Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 655: Just guard

Chapter 655: Only Guardian

Liu Muqiu was also nearby, but his focus was completely different from them. "Brother Zhiqiu, if you cure him, how much money can you pay for the consultation?"

Liu Zhiqiu's mouth was drawn, and he was a little speechless. He always felt as if something was going in the wrong direction.

Is it because he hangs his debts around his mouth all day, so he has cultivated Xiao Bailian into a small fortune fan?

Can it be changed?

"The king is the prince, and it must be rich. When he is cured, I will definitely need some rest. If I bring him tea and hot water every day, I will take good care of him. Get some silver. "

Liu Zhiqiu directly supported the amount and taught Xiao Bailian, "It's tiring and troublesome to do this, I still have less silver. You might as well help me write down some of my uncle's daily life and some things I don't know. Then I will sell to Feng Qingbai. There are at least a thousand and two going up, and only earning one or two or two, what's the point? That would have to be saved until the year of the monkey, and then you can save a sum of money. Also, let me tell you, I want to make money, and I want to make money It ’s also easy to pull on your body. Come here, I will teach you how ... ”

Liu Muqiu's eyes glowed.

Feng Qingbai got up and walked away without wanting to talk to them anymore.

Now the younger generation in the family is left with Liu Zhiqiu and Liu Muqiu at home, but both are staring at the money in his pocket.

He also openly discussed in front of him how to pull silver out of him.

If he didn't leave, he was worried that he would kill someone by accident.

In the consulting room, Liu Yusheng had given Duan Ting a numbness and removed the surgical instruments that had been sterilized.

He walked towards him in the stare of the other when he saw the surgical appliance too surprised.

When Duan Ting's eyelids gradually fell, he began to stab him.

The medical conditions in ancient times were too crude, and the materials needed for bone graft fusion were not comprehensive.

She can only remove his two skeletal bones from Duan Ting, fill them with the missing one on the spine, grow them together, and fix them.

For her, this operation was more difficult than Chang Kai's craniotomy.

In the process, a lot of spiritual spring water is needed.

Otherwise, let alone bone regeneration, Duan Ting's life can be killed by infection alone.

And this time the main sword was only her, and she didn't even have a helper, which was a great challenge for her, let alone the energy and time spent.

The surgery that started in the morning was already afternoon when she walked out of the office with a tired expression.

It took almost three hours.

If the operation is modern, two hours is enough.

Many people waited at the door.

Seeing the clinic room door open, the girl came out, Feng Qingbai stepped forward to pick her up, and was ready to go to the inner courtyard.

Liu Yusheng quickly stopped him. "Wind and cypress, wait, I have something to explain."

In addition to him at the door, there were two maids of Duan Ting, as well as Liu Zhiqiu, Liu Muqiu, the grandfather and the old woman.

After Feng Qingbo paused, Liu Yusheng explained in detail with the two maids some details that need attention in postoperative care and recovery. "... At least two more hours before he wakes up. Do not flip him during this time. I will first Go take a rest, and wait until I wake up. "

Without waiting for others to respond, Feng Qingbai took another step and went straight to the inner court.

Ordinary people just stand outside for three hours. After a long time, their legs and feet are panicked. Besides, the young girl spent so much energy performing surgery inside. The exhaustion on her face was distressing just to look at it.

Liu Yusheng fell asleep on the bed, and when he woke up, the night had fallen.

The room didn't know when it had been turned on.

In front of her bed, the man quietly accompanied.

"Feng Qingbai, how long have I slept?" She smiled at the man.

Touching her cheek, Feng Qingbai lightly said, "Less than two hours. If you are still sleepy, you will sleep again. The people in the clinic have not yet woken up. If you wake up, I will call you again."

Liu Yusheng shook his head and sat up slowly, "I can't sleep after waking up, I went to see. The family didn't know much about postoperative care, lest anyone have any questions to ask."

Feng Qingbai couldn't stop it, so she had to accompany her to the clinic.

The girl has an unusual attachment in some aspects, which is her sense of responsibility as a healer.

This way she shines more than ever.

He didn't want to imprison, but just to guard.

Entering the consultation room, Duan Ting's two maids stood quietly, waiting for the sleeping person to wake up. But his body was a little tight and seemed helpless. When he saw Liu Yusheng coming in, he was relieved.

As a maid, you naturally take care of the master.

But now Wang Ye has just finished the operation and people haven't woken up yet. The wound was tied with a thick cloth, and the blood stains leaked out, and they were seeping. They dare not touch them even if they want to wait.

"Girl Liu." The two stood up at the same time, saluting Liu Yusheng and Feng Qingbai.

Liu Yusheng waved his hands, made a snoring gesture to the two, went to the couch to cut the veins of the sleeping person, and reviewed his condition after surgery.

As soon as his hand hit the opponent's wrist, the man woke up leisurely and looked at her quietly without saying a word.

Until she was done, she asked, "How?"

The voice was hoarse and extremely weak.

The pain from the back spine made him frown, and at the same time, the bottom of his eyes flashed with surprise.

In the past, that part was unconscious, but now he can feel pain. Does that mean that the consciousness of his lower body is slowly recovering?

"Mabosan's medicinal effects have already begun, and then you will gradually feel the pain, and it will become more and more severe. There is no other way, you can only hold back, when you can't help it, call me again , I'll give you painkillers. "Liu Yusheng said lightly.

"When can I recover?" This was his biggest concern.

"If there is no accident, the bones should be fully integrated for a half month of rest. At that time, you can barely sit up, but you cannot move freely. If the nerves are well restored, you can walk down for about two or three months and want to really return to activity. It must be free for more than six months. And when it is restored, it ca n’t do too much severe bone damage and prevent secondary damage like a real normal person. "

"Must be more than half a year?" These words made Duan Ting frown.

Liu Yusheng ignored him and looked at the two maids. "During the time when his bones are fused, he can't move at will. Just let him lie here temporarily, and you need to be careful with your daily care. I'll open later Take a prescription, drink two patches a day after you grab the medicine, and you ca n’t stop for half a month. "

"Thank you, Miss Liu." The two maids saluted again.

They have no objection to a complete improvement after six months.

(End of this chapter)