Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 726: I don't lack slaves

Chapter 726: I Don't Need Slaves

Not only was it overcast, but he was extremely ruthless.

The hunting officers and soldiers didn't actually provoke him, and in the end ... none of them lived.

This man did not blink his eyes when he killed, and his life was like a ant in his eyes.

Everyone was on alert, staring at the man, beware of what he said next.

Although they had just escaped from the sky, in a blink of an eye, they became prisoners of this man again.

Who knows what he wants to do.

Unexpectedly, the man just glanced at Little Edamame, turned around, and continued to watch the rolling canals under the bow of the boat, "passing meals."

"..." He, who is this neuropathy!

Soon someone brought the food.

Not to mention how delicate the dishes are, but the dishes are rich and the aroma is fragrant. For those who have drank dry food for many days on the boat, they are more enticing than the mountain and sea.

At the beginning, the Liu family was still detained and did not immediately take a seat.

When traveling, the identity of the other party is unknown, and the guarding heart is indispensable. The vigilant still must be vigilant, not to stoop for a bite.

Liu Zhiqiu made countless psychological builds on himself in the heart. Finally, the first one sat down at the table and ate the food.

He's not stingy, he's just helping the test.

"Grandma, uncle uncle, father and mother, grandmother, little Bailian, Jiu Lao, come here and let go! No poison, I tried!"

After a while, the man was stuffed with food.

The whole family looked at his behavior, and his forehead was faintly awkward. He didn't know if he was poisoned, and he started eating!

Who wants him to test it, and how he always does things so recklessly!

"Oh, hey, I ate dry food for several days, and finally ate a meal that was warm to the food, it was really fragrant!" Qian Wanjin sat on the table after Liu Zhiqiu.

After the entrance of the meal, a long sigh of satisfaction was greeted, and the Liu family who quickly came around smashed his mouth. "In fact, I'm not afraid. You forgot, we all have eaten Xue Qinglian's Baidu pills. That thing can avoid Baidu. Except him It is estimated that no poison can be found in our world.

Father Liu coughed gently. "Just talk a lot and hurry up!"

Not to mention, the fleeing was chaotic. They really forgot that they had taken Baidu pills.

What are you afraid of? Poison beans can be eaten as sugar.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, anyway, the person who brought the meal was very careful, and even the little edamames took care of it.

On the dining table, in addition to what the adults can eat, there is a small bowl of little baby eating.

The temperature is still a little hot, as long as you dry it, you can eat the edamame.

The elders were relieved. It may really be the heart of their villain.

A meal was so satisfying that no one came to bother after eating.

Those murderous black men didn't even see one afterwards, and didn't know where they were hiding.

If it hadn't been for that fight before, they would almost have thought that the men in black didn't even exist.

Looking at the ship again, many people found that the luxury of the ship was no less than the two passenger ships that Feng Qingbai asked the gang to build.

Even the speed of the ship was almost the same, very fast.

At this time, the direction of the ship was directly sailing to Nanling!

This is wrong!

Now they can't go back to Nanling at all, and their officers and men are arrested everywhere on the land. Once they show up, they can't be killed immediately?

What does that black guy want to do? Saved them, then took them back to death?

The mood of the crowd just relaxed again.

Since you can't figure it out, it's better to ask directly.

Fu Yuzheng bit her lower lip, handed the little edamame to Liu Muqiu, stood up and walked out, "Grandma, I went to him to ask him clearly and see what he wanted to do. Since he saved us, he would definitely not bring it again When we go back to die, maybe we have other plans. If he is willing to help, maybe we can save Zhixia. "

The men in black are extremely hardworking and behave neatly and methodically.

At first glance, he has received extremely rigorous professional training.

Compared to the Royal Guard's hidden guards are not bad at all!

"Ma'am, I'll go with you." Liu Zhiqiu followed.

The man knows how to work, and he has to be by his side. In case that neurosis suddenly hits and wants to kill or kill someone, he can at least block it.

Otherwise, if he sees his elder brother later, how can he explain to the elder brother that he can't even protect his sister-in-law?

"Okay, you two go and ask each other. I think Yuzheng is right, if that person wants us to die, he won't save us more. Now that he has saved, there must be another purpose. No matter what, let us at least ask first Ask clearly, and then make other plans. "Father Liu said.

This can only be the case.

They are now trapped on each other's ship, walking the Grand Canal, where else can they escape? Only mermaid meat can be served here.

Now there is nothing but prayer, maybe the other person will show kindness again.

Out of the cabin, the man in the cape was no longer at the bow.

Liu Zhiqiu and Fu Yuzheng walked back along the deck. No one in black could see it.

Finally, he searched for a circle, and then looked for the man in the back of the ship, leaning on the rear cabin.

As if knowing they were looking for him, the man leaned on the side of the ship and looked at them quietly.

Those eyes are very dark and deep. But there was no fluctuation, no emotion, cold.

The timid person met these eyes coldly, afraid to tremble with fear.

Fu Yuzheng settled down and took a step forward, "This son, dare to ask you to go to Nanling this time?"

"Beijing," the man said.

"You're going to the capital? It's just that I'm going to the capital too. I might as well be with you and be a companion." Liu Zhiqiu immediately stepped in, smiled, and pleased, "I just have a little request, please also The son promised. "

"Don't work hard with me?"

I fuck, this vengeance, Liu Zhiqiu grinned, "It was just a joke before, my son, you have a lot of adults, do you remember?"

The man's eyes narrowed and he said nothing, making people wonder what he was thinking.

Liu Qiu persisted. "That, the son knows that the situation on our side has been rewarded and seized by the government. Once we set foot on the land of Nanling, it must be caught by the officers and soldiers, put in jail, and even very likely to be killed in place. The life of our family is almost ten people! The son has saved us just once, as the saying goes, is it true to save people? Can you put my grandparents elsewhere and let them land safely? As for the capital, I ’ll go with you. Anyway, it ’s okay to run errands. Is it okay? ”

"I don't lack slaves."

"..." Hehe, the dog can't vomit ivory, he has to be his slave?

Fu Yuzheng said, "Dare to ask my son, why did you go to Beijing? I always pay attention to my connections when walking outside. I may not be able to help my son. We only have one requirement, which is to ensure the safety of the elders at home. Don't let them suffer from officers and men. "

(End of this chapter)