Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 716: Perfect exit

Chapter 716: Perfect Exit

That man is likely to do something inside the tomb.

The team in front has stopped.

The entrance of the emperor's tomb arrived, and the civil and military officials needed to dismount the carriage and walk into the cemetery with the emperor.

Duan Ting opened the curtain and looked in the direction of Huangling.

Because it is a cemetery, there is naturally a solemn and eerie atmosphere.

Around the royal tomb, in the corners that outsiders can't see, hide the royal defense under this cloth.

He was puzzled, but what about those people, so that the gods would sneak into the emperor's tomb without knowing it and set an ambush in it?

"Inner ghost." In my ear, the light breeze sounded.

Duan Ting's complexion changed, his eyes suddenly felt cold.

It took a while to suppress the feeling of leakage, looking back at the man, and lowering his voice, "Maybe you have missed it. Those people will choose to do it halfway on the return trip?"

"No." Feng Qingbai slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were vacant, and the words he spoke were not hesitant.

Duan Ting pursed his lips and looked at him.

"There are too many carriages to worship the Huangling's convoy. No one knows which carriage is seated by anyone. Even you, you don't know where the emperor and other princes are." Feng Qingbai got up and passed him and got off the carriage. The voice floated through his ears. "Without the certainty of a hit, he won't do it."

Staring at the man's unhurried back, Duan Ting closed his eyes forcefully.

No longer wanting to admit it, he had to admit that Feng Qingbai was right.

And in the royal family, there must be an inner ghost to be able to cooperate with the assassin inside and outside to help the other **** sneak into the emperor's tomb.

Aside from those established facts, Duan Ting began to meditate all the way. Who else in the royal family, besides Bei Cang Huang, has so much power and energy?

The ranking of the Huangling Mausoleum is also particular.

Therefore, the second worship was to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries, so the people of the Nanling envoys could walk to the left of Bei Canghuang, and to the right were a number of royal children.

Followed by the civil and military officials in order of quality.

"Into the Imperial Tomb--"

At the beginning, the **** of the newspaper **** squeaked, and with a solemn expression, the people lowered their heads slightly, followed by Bei Canghuang and stepped into the tomb.

Two phases walking side by side, Duan Ting specially looked for a chance, affixed to Feng Qingbai's side, and turned the wheelchair to be flush with him.

Feng Qingbai glanced down at him and was about to retract his gaze.

This section of Ting finally revealed a bit of pride.

If there is any assassin murder later, he will keep up with the wind and cypress, and it is only safe to be with him.

Anyway, any guards around Yu Lin Weitong could not be trusted.

When danger came, no one would care about him.

Who called him was just a handicapped.

Eyes lifted slightly, and the bright yellow figure in the front was condensed through the gap of the crowd. Duan Ting's mouth evoked a sense of coldness. Fortunately, he was disabled.

On his way to the Temple of Heaven, the emperor stepped onto the stage, burned incense, worshipped, read out recitations, and finally confessed to the ancestors about the alliance between the nations.

Everything is methodical.

Everyone was solemn and respectful.

Feng Qingbai looked up, and the corners of his eyes calmly closed the performance of the princes around him.

However, everyone in the royal family is a master of acting, and no one reveals it.

The change of things happened between the electric light flint.

On the stage, some people saw that Bei Canghuang suddenly pulled the **** around him and blocked him, and then the eunuch's chest burst into blood.

After a brief sacrifice, anxiously roared, and a mess of troops and horses.


After a roar, the guards around him rushed to the Temple of Heaven.

Feng Qingbai stepped back a little, while Duan Ting grabbed his sleeves for the first time, leaving him no more than a avatar.

"Wind green cypress, don't leave me alone. I'm a handicapped now. If even you run away, I won't have anyone else, it's pathetic."

"you're brain damaged?"

"If you are sick, you will be ill. It's important to keep your life." Feng Qingbai is more useful than any guard, anyway, he's following him.

Being ridiculed for a sentence or two is nothing compared to saving lives.

The ranks around them were chaotic, and the screams continued, and the crowds rushed to the Temple of Heaven, blocking the soldiers before the emperor.

At this time, if anyone dares to escape, it is fortunate to leave their lives and die after returning.

It's better to show a merit and get a good impression in front of the emperor. As long as you don't die, you will jump into the sky after returning.

Duan Ting was about to ask Feng Qingbai if they should squeeze into the Temple of Heaven, so as not to be turned back to be said to have no filial piety, they felt a force coming in. Feng Qingbai held his wheelchair armrest and directly took him. Lian Ren moved a seat with a chair.

And where he was just now, there were two hidden weapons on the ground!

Leng Han slid down Duan Ting's forehead.

"Hurry up, protect your lords!"

Another roar, Duan Ting looked up and saw him opposite, where the prince had stood, two people had fallen, one of them was King Yuan!

The man in black who entered the siege walked between the guards, and if he was in a no-man's land, he could do it with ease.

One of them, after sealing his opponent's throat with a sword, turned his eyes to the cold eyes of Feng Qingbai.

In those eyes, sneer flashed.

Feng Qingbai's thin lips were tightly squeezed, her eyes narrowed, and Leng Huo was about to pass. She was embraced by Duan Ting, "Hey, Feng Qingbai! Don't go! I'm scared!"

"Go!" This one is holding back!


A soft sound.

The white mist filled the cemetery immediately, and everyone's vision was blocked by the fog, and the front could not be clearly seen.

"Escort! Escort!"

"Don't act lightly, protect people!"

"Close your breath! The smoke is poisonous! ..."

When the fog dissipates, the picture presented in front of the temple will make Beicang Huang, who is safe and sound, on the Temple of Heaven.

His eighth son, Duan Yuan, hey!

People lay there quietly, with a thin sword mark between their necks, and blood was still flowing from there, and the dazzling bright red burned the eyes!

Step by step, I walked down to the Temple of Heaven, reached De Duan Yuan, leaned out and put my fingers in his nose, and when I raised my eyes, Bei Canghuang had already scarlet eyes, "Look, look for you! segment!"

Not far from the crowd, Duan Ting's hand holding Feng Qingbai's arm slowly released, looking at this scene expressionlessly, looking at the man who showed madness, his eyes cold and ironic.

This man who always stands high, finally tasted the pain of losing his loved one.

He regards the lives of others as indiscriminate, as it is today, but not ridiculous.

The assassin has left.

Exit perfectly.

The entire confrontation time was actually very short. The corpses lying down in the cemetery were all royal people, royal guards, none of them, dressed in black.

Feng Qingbai was expressionless and looked at all this coldly.

It turned out that Gong Ling used this method.

After killing Bei Cang Huang ’s beloved son, he will cast doubt on every other prince.

Because only those who have ambitions for that position will kill the heir to the throne.

(End of this chapter)