Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 76: Something can't help you

Chapter 76

She's heard of Qian's name.

Nanling is the second richest man, and the richest name is second only to the richest man, the Kyoto Yanagi.

The base camp is also in Kyoto.

Qian Baihao is the current owner of the Qian family. The reason why Qian Wanjin personally visited the restaurants in Xiangshan County was probably because his mother, Qian, was in Xiangshan.

Through a distillery and the inexhaustible relationship with the people and cars in Beijing, Ashurian did not know whether to say good or bad.

The Qian family is no better than ordinary people. If you are curious about her and it is not difficult to find out her details, then ...

"Qian Baihao is shrewd and cautious. He is best at protecting himself. He does not let himself get into trouble. His mother doesn't have to worry too much." A Xiu Dan said.

"I hope so." This is the end, and unless he escapes again, he can only be lucky.

Looking at the little figure walking in front of him, Asunian sighed secretly, leaving this place, Xiuer would not be willing to be afraid.

He likes me too much.

At the door of the chalet, Asun was about to reach out and push open the courtyard door, and was pulled by Asu.


Asiu pulled her back hard, and in the dark, staring at the yard's eyes suddenly cold, "Mother, run away!"

"Xiu Er ..." Asiu Niang's face turned pale for a moment, her heart was faintly aware of it, and her steps back were soft.

"Run!" Asiu drank, while reaching out to push her out fiercely, "Don't worry about me, they don't dare to hurt me!"

Regardless of other things, Asunian gritted her teeth and turned to run outside. She can't stay, she stays, but becomes the weakness of Xiu'er!

Under the moonlight, four dark shadows rushed out of the cabin, surrounded the Asiu group, and turned a blind eye to the fleeing woman.

"Sixteenth prince, enough trouble, it's time to go back with us." One of them chuckled, without any respect in his tone.


"The prince would have to teach me to wait, otherwise I would hurt my small arms and calves, and I would not be able to make an offer to the master." The man said as he gestured to those around him to chase the woman.

A Xiuguang's eyes were cold, and he suddenly shot, blocking the opponent's footsteps. Regardless of his disregarding attitude, he killed the four players, and he could not leave the four masters firmly in this square.

The other side was hesitant and didn't dare to strike him. This was his only bargaining chip.

He had to delay for his mother to escape further.

More and more small but not fatal wounds on his body, blood stains leaked out, stained with coarse cloth clothes, and strength was quickly lost in the fight.

Until he couldn't hold it anymore, Asiu turned back and jumped out of the fighting circle, locked his throat with one hand, "All roll, otherwise I'll die here!"

The four stopped, their eyes gazing coldly in the dark.

He didn't leave according to his words, and the surroundings were so disturbing.

The soft footsteps, when they sounded in this quietness, seemed to stand out.

"The little master is worthy of being a wise man who even praised Taifu. He has delayed so long just to give a chance for slaves to live." In the other direction, there was a black shadow approaching slowly, holding it in his hand. The woman who ran away, "Unfortunately it didn't make you wish."

In the hands of the man in black, Asunian's feet were clumsy, her hair was messy, and her face was full of tears, reflecting the luster under the moonlight, "Xiuer ..."

The voice choked and broke.

Ashu's heart sank, he didn't realize that there were potential enemies! "Let go of my mother!"

"Sixteenth prince, you're wrong, your mother-in-law is the queen." Then, the dagger showed up on Asun's neck, and the man in black said, "Please also ask the prince for mercy, otherwise I might Missed. "

"Xiuer, don't listen to them, hurry up and leave here! Hmm ..." The sharp dagger pierced the skin and pierced the meat, and the red blood immediately poured from the wound.

Watching Asiu slowly put down his hand locked in his throat, and let the man in black restrain him, Asiu Niang closed his eyes in despair. After all, she became a burden.

The bundled rope almost ran into the flesh, and Asiu seemed to be unaware, staring directly at the man in black opposite him, "Let my mother down, otherwise I will let you get nothing!"

A few moments of looking at Asiu, the man in black suddenly chuckled, turned his dagger, stabbed into Asun's chest fiercely, took it out, and slowly stroked out along the corner of the woman's mouth, extending to the ears!

Screaming through the night sky, Asho's black eyes turned scarlet, "Stop it!"

"The prince is used to pride, I do n’t know that sometimes there are some things that ca n’t help you. We just need to live. As for how to live, we do n’t care.” Afterwards, he threw Ashurian, who was covered in blood, into the yard. The humble medical girl dared to abduct the emperor, and her sin was unforgivable. The master had a warrant and caught it, let alone kill him. "

"Dare you! I won't let you go! You beasts!" Struggling desperately, unable to break the shackles, Asho was choked on by people, watching the black man ignite a torch, and burning the cabin, together with , People in the room.

The flames soared into the sky, and there was a terrible scream in the courtyard. The man in black who turned around grabbed Asho's hair and forced him to raise his head. He watched the woman who fell down in the courtyard in pain and tumbled, and finally struggled. Engulfed by the sea of ​​fire.

"Mother ... Mother ... Ah! Ah--!" Growled sadly and desperately, Asho opened his eyes wide, and bloodshot his eyes!

The air in the chest seemed to be evacuated, and he could not breathe, it was cold, the person was heavy, and his mind was blank.

How to break free of those forces, he didn't know, stumbled into the yard, kneeled beside the person who had become a coke, his eyes narrowed and he couldn't find the focal length.

The back of the head violently struck, and someone stepped on his head, pressing **** the coke.

The remaining hotness instantly burned his skin, making a slight stabbing sound. Asiu could not feel the pain, he only had shortness of breath, his eyes became more and more scattered, and he lost his vitality.

In the mouth, there was only an unconscious roar, like a dying beast.

If there is a ridiculous chuckle, it sounds low in the surroundings, gloomy in the dark night.

"Boss, can this be done this time?"

"Stop the camel's last straw, huh. If it wasn't for this **** to be a stalk, he would have been crazy, where can he jump to the present? Now it's just for her to complete the last step and pass it." After that, the man in black turned and said, "Bring the man up and return to Beijing to resume his life."

Others were about to start, grabbing the baby who had fallen into madness, breaking the sound of a sharp blade, and penetrating.

Seeing the incoming person, the people in black are all changing colors!

"Protect the prince, no one here can let go of it!" Shen Leng tone, accompanied by the sound of the warrior blades, sounded again in the small courtyard that was ruined.

The fight lasted in the middle of the night, until all the dust was settled, except for the corpse of the man in black and the ground covered with sorrow.

Recently at PK, the editor said that there are too many four, let three more, and four more after the shelves, little fairies do n’t shoot bricks. [Crying laugh]

(End of this chapter)