she would be ashamed of her family.

"No, it ’s all my family, what kind of courtesy, as long as there is a blessing, Wang Ye and us are the same generation. No one is big or small, who is high or low." Shi Xianrou laughed.

If there is a place in the world where Feng Qingbai will not display, only the Liu Family Courtyard is in front of the Liu Family.

"This yard is nice, full of farmhouse atmosphere, the village is good, the atmosphere is good, and the old man will live here." After observing the front yard, the old man squeezed in, "Little girl, do n’t forget you promised After me, the old man will drink wine in the future. "

Withdrawing from Feng Qingbai's arms, Liu Yusheng looked at Jiu Lao. "There is no problem with Bao Yuan, but you can't drink too much every day, only one altar."

"How can there be only one jar? Little old man is happy without wine. Other people have three meals a day. I have three wines a day ..."

"Grandpa, grandma, I will ask you to help the supervisor in the future. If he drinks too much, he will not give him a drink the next day."

Father Liu smiled at his wife, "Okay, the two of us are watching."

They have a relationship with Jiu Lao. At the beginning of the Golden Palace, it was Jiu Lao who relied on him to reverse the situation for their family and turn the Kyoto Yanagi family into a branch.

Hearing that when he got here, he not only couldn't drink happily, but was also detained. The old man immediately wanted to get rid of his legs and left. In the end, he gritted his teeth and left it. In fact, he couldn't bear the special wine made by the little girl!

He recognized even if there was only one jar in a day!

Feng Qingbai and Wei Lan are back, and they have an old wine.

The two daughters-in-law of the Liu family reorganized the guest house and cleared the clean room.

Fortunately, when the house was originally built, there were two extra rooms in the room, otherwise there were more and more people and it was really not enough.

"It's still early now. I'll go to the cooking room to prepare meals. You've just arrived home and you're going to rest." The family didn't need to say too much.

His face is cheerful.

Many people are lively. If Xia and Yuzheng are also there, then they will live together as a family. The feeling for the elderly is as happy as the New Year.

People are getting old and getting older, the most favorite thing is to watch the children around them neatly.

Watching the elders return to the house, Jiu Lao and the old man had a talk together. Wei Lan followed Wei Hong's buttocks and returned to the guest house. Feng Qingbai then led his young girl to the inner courtyard.

Shi Xianrou and others knew each other and didn't bother. A few people made up a bunch and went for fun by themselves.

The refurbished inner courtyard is almost the same as before, except that the setting in the courtyard has changed slightly. The strange flowers that were replanted on both sides of the bluestone slab road have disappeared and turned into a pot of valuable potted plants.

Walked to the stone table, pulled the girl to sit on her lap, embraced the person, Feng Qingbai closed her eyes.

It is summer in July, and the sunlight after noon is still violent.

Therefore, the stone table and stone bench are placed under the green bamboo bushes in the courtyard corner, covered with green bamboo, and smelling the fresh bamboo fragrance, people can relax unconsciously.

"It's better to go home." The man sighed.

"Then stay at home for a few more days." Liu Yusheng smiled slightly, his eyes narrowed.

She knew that he must be here in a hurry, and he would not be able to stay at home for a long time and had to go back to work on government affairs.

Even so, she was happy every time he returned, and he made time to accompany her.

"Did you deal with government affairs again and leave a few days back and forth?"

"No, the government affairs let Feng Moyu handle it by himself." However, he did stay for a short time and only had a few days. "In August, Qin Xiao returned to the DPRK and returned with him at the same time. I will be busy for months. "

That is, only now can he find a chance to come back.

"Qin Xiao is going back? Isn't he always staying at the border?" Liu Yusheng was surprised. She hadn't seen Qin Xiao, but knew that he stayed outside the border all year round, so he had high prestige in the army.

"Bei Cang has dispatched him, so he naturally has to return to negotiate with each other."

Chapter two. There's another chapter to be late and rushing—I am an orange who sleeps later than dogs and gets up earlier than chickens hahaha

(End of this chapter)