Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 698: Gan Zhiru

Chapter 698

She had been to Beicang from the future, and she didn't know anyone except Beiting.

It is impossible for someone to kill her by name and revenge.

Then there is only that, the seventeen princess.

Envy can make people do everything that seems unreasonable.

As the leader of the Nanling ambassadorial regiment, Feng Qingbai needs only a brief report to enter and leave the Beicang Palace.

After entering the palace, he talked to Bei Canghuang and talked about what he found. After thanking him, he immediately went to the palace of the court.

Bei Canghuang sat in the hall, looking at the man's seemingly unscathed back, his eyes deep.

His eagerness couldn't hide it.

"Emperor, it seems that King Nanling really took his fiancee seriously. The marriage between the two countries is only afraid of ..." The confidant **** whispered in Bei Canghuang's ear.

"Long love is a good thing, which shows that the Emperor Nanling is serious, isn't it?" Bei Canghuang looked impassive. "As for the marriage, I will tell the world later. The marriage between the two countries is for marriage, not for revenge. . "

The ambiguous words make it difficult to speculate, and the eunuchs dared not say more, just a word of the emperor.

In front of the Beicang Emperor's Hall, she still managed to calmly, leaving there, Feng Qingbai's footsteps started unconsciously, and each step showed urgency.

If not, he would not choose to enter the palace at this time. He would not want to leave Shengsheng for a moment today. However, Beicang's troops are still searching around, so it's necessary to say a word to make Beicang Huang withdraw the officers and men.

After all, that's something else.

During the mission, no details can be ignored.

When he was about to step out of Dian Yuqun, a figure came forward to stop him.

Seeing someone coming, Feng Qingbai frowned.

"I heard that Lord Wang has found someone. Congratulations, she is now in the palace of Prince Ting? If there is a chance, Princess Princess would like to see her." With a smile on her seventeen face, her eyes were glowing. Cold.

"She doesn't have the obligation to meet the princess, let it go." The man's face was cold, only when he mentioned his fiancee, the fluctuations appeared.

Makes seventeen red eyes.

"Here is Bei Cang. This is the identity of Wang Ye. When you come to Bei Cang, you have to enter the palace. How can your fiancee meet my seventeen princess? My identity is not humiliating her? , I won't take her well. "

Feng Qingbai suddenly tilted his lips, even the slightest smile, it melted like frost, and the early spring bloomed, making Seventeen look lost eyes and eyes.

But he heard the man whispering in her ear, "Then the princess asked the Emperor Bei Cang, can the king salute the princess? If so, he will bring his fiancée to see him personally."

After speaking, the man bypassed her and walked away.

Seventeen turned back suddenly, staring at the back of the man who strode away, almost biting his silver teeth.

What he said was to ridicule her, but to ridicule a little princess, not qualified to take Joe in front of King Nanling!

Although Feng Qingbai needs to enter the palace, it is not necessary to salute Kitakura! The relationship between them is actually faintly equal!

Even with the North Canghuang can almost sit on an equal footing, how can you allow a princess to jump in front of him!

Severely stomped, Seventeen rushed into the hall of Bei Canghuang's office again.

Many people around saw this scene, and quietly stayed outside, waiting to see how the 17th princess would enter the trouble, how would Bei Canghuang treat it.

Is it still as painful and pampering as before, or eloquently scolding, putting the interests of the country first?

This is the second time that Seventeen Princess has made trouble.

Before long, those who stayed saw the results.

The seventeen princess ran out crying, covering her swollen cheeks.

On that day, the gossip in the palace about the marriage between the Seventeen Princess and the Nanling King Feng Qingbai began to change the wind, and talked secretly from top to bottom, I'm afraid it was yellow.

It's just that no one dared to spread the private discussions, and the emperor has not yet called, who dares to speculate on the divine will.

Feng Qingbai returned to the King's Mansion, and took Liu Yusheng back to the guest house. He drove all the maids and sisters out, leaving only the hidden guards around him.

When he heard the news from Duan Ting, Duan Ting said with a voice in his mouth.

The lonely man and the widow are in the same room, and there is no disturbing person around. Can Feng Fengbai's beast bear?

Touching his chin, Duan Ting secretly wondered how likely he was to succeed as a mallet.

In the guest house, Liu Yusheng panted and dodged the man into the palace. "You are here to do business, not to prostitute for the day ..."

The sound was soft and imposing.

"The things that have been done have been done, and only after the call of Bei Canghuang, we can fight back to Nanling." The day's prostitution and scolding can't stop Feng Qingbai.

"So your agreement has been reached and reached?"

"Sheng Sheng, don't talk about irrelevant topics when you are doing business." The man was frustrated, and his teeth were bitter.

"..." Liu Yusheng thought privately that the event should refer to national affairs.

The guards guarding the guest house turned on the automatic ear-closing mode again, while watching the eyes and chanting the mantra.

However, as a man, they can understand Wang Ye's urgency.

The person on the apex comes to the door automatically, do not eat?

Or a man?

It was an hour after the clouds closed the rain and rested.

Liu Yusheng's eyes narrowed, and he opened his eyes to look at the man who was still flushed and smirked.

"Every time I do this, I have to endure it myself, Feng Qingbai, do you like to commit crimes so much?"

The man gritted his teeth, and his forehead and blue tendons appeared, "Gan, Zhi, Ru, Ye!"

"Oh! Hahaha!" Liu Yusheng laughed,

Every last step, sometimes even she has been confused and infatuated, but he can always hold the momentum at the last moment, and then lie on one side to regulate himself and suppress the evil fire.

She admires him so much.

Why is it so painful?

The girl's unscrupulous mockery made the man narrow his eyes.

This is not his place, so he let her go.

She really thought he would do that before he got married?

On the day when she stepped back on the land of Nanling, she would not have such a chance to laugh again.

Gently lip her lips and pinch her hands on the girl's cheek.

Make her proud for a few more days.

"Wind green cypress," poke his finger on the stiff muscles of the man's arm, "what is the result of the negotiation, why did the rumors and rumors spread all over the world, but the North Canghuang hesitated to call and break the rumors?"

"He's waiting for the last chance."

"what chance?"

"Wait to see if there is any chance that I can relax."

Liu Yusheng narrowed his eyes wide open, "He still wants to grab a man with me ?!"

Feng Qingbai, "..." leaned over and laughed.

Rumors from outside have brought the girls to the point where they are all soldiers.

Bei Canghuang robs her of a man?

Thanks she wanted to figure it out.

"I have taken root here, and no one can **** it away." Holding her, a smile came from his eyes, and his words were ambiguous.

(End of this chapter)