Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 676: Just want to be closer to him (payment o

Chapter 676 Just Want To Be Closer To Him (Repayment Of Debt 25)

"Fu ... 囡 ... 囡 ... I ... back ... come ..." ...

As soon as I arrived at the door, before I entered the compound, I heard a voice like a spirit calling from above my head.

Liu Yusheng looked up at the corner of his mouth, and saw a certain gold lying on the wall, baring white teeth at her, and smiling with a smile.

Li Junyao stood in front of Liu Yusheng, "Who are you?"

Turned down from the wall, patted the dust on his hands, Qian Wanjin up and down Li Junyao a lot, "Fuhao, where did you pick this thing?"

"You are the thing!"

"Yes, I am something," Qian Wanjin nodded. "You are not something."


Liu Yusheng helped the amount of money, Qian Wanjin spoke, and he was ruled, "Don't be poor, this is Mu Qiu's brother, Li Junyao."

He said as he pushed the door into the courtyard, "It's a bit late to come back this year, what have you done?"

In the past years, Qian Wanjin immediately rushed to Xinghua Village, which usually arrived at the end of January, and was more than a month late this year.

"It's a big event." Qian Wanjin's eyebrows began to dance when he brought up the stubble. Don't mention it, "Remember before that you said to sell our wine to other countries? There is a door to this matter!"

If it weren't for this, he would have been back for so long?

Listening to the conversation between them, Li Junyao pointed at Qian Wanjin, "Oh! You are the owner of Wanjin Restaurant! You are also the owner of the wine shop!"

"Like thunder, right?"

"It's better to be famous than to meet."

Qian Wanjin's face was black.

"Oh!" Liu Yusheng smirked.

"Fuyao, this person doesn't understand Zun."

"The first one is cheap," not as comforting as comforting, Liu Yusheng pulled people into the hall, lest he continue to bully the child, "Tell me, are you looking for a channel to sell wine?"

"I found it. I went home a year ago and told my old man about it. She was more excited than me. Then she ran out every day. It was all his work. It did n’t matter to me. I came back late after the year. These are also for the exact news. "

Liu Yusheng wanted to help again, seeing his pride, and also described his dad as that, because the master is not here, otherwise he saved nothing.

She hadn't said it yet, and someone took the lead, "It's all your dad helping you, you're so proud of it!"

"Boy, have you ever done business? Do you know what a connection is?" Qian Wanjin slanted to the young man.

Li Junyao was not convinced, "Of course I understand, my family also does business! Isn't the network of relationships that I can use in my hands!"

"So you understand."

The tone of contempt made the young boy's nose crooked, "The connections are your father's, not yours!"

"It's enough to have a connection with my dad."


"Why didn't Xianrou come?" Liu Yusheng rubbed his face, and if Xianrou was there, he could cure the bully who slapped soft persimmons.

"Feng Qingbai went to Beicang, and she needed help in Jingcheng to watch. Can't come." Speaking of this, Qian Wanjin sat upright, mysterious, "Fuyi, do you know the foreign businessman my father contacted where?"

Liu Yusheng's heart beat down, his eyes lightened, "It won't be ..."

"That's right, it's Beicang, how's that? I'm funny? Knowing that you and the two are in love, help you build a bridge!"

For a moment of silence, Liu Yusheng laughed, but he really had him, "Thank you, Xiao Jin."

In fact, she didn't expect to go to Beicang at first, but after hearing Qian Wanjin's words, her heart kept beating, and the desire was magnified in an instant.

"Don't thank it too early, I'm afraid grandma, they know how to beat me."

"Two swords for a friend, you endure."

Qian Wanjin fangs, knew that this conscienceless person would cross the river to tear down the bridge.

Once the foreign businessmen have been contacted, they must go to discuss the cooperation matters with them in person. Feng Qingbai is in Beicang, and Fuzhou will definitely go there in person. She has never run so far alone, if the elders in the Liu family compound knew that it was the line he helped Fuyu ...

He could already imagine the scene in which the broom pot spoon greeted him.

Think about it carefully, and discuss carefully, "Fukuo, I'll go first this time, wait for the cooperation between the two parties, and then you want to go ..."

"Feng Qingbai was no longer in Beicang at that time. Why am I going there? I don't think the road is far enough?"

"..." It was so painful to smash my own foot!

Li Junyao was listening to the conversation between the two, and he had a deeper understanding of the youngest man in the world's richest businessman, the Qian family.

It's cheap and irritating.

There is no place for him to think about the mall heroes he imagines.

It's really better to see at a glance, and disillusioned immediately at first sight.

The next day, Liu Yusheng laughed.

She knew that going to Beicang would not necessarily see Feng Qingbai, but as a merchant, she could better understand the situation there, and guess the situation of Feng Qingbai.

Can't help anything, but just want to be closer to him.

When he was busy with big events, she hoped to accompany him and support him in her own way.

Naturally, although Qian Jia already had a line over there, she couldn't make the trip immediately.

Even if she throws everything at Qian Wanjin here, she still needs to prepare.

What people to take, how many people to go, how to ensure their own safety.

Think carefully.

After all, the situation between Beicang and Nanling is special. She used to be with her company instead of being a burden on Feng Qingbai.

The next few days, quietly making preparations, but Liu Yusheng didn't know how to talk to his family and said he was going to Beicang.

"Well, are you mindful?" Back to the backyard that day, Fu Yuzheng came in with little green beans.

Liu Yusheng froze. "So obvious?"

"It's almost written on my face." Fu Yuzheng.

In fact, otherwise, the little girl is still covering up very well, but they have been with each other for a long time. In addition, she is more sensitive to people's emotions, so she first noticed that the little girl was hiding something in her heart.

"Ma'am, I want to go to Beicang." For a moment, Liu Yusheng said it.

Fu Yuzheng froze. "Now the situation between the two dynasties is tense. Nanling people may not be treated well there. No matter what status I am, I don't want you to go."

General Beicang died in Nanling. The anger of the people in Beicang has not abated so far. Feng Qingbai still had an emissary there, and it is not easy for ordinary people to hurt him.

But it's different. No matter from the perspective of friends or grandma, she can't support her.

Liu Yusheng was silent. She naturally knew Da'ao's concerns, which was why she was too afraid to tell her family.

The two did not speak for a while, and the space calmed down. Little green beans opened their round eyes and looked around.


I'm ignorant and innocent, so cute.

Liu Yusheng fell his shoulders, raised his hand and scratched the fat chin of the little milk baby, "Little edama, don't you agree with your aunt?"

I worked hard to pay off the debts of Chapter 27. In a blink of an eye, you guys built me ​​to 28, or would you be so cruel ... The orange juice is almost drained ~ The update after 12 o'clock tonight may only have two chapters, and I will stay up late Make up for the amount of updates, little fairies, noisy, oranges are not returning on a slump road ~ I ’m feeling cold ~ I ask for sympathy!

(End of this chapter)