Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 738: so what?

Chapter 738: What About It?

After receiving the letter, Feng Qingbai first handed it to Feng Moyu and the Queen Mother behind the curtain.

A moment after Feng Moyu opened the letter, Longyan changed greatly, "ridiculous!

Baiguan raised his heart high, and it was unknown why the emperor was so angry.

A chaotic thief? Who is it referring to?

"Zuo Xiang! You explain and explain to the Ai family, why there is a private relationship between you and the Dongyue Kingdom!" Behind the curtain, the queen's voice was filled with anger, as if the rain was coming.

Zuo Xiang gave his heart a little hesitant, kneeling in a hurry, "King Qi, Empress, Queen, the old lady did not know what the Queen's words meant! What kind of private dealings with the East Vietnamese state, the old minister never did this kind of thing!"

Something was thrown at him behind the bead curtain and fell in front of the hall. Baiguan stared at it. The handwriting was not very clear, but they would not mistake the seal stamped on the letter paper. It was a private seal on the left!

What they saw was just one of the letters, and there were several more. When Feng Mozhen showed the letters one by one, many people recognized that there was also the seal of the royal family of the East Vietnam.

This shows that there is indeed a private relationship between Zuo Xiang and Dong Yue!

What can a country look for when dealing with the royal family of another country?

There are too many people to think about.

Feng Moyan looked coldly at the kneeling crying injustice, grinning his teeth and sneer, "The handwriting on the left is still not recognizable! Your private seal, the seal of the royal family of Dongyue Kingdom ... the correspondence between the time is from three Since the beginning of the year ago, I have handed over information to each other almost once or twice a year! You clearly have an antipathy! Treason against the enemy! No wonder you are under house arrest and your loyal ministers are removed one by one! You have such a heart! "

"There is nothing wrong with the crime that you want to add! The emperor, the old minister has always been loyal to the emperor and the court. He has never done anything that is sorry to the emperor, and the old minister can learn the sun and the moon!" Zuo Xiang shouted kneeling, his voice sad.

"The heart can learn the sun and the moon? Zuo Xiang's words are big, not afraid to flash his tongue? And not to mention that these things were cut off from your house or halfway. And this year, my Nanling and Beicang could have been peaceful. In the incident, Bei Cang's envoy was assassinated at the border, losing a general and almost triggering a war between the two countries. Nanling then sent Bei Cang and Bei Cang's prince was assassinated again. As a result, the peace talks between the two countries could not end. Provoking the war between the two countries, the left is doing all this in order to accompany East Vietnam to collect profits! "

"Wind green cypress! What evidence do you have that I did it! In order to protect the two treacherous women, he did not hesitate to fabricate the facts and loyal to the loyal minister! With you who are indifferent to black and white, Nanling is finished!" Zuo Xiang straightened On the back, an expression of anger finally appeared on his calm face, and his eyes were sad and angry.

"Evidence, these letters are sufficient evidence." Feng Qingbai stood with his hands on his lips and smiled. "Just follow the letters and touch the vines, check them one by one, it is true and false, and the king will come out!" Now that Zuo Xiang deserves his heart, he shouldn't be in a hurry. "

Zuo Xiang's eyes flashed, "Feng Qingbai, hello!"

Whenever you have a relationship with treason and treason through the enemy, don't even think about getting away easily.

No matter what the final result is, before he gets the result, he will be detained in the sky prison, waiting for the day when the sentence is pronounced!

He did not expect that Feng Qingbai would use this method to play against him. How long did he arrange for this game today?

"Come, let the left phase be put into the sky prison first! As to whether the charge of treason against the treason is true, I'll make a thorough investigation before making a judgement!" Feng Mochi said coldly on the dragon chair.

Regarding his decision, the empress queen obeying the curtain did not refute, which means acquiescence.

The guards held down the red phase with his eyes flushed, during which the civilian and military officials scarcely looked up.

Many of them are leftist factions, but today the leftist is crowned with the charge of treason against the enemy. No matter whether he can be cleansed and innocent in the future, if he gets together at this time, he will be affected.

King Nanling gave such a fierce hand. In addition to knocking down the left phase, I am afraid that he will have to cut off the left party's party feathers.

Who dares to intercede for Zuo Xiang at this time?

What's more, the charge is not anything else, but the enemy and treason!

Can you please?

Early in the early morning, such a trouble occurred. When the Nanling King was not in the dynasty, he took the opportunity to sit on the big left, and actually was knocked out in the first round of the Nanling King's return!

"Every evidence points to the enemy who is linked to the left, trying to provoke me to the Nanling disaster. Does such a minister need to be checked again for the so-called adultery in his mouth?" Before the crowd had returned from the aftershock just now, The man spoke quietly again.

The ministers looked at each other, and finally shouted, "Emperor Mingying, Wangyingying Ming!"

Is the adultery in the mouth of a messenger thief an adulterer?

That is the true loyal minister. The gangsters and thieves fabricated the crimes and lodged the loyalists as adultery, leaving no one available to the emperor. This is the real heartfelt fear!

Feng Qingbai stood at the head of the hundred officials and received a gift from them, then turned his eyes to look behind the curtain. After this, the Empress Dowager knew that she had been deceived by the villain. Yang Shuzhong and Liu Zhixia were worthy men. The Empress Dowager would impeach the king? "

Behind the curtain, there was silence. After a while, the figure stood up, "Return to the Temple of Hearts!"

"The queen queen is slow. The prince is a regent and can represent the emperor in the court. Now the king is saying something bad here. The harem has not been allowed to do politics since ancient times. This statute cannot be invalidated, regardless of the queen's origin This kind of instinct must never cross Leichi. The king still has the widow of the emperor in hand. If the empress does not agree, the king can read it to you again! "

First emperor widow! One of them is not allowed to participate in the harem! Otherwise, punish for the crime of chaos!

If it wasn't for the Nanling King to mention it again in the chapel, many people would have forgotten the details of the original widow!

The figure behind the bead curtain stagnated for a moment and lifted the bead curtain to leave.

I went here today to sit here.

After leaving the dynasty, Feng Qingbai did not go to the Royal Study Room as usual, but instead turned to the Zongrenfu prison.

Zuo Xiang was imprisoned inside.

This is where the imperialists are detained. Previously, Yang Lao and Liu Zhixia just stayed. Now, it's Zuo Xiang's turn to taste it for himself.

When the jailer saw the person approaching the door, he was in a hurry to kneel and salute. The man raised his hand and stopped him.

Take a step and walk slowly inside.

Finally stopped in front of the left cell.

"Wind, blue, and cypress!" Seeing someone, his left eyes were scarlet, and he spoke word by word, "In order to bring down the old man, you really do everything you can! You fabricate evidence, you defile the old man!"

The man smiled at him and said, "So what?"

Chapter Four. I'm dizzy and dizzy, I'm going to take a bath and go to bed, my debts are remembered.

(End of this chapter)