Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 665: Life is so jealous

Chapter 665: Life Is So Enviable

"In fact, in addition to the rumor, some people in Yunzhou City have recently made a profit in the name of relatives of the Liu family. The lady of the prefecture has not gone out because she has been pregnant for a long time. Tell the matter so she doesn't get angry. "

"You know who it is?"

The four women glanced at each other. "Meng's daughter-in-law, Li Junhua."

At that time, Liu Muqiu had been summoned by Liu Zhiqiu, and he chose the new clothes together with him.

The season is already November, and the weather is getting colder. It will be more than half a month before the New Year.

The elders in the family are all focused on Xiao Jinsun, and there is no time to prepare for the New Year's stuff.

Liu Zhiqiu felt that he had a role to play, how to say that he also pitted his elder brother for five or two dollars and had to give back.

Therefore, he picked his favorite fabric, and by the way took a pair of light yellow satin, plus a piece of fox fur and a leather, and led Xiao Bailian out.

"Brother Zhiqiu, where shall we go?"

"It's almost Chinese New Year. Of course, I'm going to make new clothes for myself. The master of cloth making in the city is good at making a little money. I can do it in a few days. When we get the new clothes, we will go home for Chinese New Year.

Following the man's buttocks, he followed the steps, "I'll make clothes, otherwise we don't have to go to the master to do it, so I can save some money."

"Save, spend the money of your eldest brother, don't be distressed. Holding the embroidery needle all day without hurting your eyes?"

"..." Liu Muqiu stopped talking and went back to cover the embroidery in his room.

The bustling city is not comparable to Cangwu Town and Xiangshan County.

After the flood, several months of rest and rest have been restored. People on the streets have come and gone, and the haze brought by the flood can no longer be seen from the faces of the people.

He took the cloth fur and other cloth to the cloth line and gave it to the cloth line embroidery mother. Liu Zhiqiu walked slowly along the street with a small tail, and did not rush back.

"Brother Zhiqiu, since you want to make new clothes, you should pick a few more pieces of cloth. Grandma, uncle, and uncle's new clothes are not yet on."

"Rest assured, some of them are dressed, and my elder brother ordered his servants to help them out in the morning."

"... Someone rushed to make the system, why do we still come to spend money."

Liu Zhiqiu paused for a while, then proceeded forward as if nothing had happened.

Can he say that he just made an excuse and wanted to take her out to visit the city?

The woman was still walking beside him, and she looked like a little daughter-in-law.

Sighing silently, reaching out and holding her.

"There are many hawkers on the street. They sell a lot of things, the price is not expensive, and the things are not very good. I can afford them if you like them."

At the moment his hands were held, Liu Muqiu felt that the whole soul was flying.

Mumu followed in his steps, listening to his voice, and understood, but he couldn't react.

A heart throbbed and throbbed in the chest, beating fast and eagerly.

"Why are your hands so cold?" The man turned his head, his eyebrows frowned.

"I, I'm afraid of the cold!" Then, the small hand immediately gripped his large hand back, and lowered his head to get him closer, the arc of the mouth could not be pressed.

He was on the street, holding her hand!

Does this mean that she is one step closer to him?

Turning his head, he continued to walk slowly in the crowd, Liu Zhiqiu tilted his mouth.

Alas, this response is acceptable.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, hawkers want to make more money than they did a year ago, and they are full of shouts and hellos touting goods.

I took a glance at the stalls and looked at them, and finally stopped at a stall selling dumplings.

"Look, you like it."

Liu Muqiu endured joy and shyness. Looking at the goods on the stall, he saw that the dumplings on the stall were expensive and cheap. There were cheap wooden clams, better ones including silver flower clams and jade clams of average texture. Those in the upper shops are exquisite and superior, but in terms of the identity of their rural households, they are the most suitable.

I have looked at Yiying carefully, and I don't think the man sent her these cheap things to embarrass.

In the end, Liu Muqiu took one of the wooden carved plum blossoms. This was the first time he officially gave her a gift, and she was very happy.

"Just this?"

"That's all." She nodded, and frowned slightly at him.

Eyes were clear, without the slightest camouflage.

Liu Zhiqiu hooked his lips and found out twenty copper plates and handed them to the hawker.

Then he looked at her and felt that something should be explained, "Little Bailian, I think you are a bit misunderstood, I can afford it ..."

You can't escape the word in the future, and there is a discordant voice next to it.

"Sister Five? Really you ?!"

The two turned their heads and faced each other with heavy makeup.

Liu Zhiqiu frowned immediately, vulgar.

Who is this person?

Five sisters? Li's?

There is also a man standing next to the gaudy woman, her eyebrows are still pretty, but the other person's look at Xiao Bailian is more unpleasant than that vulgar woman.

"You recognize the wrong person." Liu Muqiu glanced at each other, tightening his hand slightly.

"Look at Sister Five, how can you recognize the wrong person? Anyway, you have also been a sister for more than ten years. You are now climbing to the Liu family, and you don't need to raise your horizons to recognize people?" There was no smile at all.

With jealousy.

Then he turned around and asked the man next to him, "Fu Jun, you have seen five sisters before, should you still recognize them?"

The man, Meng Yushan, looked at Liu Muqiu with complex eyes, and finally nodded, "Jun Yue girl."

"My name is Liu Muqiu. It has nothing to do with Li Junyue and nothing to do with the Li family."

Li Junhua's eyes flashed, they did already know that.

Even people like grandmother had to let go of Li Junyue. It can be seen that the Liu family did have a strong background, and it was not the Li family who could afford it.

Li Junyue really did it. He jumped out of the cage of the Li family and entered the Liujiafu nest.

Life is so jealous.

However, she was thinking about marrying into the Meng family, but she did not expect that the situation would change overnight.

The Meng family was slain by the official post and fell from the official's house. In the end, they were not even famous, and they had to rely on the family property left by their ancestors.

Everyone pushed the wall, the situation changed, and the treatment changed.

In the past, people who came to the Meng family often stayed away from the Meng family, and even ended up looking at other people's faces in turn.

Different lives, the more you think about it, the worse your mood is!

The sight fell on the wooden mule in Liu Muqiu's hand, Li Junhua smiled, "My sister is so lucky, and now she is the Liu family. But there are people with several wineries in my hand. Why, go to the street and buy this for yourself Things? It's too shabby, isn't it that you are at Liu's house and not as good as we thought? "

Tonight, the little fairies ~ I'm sorry I can't write it, my inspiration is exhausted, I will upload two more chapters at noon during the day. Hope to understand, what?

(End of this chapter)