Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 659: Why read the past again

Chapter 659

The main hall of Jin Mao, Man and Wu separated on both sides.

The boy on the dragon chair turned dark and condensed.

The atmosphere of the whole hall was dull and depressed.

Feng Qingbai stood at the head of the hundred officials, leaning slightly to look around the crowd, "King Ting disappeared, General Bei Cang was assassinated, and everything happened at the border with me. Now the Bei Cang royal family is furious, and the two countries may start troops at any time. Is there a way out? "

Baiguan is silent.

The civil servants are headed by the left, with their hands folded, eyes and noses and hearts, without saying a word.

The military attache's list led by Qin Xiao, his sight was slightly down, not to mention a word.

Feng Qingbai narrowed his eyes and named, "General Qin Xiao once fought with General Bei Cang numerous times before the battle. Today he was assassinated. The situation between the two countries is about to break out. What's the general's opinion on this?"

Qin Xiao came out, "Back to the Lord, Bekang General Luo Beichuan has been stationed at the border for more than ten years. He has a very high status in the hearts of the people in Bekang. This time he was assassinated, and Bekang was upset and upset. I think that this is because someone with a heart is trying to calculate. However, no matter what the situation is, I am a big country in Nanling, and I will definitely not fear him. He will fight if he wants to fight!

The ranks of military attaches behind him were immediately echoed.

"The general is right! I am a country with a wealthy country and a strong country, and I am afraid that his Beicang will not succeed! If you want to fight, fight!"

"Although a person had an accident in our Nanling, but why the matter had not been fully investigated, Beicang pointed his finger at my Nanling, ignoring right and wrong, trying to deceive me of Nanling, think of it!"

"The minister also agreed that if you want to fight, fight!"

In the ranks of military attachés, there was a shuddering voice to fight.

Feng Qingbai condensed Qin Xiao and indifferently said, "The general is loyal to my Nanling, and I am not afraid of it. However, once a war is set off, the people will surely suffer from the war. It will also make those behind the scenes do as they wish. Watching the two tigers fighting each other, taking advantage of the fisherman. So I Nanling, has it become a **** in the hands of others, laughing at the world! "

As soon as this remark came out, the voice of second opinion gradually lowered.

Qin Xiao arched his hand again, "The king said that it is extremely true. The court guards the border all day long, and it is no problem to fight in battle. However, these curves and turns are really confused. It is impossible for the emperor and the king to worry, and the old minister is ashamed."

Feng Moyu looked even heavier on the dragon chair, cursing an old fox.

It's all this time, and I'm still pretending to be there, except for showing loyalty in front of Baiguan again.

"The general is my country's general in Nanling Town, guarding the borders and keeping the people safe, and the general's contribution is indispensable. How can he be arrogant?" Feng Qingbai raised his arm to Qin Xiao, and then turned to the rank of civilian official. "Zuo Xianggui is a civil official First, there is nothing to say about this? "

The left is listed, "Go back to the emperor, go back to the king, the attitude of the minister is always the same. Regardless of the decision the emperor makes with the king, the minister will always support it. The king has a strategy and a talent for the world. . "

"The minister waited but the Lord ordered!"

This early discussion has been going on for several days, and every day is so stalemate.

From the initial heated discussions to the present, there is nothing to say. There has been no progress at all.

After San Chao, returned to Yu Shufang, the uncle and nephew looked like Shen Ning withdrew.

"The Manchu dynasty, Wuling and Nanling were known as the Great Powers. But when they encountered such a thing, none of them could give a useful opinion, either the main battle or the main peace! All the breeding was a bunch of waste!" Feng Mo angered, " When is all this time, everyone is still thinking about that point of care! If the country is broken, can everyone be all right? "

Feng Qingbai listened to the boy's chattering curse, and there was no unnecessary fluctuation on his face.

"National chaos is the best time to seize power. Don't think people who have thoughts miss it. Don't think they are stupid. Everyone is famous in their hearts."

"The two countries are in an urgent situation and things happened in Nanling. No matter what the reason, we must give Beicang an explanation. It is imperative that Beicang be envoyed." Feng Moquan knew everything, his eyes were cold, "Uncle Huang, those Do you want to make waves in the wild while you are here? "

"I really want to travel. I will definitely go. As soon as I leave, you will be left alone. This is the opportunity for those people."

"They look down on me too!" Feng Moyu sneered.

Feng Qingbai glanced at him lightly, "You look at yourself too high."

"..." Touching his nose, Feng Moyu turned into a dog leg. "I know that Uncle Huang is going to travel, and he will certainly help me to do everything before leaving. I don't look at myself, I trust Uncle Huang. "

Forefinger tapped on his knee, Feng Qingbai looked out of the window, his eyes were far away.

He didn't answer Feng Moyu's words.

The hall of the Golden Crest was scattered earlier than before.

When the emperor walked with the royal lord to the apse, the ministers scattered from the front door, and they were whispered along the way. Everyone talked about the major events in the DPRK.

Qin Xiao walked side by side with the left phase.

"The words said by the general in the upward direction were in his ears, and the old man was very impressed with the sincerity of the general."

"The Zuo Xiang is not too embarrassed, and the country is in danger. The Zuo Xiang can let go of his prejudice. The prince is the first to look forward to the horse, and it is also called the old man's admiration."

Zuo Xiang smiled, "Now that the country is in trouble, I will wait to unite as one to resist foreign enemies. This time, Wang Ye's trip to Beicang will definitely take place. The emperor is still young. Once Wang Ye leaves, there will be no one to take care of the things in China As a courtier, take care of the emperor. This is what the old man can only do. "

"Zuo Xiang said that the emperor is young and can't be without people. Zuo Xiang's abdomen has economy and is a good candidate for him. The old man here first congratulates Zuo Xiang."

"Dare not dare."

Walking down the long staircase outside the Hall of the Golden Dragon, the two parted ways.

Zuo Xiang stepped back a few steps and looked at the back of Qin Xiao going to the other side. A meaningful sneer was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

The Yangxin Hall is located in the northernmost part of the harem, and there are not many left and right palaces.

Suitable for mindful rest.

Approaching, I could hear the sound of wooden fish in the temple.

Once in a while, falling in the ears can make people calm and restless.

When seeing the people coming from the palace, Gongzhen immediately blessed himself and saw the ceremony. Qin Xiao waved his hand, waved people back, pushed open the hall door and went in.

The closer you get, the clearer the wooden fish sound.

Qin Xiao stopped walking, closed his eyes, and finally sighed.

"I'll see you. Maybe come in?"

There was a pause in the sound of Muyu, and it continued again, but no one was heard.

"Nanling is going to be chaotic. I may go to war at any time. At first sight, wouldn't you want to?"

"Identities are different. The old man always accompanied the green lantern and the ancient Buddha. Regardless of common affairs, why should the general come to read the story again?"

After a moment of silence, Qin Xiao reached out and touched the bronze clasp in front of the hall. "To this day, can't you let go ... Aman."

(End of this chapter)