Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 724: Are those people crazy?

Chapter 724 Are Those People Crazy

"Master, after Duan Yuan died, the Emperor Beicang became furious and began to thoroughly investigate the entire royal family, which caused the royal family and Chaotang to be disturbed. In order to save their lives, all the princes must have artificial countermeasures. Beicang is going to mess. How do you take one step? "

The man indifferently said, "It's time to visit Dongyue."

"Subordinates immediately passed on the book to the Dongyue House to prepare for it."

In this regard, men are undecided, whether it is welcome or not.

"In addition, the master asked to pay close attention to the movement of the Liu family in Nanling. Over there ... something happened. Liu Zhixia was put into the prison by the left. The Liu family was sentenced to exile and is now fleeing ..."

"When is it?" The man suddenly raised his eyes, and Sen Leng stared at his subordinates.

The report's people suddenly burst into their hearts and said, "The letter I just received was ten days ago. The court sent troops to pursue it, and it was heading towards the East Vietnam waters!"

Subordinates dare not hide anything.

The master pays a lot of attention to the Liu family, and feels slightly different.

It's not like surveillance, it's like protection.

"Immediately order to get on the ship and seek people from East Vietnam waters!"


At this time on the Grand Canal, Qian Wanjin and others were already exhausted.

Not far from the pier that day, he encountered a court water boat, and the other party requested that the ship be stopped for inspection.

He could have been peaceful, but his face was broken.

Acting in the past is too high-profile, too many people know him, disguise can not hide.

Had Wei Lan and Liu Zhiqiu been there, they would have finished playing.

You chased me on the canal, and were blocked by the court in all directions. The group broke into a panic and did not know where they were now.

They got lost.

Around, there were ships approaching.

"Don't they have to eat and drink Lazarus? When exactly do they have to catch up?" Lying on the deck, Qian Wanjin was weak.

Being chased all the way, if there wasn't some food left on the boat, they would have to be starved to death alive for just over half a month on the canal, not to mention, there was a little edamame under the age of one in the escape team.

Wei Lan squatted at the hatch of the ship, and watched the surrounding waters vigilantly. When she saw the shadow of the official ship emerging, she turned around and avoided it.

"The court issued a death order. They won't give up without catching us. They are about to enter Dongyue waters. We haven't gone to Dongyue for customs clearance. They won't let us in. If you can't think of it, Way, we may have to drift at sea all the time. "

This is not the worst, the worst is that they are about to run out of food, and under the pursuit of the other side, they have no time to stop the ship and go to shore to supply.

In the cabin, the old lady and the two couples, Liu Daliu, were both in a distressed look and in a low spirit.

Escaped by boat every day, it was especially hard for the two old people. They did n’t eat well, did n’t sleep well, and looked very bad.

The poorest is edamame.

Little dolls under the age of one year followed them, leaving them with enough food to eat. For more than ten days, Xiaolian looked thin. At that time, most of the fleshy meat folds had disappeared, and just looking at them made people feel sad.

Fu Yuzheng tightened the little baby who was sleeping in her arms. Looking at his well-behaved little appearance, his nose was sour.

"Dam, don't worry. When I escape this time, I will buy a lot of little edamame to eat for him. I will definitely raise him back and become fat again. Little edamame is very good, you see He ran with us for so long, almost no crying, he knew that everyone was escaping. "Liu Muqiu comforted her.

Little edama is really good. Except when he is very hungry, he hums twice. Most of the time he doesn't make noise, and rarely he cry.

As if knowing what the situation is now, sensible people don't cause trouble for adults.

"Wait ashore, let's find a place to have a good meal, and then buy a lot of things to put on the boat. Let the Wang Bajiao continue to chase, I see if they can persist for one or two years, no matter how big I live on the boat Liu Zhiqiu gritted his teeth and scolded.

Liu Er glanced at him weakly, "Who are you, Laozi? Would you like to be beaten? Live on the boat and live by yourself. If you can dock, why do we come back to the boat?"

What is the best thing to eat and drink on the boat?

The official ship came to chase them in turn, alternately alternately replenishing along the coast, and kept up for food and then continued to catch up.

No one on their side helped them substitute, they just fled all the way, and eventually died of starvation or exhaustion.

Might as well go ashore.

When you want to eat at least on the shore, you can buy it with silver. Anyway, I can fill my stomach.

Liu Zhiqiu was embarrassed when he was blocked, and he touched his nose. "I'll just say that, dad, you are still serious ..."

"If you say something good, don't see Tian's **** brain, always trying to fight with people. Just your little three-legged cat effort. Are you really a hero?" Du Juante couldn't stand the stupid son. This pair looked stunned.

After being duo-daughter in succession, Liu Zhiqiu shut up.

"Second uncle Erji. Brother Zhiqiu is also very hard. You can see how many injuries he has, but it hurts."

Liu Muqiu looked at the scratches and bruises left by the fight on the man's hand and face, and frowned.

Fortunately, they also brought some emergency medicine when they came out, which worked well. Otherwise, brother Qiu and Uncle Lan have suffered more.

"You, you feel bad for him. When he chose to practice martial arts, he should have expected such a day, and put a pitiful on us! This little boy beats the small skins and thick meat. It is not a big deal. Don't worry about him. "

Liu Zhiqiu sighed, this is his mother-in-law.

"Old man, turn to the left, and there is a ship over there!" Wei Lan's tight voice came from the hatch of the ship.

"Not to the left, there are boats on the left!" Jiu Lao said.

Immediately, the hull made a strong turn, and the force of inertia almost tripped down the person in the cabin.

"There is no retreat, we can only continue to sail on the East Vietnam side, otherwise we will find our own way to the other side."

Everyone's face sank.

East Vietnam is also a dead end.

They did not clear customs.

Without that thing, as soon as they broke into the East Vietnam Sea, they would immediately be caught as a detailed work.

Seeing the thoughts of his family, Liu Zhiqiu whispered, "Now I can only take one step and count one step. It is better to break into it first, even if it is arrested as a detailed work, than to be arrested and killed directly."

Father Liu closed his eyes and sighed, "Break it out. But this time, Xiaojin was involved. He didn't have anything to do with him. He stayed with us. Now he can't even get rid of him."

"Master, see what you said, the family can't help each other? Besides, is my little gold a greedy person who is afraid of death? We haven't reached the limit yet! There must be a way out!" Qian Wanjin said as he climbed through the window and went out Look, then your eyes widened.

"I **** him, are those people crazy?"

(End of this chapter)