Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 673: Ca n’t you rely on it?

Chapter 673 Can't Rely On, Is It Still Called Backing (Debt Repayment 22)

Li Junhua, who slapped him, did not dare to say a word.

If she dares to rebel against her grandmother, she will not be able to enter the gate of the Li family in the future.

Mrs. Li's slap is an attitude, and she officially announced that Hefu will be up and down, and Li Junyao will take care of her in the future.

Don't just do it.

Otherwise, in her style, she only needs to ask someone to slap her hands, there is no need to do it herself.

For so many years, has anyone ever seen Mrs. Li hitting someone with her own hands? Only this time, for Li Junyao.

Therefore, the people who watched from the sidelines, and even the house brothers who came over to the bustling house, were all embarrassed.

Looking at Liu Muqiu's eyes was more complicated.

Li Junhua is arguably the most favored of all the girls in Li Fu. Now, because of Liu Muqiu, she was beaten by the old lady.

Even she ended up like this. Who else dares to make waves?

Liu Muqiu turned over completely.

As things ended, Liu Zhiqiu took Liu Muqiu and Li Junyao out of Li's house.

Among the crowd, there were also Li Sanye and Madam Li San. Under the shock of Mrs. Li, no one dared to move around Liu Muqiu.

Similarly, passing by them, Liu Muqiu didn't even look at them, just like a stranger.

At the gate of Li House, two sighs of relief sounded at the same time.

Liu Zhiqiu looked at the two and put his mouth down. "Just how dare you grow up? Paper tiger."

Liu Muqiu was blushed.

At this point the body had lost the momentum just now in the inner court, and returned to the weak and harmless appearance. But she was relieved just now, not because she was afraid before, nor was she imposing. It's just that Li Fu's depressive power made her go out, she just felt relaxed.

Li Junyao was just nervous.

He never expected that Liu Zhiqiu would tell in public that he had been to Xinghua Village, nor did he think that his sister would slap Li Junhua in public in order to make an appearance for him. What surprised him most was the attitude of his grandmother. It is completely different from the dispensation when looking at him in the past.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhiqiu glanced secretly. He knew it must be what he said, that his grandmother would change his attitude.

Whether or not the other person helped him in the face of his sister, he was very grateful. "Thank you Brother Liu."

Raising her lips, she patted her with his big hand on the head of the young boy.

After all, turn around and get the carriage.

Li Junyao stared at his bright eyes and took the opportunity to get closer to Liu Muqiu, "Sister, is the person you have always liked?"

"He is the best man in the world." Even if his ears were red, Liu Muqiu said seriously.

She knew that the man wasn't so indifferent on the surface, but he was always the best in her eyes.

Let the sisters and brothers sit in a carriage and drive to a quiet place, walking slowly. Liu Zhiqiu originally intended to let the sisters and brothers have a good chat. However, they didn't talk to each other, but they were caught by the young boy.

"Brother Liu, you are so good that you can change your grandmother's attitude."

"Will I often go to Xinghua Village to see my sister?"

"Will you be my brother-in-law in the future?"

"Brother Liu, do you like my sister, my sister is very nice."

Along the way, the words of the young teenagers were full. The handsome young man sat in the car and drove up, looking up at the sky, while the girl hid in the carriage and did not dare to show her face, covered her face with her hands, and could not cover her face flushed.

It was already the second half of the day that Li Junyao was returned to Li Fu. The young man stood in front of the Fu Gate and looked at them, and then turned back until the carriage disappeared at the end of the street.

The horse's hoof kicked, melodiously sprinkled on the snow, sitting in the front of the car to catch the car, the cold wind blew on his head, hitting his face hurting.

Liu Muqiu tried to get out of the carriage and was pushed back by the man.

In the end, he could only reveal his head, looking at the man's back, his eyes dark.

"Brother Zhiqiu, today ... why did you do that?" Why do you help her so?

He could have ignored these things. And she knew that he did not like to cause trouble.

Taking Mrs. Li as a person and wanting her to treat Yaoer well, Zhiqiu's brother certainly promised her benefits.

The man glanced back at her, and said lightly, "Isn't I a patron behind me? If something can't be reached, is it called a patron?"

Liu Muqiu's eyes flashed, and then there was something shallow in the eyes, overflowing layer by layer.

With the corners of his eyes bent, his head rested gently against the man's wide back. Liu Muqiu whispered, "Brother Zhiqiu, I like you."

Looking ahead, looking at the white snow, Liu Zhiqiu's mouth was light.

he knows.

When he got home, Liu Zhiqiu told the family something briefly. Liu Muqiu listened beside him, twisting his fingers under his long sleeve.


She has left the Li family, but has caused such troubles. She is worried that her family will give birth to her.

"It turned out to be the case. Just fix it. Mu Qiu's things, don't let her be bullied." As the leader, Master Liu nodded and ordered a sentence.

Mrs. Liu also said, "Let Yao Boy come and go around more and more in the future. Okay, it's getting late, and hurry to eat."

With such an understatement, things turned.

Liu Muqiu slowly walked behind, watching the back of his family going to the stove, smiling little by little.

Here is her home.

Always will be.

And these family members will never abandon her or abandon her because of the troubles on her.


The next day, before the people in the inner yard got up, they heard the laughter from the front yard, which was mixed with strange sounds.

When Liu Yusheng and Liu Muqiu came out of the front yard, they saw a young man in a formal attire smiling at Yan Yan with his elders in the hall.

Liu Muqiu helped the amount.

Brother Zhiqiu promised yesterday that he could come to the Liu family courtyard to see her often, but he didn't need to come so fast?

It's only been one day.

Liu Yusheng looked at Liu Muqiu at this moment, covering his lips and laughing.

For the first time, she saw Xiaobailian show such a helpless expression, very lively. In the past, she was still cautious at the Liu family.

As for the young boy who ran out of the hall, there was a noticeable change from the last time.

The clothes on her body are brand new, and the whole person glows a relaxed and happy mood.

It can be seen that his treatment has changed in Li Fu.

"Sister Liu, sister!" The young boy who rushed over had bright eyes, and was a little embarrassed when he saw Liu Yusheng.

The last time I hid next to a vegetable garden, I was discovered by Sister Liu.

But because of her discovery, he changed his relationship with his sister and changed his situation. He was very grateful to her.

"Don't be embarrassed," said Liu Yusheng, clapping the young man's shoulders with a pat on the shoulder, "Come and see your sister in the future."

(End of this chapter)