Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 79: Family crazy

Chapter 79

Autumn to spring, three years in a flash.

After sending another wave of people who came to seek employment, Liu Yusheng went to the vegetable garden behind the house and sat in a corner of the eaves for a while.

The sight fell on the green vegetables, but there was no focus.

I don't know how long after that, a sound suddenly rang in my ears, "Those people come to the door again?"

Liu Yusheng turned around and saw Qian Wanjin come over, then sat down beside her with one buttock, and it was not as if the ground was dirty with his brocade. For three years, he became more and more angry.

Three years, also let a little Maitreya Buddha grow into a handsome young boy.

Since the poison was completely resolved two years ago, Qian Wanjin did not continue to gain weight. Instead, he lost weight day by day, exposing the youthful exquisite roundness.

"You said those people are really, they have refused for three years, why are they still confused?"

Liu Yusheng smiled at him, "Xinghua Village, these years have been getting more and more prosperous. They watched across the river, naturally they want to be jealous. Not only them, but now people in the surrounding villages are constantly coming to the door, thinking Find a job in a winery. "

Today's Xinghua Village is changing with each passing day. A distillery made them the richest village in Shili and Baxiang, and there was a steady stream of people coming to work.

In recent years, Liu Yusheng has arranged locations for many people in the neighboring villages. Only one village has been completely excluded by her.

Downhill village.

With the disappearance of the two suspects, the kidnapping incident was not lasted, and the people in Xiapo Village did not even show one face to face, without apologizing.

Especially after the chalet accident, two people were also killed in the downhill village.

According to the news heard by Qian Wanjin, no matter who killed the two people, they were related to the cabin accident.

She was dazed again.

It was the look he had seen most on her face in three years.

It seemed that my heart had drifted to an unknown place, and no matter how others reached out to grab it, I couldn't catch it.

Can't get it back.

At the beginning, the soft and warm little baby was gradually stained with coldness in those eyes.

Even if the smile was as bright as before, it was a little less temperature, not obvious, and he could feel it.

"Not planning to give up yet?" Qian Wanjin asked, aside his face.

"What news can be brought back this time?" Sure enough, as soon as it was related to that person, she immediately returned to God.

"Three years have passed, and even the government has already given up looking for someone. How long do you have to persist? What does he have to do with you? I need you to look for it, at the expense of manpower and financial resources!" Angrily suddenly rose in the heart, Qian Wanjin's words were sharp, "Liu Yusheng, what are you trying to figure out? Give him a word of thanks? Or the reputation of a bodhisattva! Three years, more than a thousand days! Maybe someone else has died in what corner!"

She didn't answer and refuted, and those quiet eyes fixed on him.

"His mother!" Qian Wanjin frustrated low curse, pressured upset with irritability, "There is a clue that someone once saw a person like him in the town, aged around ten years old, messed up, specifically Asked to meet in detail, and the remuneration was very different. "

"Take me to see him."

Fuck, it's a thousand rewards, and I don't blink my eyes.

It's crazy!

"No wonder the home is still a run-down after a few years, and all the belongings that you earn together have been hit on this!"

Liu Yusheng stood up and pressed his lips. "Little owner, thank you."

"... I thank you for the lack of you? Thank you so much. Find someone to say it again, alas!" Qian Wanjin turned around and left.

As soon as the news was spoken, she would have to see someone immediately, but fortunately she got used to it and was well prepared.

Seeing that the teenager in front of him was walking with irritability, Liu Yusheng smiled.

At the beginning, he begged him to help find someone, and he said that the profit was seven or three points. In the end, she did not hang her, and the re-drafted contract documents stated that each profit was five or five.

Ao Jiao Juvenile is not as wealthy as he is.

She was really grateful to him.

Yemen did indeed give up on looking for someone long ago. Even some of the big men who had appeared in the village were just a flash in the pan, and they never visited Xinghua Village.

If she hadn't been able to help her with money and always used her family's help to help her, she wouldn't have been so easy even if she could persist till now.

"Well, it looks like noon, do you still have to go out?" Mrs. Liu was busy with lunch in the stove, and saw the two babies turning out from behind the house one after the other, ready to go out, and asked with a probe.

"Grandma, I went to town and Xiaodong's family said that someone had provided new clues."

"Really? Then you go! You can eat in the town without lunch and bring your money!"

"Well, knowing grandma, please help me to tell my grandfather and my father and mother uncle Eryi."

"Okay, hurry up, don't go late and let people run away!"

Qian Wanjin stood in front of the carriage, listening to the conversation in the yard, and wiped his face fiercely.

Family crazy!

All three years! Can't he keep up with the missing dead boy?

The more I wanted to be, the more unsatisfactory I was, Qian Wanjin turned his eyes on the eyedrops. "Grandma, people only say that there are clues, and I don't know if it's true. There are fewer informants I met before. ? "

"You can't say that. No matter whether it is true or not, it is better to trust it or not, in case it is true!"

"Maybe people have come back to their place early, and they have forgotten you ..."

"What nonsense, Ashu's child is not the kind of person. If he really returns to his home, he will definitely send us news, lest we worry about it." Mrs. Liu gave Wan Wanjin a glance, turned back to the cooking room, mouth There are still thoughts in it, "Oh, I have to make dinner better. In case Ashe comes back, I ca n’t eat enough ... I will take the clean quilt out to air, and let him live with the two kids at home first. Yiwu ... this child, I don't know how much hardship I have suffered outside these years ... "

Qian Wanjin stomped onto the carriage, closed his eyes, so as not to listen to his anger.

Liu Yusheng took the silver ticket, thought about it before going out, and then took out a pair of red head ropes and tied them to the buns on both sides.

In the bronze mirror, the baby girl ’s muscles are like white snow, and her eyes are bright. Her former crochet braids are now tied into two children's puppets. They look cute and lovely. .

That was the only thing Asiu gave her. For three years, she kept it well and never faded.

Just as she wanted to find his obsession, it never faded.

If she really wanted to ask, why could she persist, she didn't even understand it herself.

(End of this chapter)