Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 644: Prince in a wheelchair

Chapter 644: Lord On Wheelchair

"Brother Zhiqiu! You, you don't understand the style!"

Liu Zhiqiu was sulking in the door.

I go!

He still doesn't understand the style?

Hold your heartbeat and speed up?

What do you want?

The heart was beating in the chest, Liu Zhiqiu looked down, raised his fist, and slammed hard.

Bang, muted.

Damn it's totally useless.

The next day, Xiao Bailian walked and whirled, and her mouth hummed.

Liu Yusheng and Shi Xianrou identified that it was soup.

The storm at home about Kang Ziyu was completely gone. After lunch the next day, Feng Qingbai set off for Yunzhou and returned to Beijing by boat from Yunzhou.

Shi Xianrou and Qian Wanjin also need to return to Beijing once, leaving too long, things need to be taken care of.

Moreover, the floods in Yunzhou worried the family members and had to go back and show their faces, otherwise it would be too unconscience.

The two followed Feng Qingbai together.

Liu Yusheng did not go to Yunzhou to see him off.

Compared to the first time when she followed Feng Qingbai's separation, she can now control her emotions.

Just when the man was on a business trip and things were done, the man returned.

As for Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou, there is nothing more sad. People can come back within three months.

The business is here.

Instead, the old lady came sadder than her.

"As soon as people walked around, the yard seemed deserted." The wife sighed.

People always like to be more lively when they are old, and they are happy when they watch their children and grandchildren turn around.

"Don't sigh. It won't take long for people to come back and think about so many things, and the children have something to do." The old man advised that even if the children at home were busy, did he still accompany the wife.

"Dairy, if you like to be lively, I will keep the courtyard full of noisy all day long, with me here, a top concubine." Liu Zhiqiu laughed and laughed.

Before Liu Muqiu came, he heard the words and immediately answered, "I'm the two!"

Liu Yusheng shook his head, "What the **** is this, I'll beat you both."

The wife was sullen and laughed by the three. "You have the weakest skills."

Sit back to the house again, look at the family who has nothing to do, and the old man hummed. "If you leave it at this time, you will have to watch the water at this time. This year, the fields are ravaged, and the rice grains are not harvested. Most of the people in the village are idle. The sun went down late, and the village entrance was full of idlers. "

"Yeah, the grain is not harvested." The wife also sighed. "Fortunately, our family kept the grain at that time, and it was well-preserved. Others didn't have such a situation. Yesterday, people who came back from the village said that rice shop was outside. Are selling more and more expensive rice. "

"It's all about making a fortune." Liu Dadao, his face was not very good-looking, "No business is treacherous, while the people are short of rice grains at this time, those rice merchants pay one price a day, and two months later, I don't know how much People can afford it. "

Liu Yusheng scratched his chin. I didn't know what the topic was. It looked like the family was worried about rice. "Master, milk, father, mother, don't worry about it. They will definitely take measures against this phenomenon and will not leave the people without food. "

"Yes, there is Asho and Xiaofenger, they will definitely have a way to rectify." The family nodded in unison.

Feng Qingbai and Xiaofenger are in the eyes of Mingjun.

Definitely can't do mediocrity, no matter what the people are suffering.

Let's put this topic aside, the life of the family is still low-key and calm.

In early August, the news of General Qin Xiao's division returning to the DPRK spread throughout Nanling.

In the city where the army passed, the people greeted each other and cheered.

The return of the master to the triumph was either a triumphant return or no battle to fight, all indicating that the border customs can get a short period of peace.

As long as there is no war, it is good for the people.

The Royal Palace hosted a banquet to entertain the heroes who returned to the DPRK. Today, the military generals who have performed military commendations have been rewarded, and they have been talked about in the whole of Beijing.

In mid-August, the delegation of Beicang also arrived in Beijing, and Feng Qingbai personally greeted the station.

Someone who surprised him appeared in the mission.

The white clothes fluttered out of the dust, but also made people paler.

The long eyebrows and phoenix eyes are beautiful and beautiful, but they are weak and temperamental due to the sickness.

He is in a wheelchair.

Feng Qingbai's eyelids shrank, "Duan Ting?"

The man looked at him and smiled slightly, "King of Nanling, Feng Qingbai?"

"Jiu Yang Daiming."


Duan Ting, the 14th prince of Beicang, Wang Ting as the title, Wen Tao and Wu Lue, were shocked and brilliant, however, they were young and bad.

As the regent, you need to know the royal families of the surrounding countries.

Duan Ting is one of the fears of Feng Qingbai.

The ambassadors arrived, and the palace hosted a banquet to receive the wind and dust.

When Feng Mozhen saw Duan Ting, his eyes flashed with surprise. Fortunately, he had been with the emperor for a long time, and his facial expressions were properly controlled, otherwise his emperor would make a joke.

This time Beicang came to make all their identities. In addition to the 14th prince, there was also Bei Cang general Luo Beichuan, Bei Cang's well-known literary minister Shu Yixian, and several other military and military officials, and two served Duan Ting's palace slave girl.

At the reception party, the atmosphere was quite pleasant.

Qin Xiao and Zuo Xiang were sitting at the top of the two sides, laughing with the guests, and no one talked about the purpose of the Beicang mission this time.

It's as if the other party is here for sightseeing.

The two countries have fought at the border for more than ten years. The generals of the two sides have fought countless times before. They drank alcohol, just like two friends they hadn't seen in years, and laughed.

Each one has a city house.

Feng Qingbai has the same status as Duan Ting, and sits together.

Raised the glass, "My King has been known to King Ting for a long time, this King of Wine respects you."

"The king of Nanling is like a thunderbolt. The king is also fascinated for a long time. It is better to meet, please." Duan Ting also raised his glass and drank it.

Seeing him drinking like this, the waitress who waited around seemed to want to stop him.

Feng Qingbai looked at everything and raised his lips. "This is my health wine that is popular in Nanling. It is different from ordinary wine. It is better to drink one or two glasses. It should not be intoxicating."

"Health wine? I have heard about it in Beicang. The health wine of Xinghua Village in Nanling has a mellow taste, which can make people want to stop it. Today, it is indeed. Laughing, "Xinghua Village Wine, from Xinghua Village, I heard that it is a very magical place ..."

Raising his eyes, "I don't know if my King is lucky, go to see it?"

Feng Qingboton lowered the wine slowly, lowering the jug slowly, raising his long eyes slightly, looking directly at Duan Ting, his eyes were deep and difficult to distinguish.

"King Nanling refuses?"

"I don't know, King Ting was a wine lover?"

(End of this chapter)