Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 683: Can die later, never sooner

Chapter 683: You Can Die Later, Never Hurry

Liu Da pretended not to see the girl's disliked look, "I won't go, then you're gone, so far away, you can't rest assured that you don't follow me."

In the country of Nanling, where is the girl to go before, is not accompanied by small gold or wind green cypress, or is accompanied by family members, they can barely rest assured.

But this time I have to cross the border, can I run the same way as in Nanling?

Even with big red and big blue following, he couldn't rest assured.

Several elders unanimously agreed with Liu Da's decision, and Liu Yusheng was unwilling to do so.

Now that he was ready, Qian Wanjin immediately sent a letter to notify his father, and when the chamber of commerce set off, he sailed around Yunzhou to pick up people.

Before leaving, Fu Yuzheng and Liu Muqiu helped pack up.

Liu Muqiu was the most reluctant.

After coming to the Liu family, she lived in the inner courtyard with Liu Yusheng. The daily relationship between the two was the closest. As soon as the little girl left, she was left alone.

"Well, you go there and give the family a message after you get there so that the family won't worry about it." Liu Muqiu took out a peace blessing from his arms and put it in his bag, "This is what I asked the other day With you, you can be safe all the way. "

"Do you still believe this?"

"Why not believe it? There are many good men and women in that temple who ask for signs every day. It must be very spiritual!"

"Yes, yes, I take it, thank you Xiao Bailian." Pinching Liu Muqiu's face, Liu Yusheng laughed, and then turned to Fu Yuzheng, "Da'ao, when I'm not at home, I need to bother you and take care of Grandpa with Xiao Bailian Milk them. "

"Don't talk arrogantly, we are all at home, grandma and grandma take care of us. I now feel like I am being spoiled." Fu Yuzheng supported her, and her daughter Liu Jiao was coveted, even to her grandson.

There is no need to do the work in the field, and the work in the stove room is not allowed to interfere. She is now at home with a baby and a baby, and she feels guilty.

The three looked at each other and smiled, indeed.

All three of them are millet bugs at home.

After finishing packing things and sending people away, Liu Yusheng stopped the lights early, but didn't go to bed.

In the middle of the night, the window rang twice.

Liu Yusheng immediately ran into the dark and opened the window. "Aunt Hong, can you go?"

"Well, do you really want to go quietly? When you leave, you may be served by a torture." Wei Hong face was expressionless and sad.

She is most likely to be served by a torture.

And twice.

Once over there, the master came back, and there was another time for the old lady.

"Let's go, otherwise my dad is really following along, can I be at ease? Just worrying that he can't do everything."

Liu Yusheng turned his head and picked up his baggage, which was covered by Wei Hong, and the two quietly touched out the Liu family compound.

Not far from the doorway, Wei Lan and Liu Zhiqiu equinox were waiting for them in the carriage.

This was agreed by Liu Yusheng in private.

She reported to her family that the ship of the business group had arrived late, and now she left for Yunzhou. It arrived just at dawn, and the ship arrived at the dock at that time, just in time.

As for a dad, he was lying on the bed with an epistaxis.

"Well, I am an accomplice this time. When you leave, my days will be hot and hot, and I will remember the compensation point when I come back." Liu Zhiqiu hurriedly sighed as he drove the carriage.

If he could, he would rather not compensate.

But his ears were so soft that he couldn't bear his sister's request, and when she asked, he would agree.

This is a dead point, and this life can't be changed.

In addition to him, another one who is going to be hot is Wei Lan, "Well, why don't you get me a token for death prevention? Looking back at the courtyard, I saw that I hadn't left, and I must take off a layer of skin Maybe before you come back, I wo n’t even be able to get to the dining table, and I wo n’t be able to suffer! I ’ll go with you! ”

Together, at least, the death penalty can be suspended.

Can die sooner, definitely not sooner.

If he wasn't a man, he really wanted to trade with Da Hong, and let her stay to protect the compound.

Liu Yusheng shrank into the compartment as if he hadn't heard.

She has no good way.

Is it really time for dawn to take Dad with him?

That definitely won't work.

What is the situation over Beicang is still uncertain, will anyone encounter any unexpected situation, she is not sure, she can take her dad to risk?

Moreover, if Feng Qingbai really has something to do with that princess, Dad is afraid he can't spare him.

Then I am afraid that the relationship between them is no longer in the future, cough.

Qian Wanjin was waiting for them at Yunzhou Pier.

When they arrived, the sky was just clear, and the boat of the merchant group was moored by the shore.

Watching the little girl jump off the carriage, Qian Wanjin asked again, "Well, are you really going?"

"People are here, naturally they are going." Liu Yusheng said helplessly.

Seeing Qian Wanjin's regretful posture, she wanted to drag her back at any time, and immediately waved with the people around her, "I've boarded the boat with Aunt Hong, you can go back."

Can't wait to get a few people's mouths straight.

The people on the ship's business group were waiting. Master Qian brought the group personally to take care of him on the road. Liu Zhiqiu and others finally felt relieved.

After a little farewell, the boat was off shore and gradually drifted away, leaving the three people on the dock to look at each other and worry.

"Little gold, can you go back today?"

Qian Wanjin's eyes fluttered and he coughed. "Recently, the restaurant is busy. I don't have time to go back for a while, so I'll be busy."

"Would you like to help me? Or should I stay and fight for you?" Wei Lan came over.

"Let's stay, too, just set up a carriage for you and be a coachman?"

Qian Wanjin thought for a while and said seriously, "I think it's better for you to go back and die, obediently, the old man and grandmother at home will only become more angry and think you are running away from guilt. I am here too busy to survive I ’ll go back when Fuyi is back. As for the restaurant, knowing Qiu, if you still have a life, let ’s join the restaurant in the city. ”

Tapping on the shoulders of two people, Qian Wanjin carrying his hands on his back, slipped away.

The remaining two looked hopeless.

On the boat, a total of twelve members including the business group including Qian Baihao, aged between 40 and 50, were from the Jia Shi family in Beijing and Nanling states. Because of Qian Baihao's relationship, and everyone knows Liu Yusheng's identity is to take care of her along the way.

Among them, Qian Baihao was the most. Although he did not have much contact with each other, he almost regarded Liu Yusheng as his own daughter to take care of.

For so many years, his own mixed boy is the same as the one who feeds in Liu's family, and has no trouble.

Liu Yusheng wasn't a boat rider, but this is the first time he has sailed a long distance in this era.

From time to time, oncoming ships can be seen on the canal, carrying cargo, or carrying people, and many of them also carry signs of gangsters.

The ship crossed the border, passed the checkpoint, and arrived at the Beicangdu Pier, at the end of July.

As soon as they had landed before entering the gates of the capital, they saw a large number of officers and soldiers rushing over.

Little fairies, oranges are going to take a bath ~ Good night ~ Write and send tomorrow ~

(End of this chapter)