Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 806: What do you kick me for

Chapter 806: What Are You Kicking Me For?

"Huangyi, look at who I brought?" At noon, Feng Moyu appeared in the Yangxin Hall, with two guests behind him.

Turns out Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou.

When the three came in, they didn't dare to whine, and when they found that the queen queen was not in the hall, they began to reveal their original shape.

Qian Wanjin almost stepped in front of Liu Yusheng, almost did not overturn her medicine stove, "Fu You, are you really happy? Is there really something in your stomach?"

Shi Xianrou followed, "Small gold, be careful. Fukeng is now a fragile item. Don't touch it. Don't be so reckless anymore."

Suddenly he saw two friends, Liu Yusheng smiled broadly. "How did you two run into the palace?"

"How can you not come? This is a big event! We heard the news yesterday afternoon that Princess Nanling was pregnant. I went to the Palace of Nanling at that time, but I don't know if you actually entered the palace and killed me. Today If we can come in, we still have the blessing of General Shi. Otherwise, I can only wander around the gate of the palace. "When it comes to this, Qian Wanjin is very unhappy.

Anyway, their home is also the imperial merchant. Before entering the palace, they still have to post, and then wait for the post to pass up, and then wait for approval. They can only enter the palace after they have been accepted.

Without a three or five day period, the reply will not come at all.

"Xiaofenger, if you give me a token that allows you to enter and leave the palace freely, I won't have to worry about it in the future if I want to come in and see Fuyu."

Feng Moyu snorted at him, "When you are in the palace, the token is Chinese cabbage. If you want to get it, you can also issue various tokens in the palace."

"What regulations are not stipulated? Can I still stab you if I come in? Do I have a lot of money to look like a chaotic thief? You just say no to it!"

"How to give, how not?"

Qian Wanjin akimbo, "Give, that's all right. If I don't give it, I'll take Fuyu to my money house. Anyway, raise a baby, where isn't it? It's better in my money house than in this palace There are many. If you ask for a door, it will become you. "

Seeing the teenager being angry with his teeth, Qian Wanjin hummed. Anyway, he has also been in the mall for more than ten years. What scene has not been dealt with? Can't he deal with a young adult? Then he's fooling around.

Feng Moyu released a waist tag from his waist, and hated it and shoved it into Qian Wanjin's hand.

He wasn't threatened by Qian Wanjin. He was worried about the emperor.

The relationship between Huang Huang and Qian Wanjin is self-evident. As long as Qian Wanjin opens his invitation, the imperial concubine will most likely nod and stay at Qianfu. She didn't like to stay in the palace, and was constrained by elbows everywhere.

Liu Yusheng and Shi Xianrou looked at the duo's mouth and laughed.

This heart-raising hall was originally deserted. With Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou, plus Xiaofenger, there was no way to keep quiet.

The four gathered around the medicine stove, while watching Liu Yusheng's refining medicine, chatting casually, sometimes a few noisy chants were heard, which was very lively.

The noise spread from the temple into the inner room, breaking up the desert.

The queen queen came back from her loss, and looking out, she could feel the kind of anger coming across her face by blocking the curtain.

"The queen queen, the emperor came out, and brought the money of Master Qian and General Shi." The old lady whispered.

"Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou?" The queen mother got up and went out.

It's not surprising that the two guys and Liu Yusheng have always made good friends.

The news that Princess Nanling was pregnant was spread throughout Beijing. They arrived at the first time, just to prove the friendship.

The bead curtain rang softly, and the graceful and dignified old woman came slowly. Qian Wanjin, who was also a hippie smiley, and Shi Xianrou, who was relaxed all the time, immediately adjusted her expression, respectfully saluting.

"I've seen the Queen Mother."

"The queen queen, I came over to see the emperor, and by the way came for a meal, and saved a person from eating alone."

"The emperor has the interest to accompany the old lady of the mourning family to have a meal here, and the mourning family naturally rejoices." The queen mother sat down on the soft couch and looked at Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou. Let ’s stay together too. ”

"Thank you Queen Mother."

After saluting again, Qian Wanjin chuckled at the empress, "Let the empress laugh."

Waiting for a few people to reflect the meaning of this sentence, he saw that he took a discount from his arms and opened it. A long list of menus was listed above, "Those who are pregnant are the most suitable to supplement The meals of the body are also delicious. Little ... Emperor, let the banquet room follow the list. My mother said that people who are just pregnant should not smell the fish, and those who are fish, shrimp, or meat should not be served first. "

Shi Xianrou also said, "Before I came, I asked the old man in Xiafu specifically, and said that if you have a body, it is best to eat something appetizing before meals."

"This is when you are no one in my palace? Are you still using your account? Without you reminding me, I will take good care of the emperor!" With a black face, Feng Moyu also took it out of his arms. A photo was taken on the table, and the menu was longer than the money.

"It turned out that the emperor had already prepared, then I'm assured." Putting away his book, Qian Wanjin put his head next to Feng Moyu, pointing to the names of various dishes above, "Vinegar Sanxian? West Lake spicy fish I have n’t eaten these two dishes, and I ’ve tried one each ... The red fruit soup is too sour, I do n’t like it, but I ’m in a special situation. Let ’s do it together ... ”

Liu Yusheng raised his forehead and looked quietly to the queen queen. Seeing that she could not see the emotion on her face, she didn't look at them at all. She was busy kicking Qian Wanjin under the table, her mouth was silent, The visitor is a guest! "

For this second commodity, did he forget that he was a guest or a guest of the Yangxindian?

Ordering more and more dishes! That slippery was eaten by a person with a body. What did the queen queen eat?

You ca n’t be a guest in the other ’s hall.

Inexplicably kicked, Qian Wanjin still couldn't react, hesitant, "Fu You, what are you kicking me for?"

Covering his face with his hands, Liu Yusheng was reluctant to speak.

"Don't blame, don't blame, I'll teach people back when I look back." Shi Xianrou smirked and pulled people to his side, lest Liu Yusheng get angry and kick him again.

Regarding Qian Wanjin's IQ, Feng Mozhen turned his hopes, and turned to the old man, "Well, you will go to the royal dining room to prepare a meal. In addition to the dishes that the empress queen loves on weekdays, he said that Qian Shao's family just said. Those ones are also added. "

"Old slave knows."

The Queen Mother raised her eyes slightly and looked at the four people around the low table.

The whole body is full of vigor and vitality belonging to young people. When they talk, they quarrel and maintain each other.

Difficult to split.

The next section is tomorrow's chapter. After the time is adjusted, you can repay the monthly debt.

(End of this chapter)