Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 813: And knife holder

Chapter 813: The Sword Holder

Stepped out of the pavilion and ran opposite.

As soon as the people approached, Cheng Sheng immediately greeted him, "Master, are there any results in the negotiation?"

"Not yet, I'm afraid I still need to sharpen my mouth. My mouth is not good enough." Feng Qingbai smiled, took the horse brought by the soldiers next to him, and turned up. ! "

The man drove the horse away, Cheng Sheng looked at the soldiers looking at him on both sides, "Did he be heard by the general when he was gossiping behind him? Or did you betray Lao Tzu in secret?"

"General Ming Jian! We are ourselves, how can we betray the General!"

"Let Lao Tzu find out, Lao Tzu hit his **** blooming! Huh!" Leng Huo heaved and waved, "The army returned to camp!"

In the future, you ca n’t say that Wang Ye is right or wrong, do n’t even think about it.

It would be too embarrassing to teach people to say so.


In addition to the vacant land just now, the junction is a large area near the Nanling military camp, all of which is Mizusawa. If you accidentally fall into it, you will be flooded.

Therefore, it almost became a forbidden area of ​​the barracks, and the soldiers would never come here easily, only as a barrier for the army.

Feng Qingbai did not approach, detoured the road, not far from Shuize, and near the Dongyue military camp there was a heaven.

Having seen the map here, it is not difficult for him to find a place.

When approaching Tiantian, Feng Qingbai slowed down his horse and moved forward slowly. The sound of horseshoes struck, and an echo echoed between the cliffs on both sides.

It is more empty around.

The wind speed in the ears changed slightly, and a very slight sound broke through the air. Feng Qingbai turned his head and avoided the hidden weapon.

The volley hit the dark shadows overhead.

Xu Yan was right on the move.

Separated after 100 strokes.

"Every time I see me, I always pull my sword," raised the eyebrow at the man in the black robe and black robe, Feng Qingbai said, "What is it about me to come out?"

"Leave here and quickly return to Nanling."


"Tell you to go, then go."

Distracted from the alert, Feng Qingbai sat down anywhere, leisurely, "reason."

This cozy look made Xue Honglian squint her eyes, but she felt that they were extremely disturbing.

When they face each other, they should be war-minded and dare not let go of their guard for a moment, but today's Feng Qingbai is a taboo.

"Get up, or I'll kill you with one sword!"

"If you want to kill me, you will be reminded in advance?" With a smirk, Feng Qingbai turned his head and looked at the grassy longwing flying in the distance. "You are so anxious to drive me away. Someone is going to be against me? You are ventilating the letter coming?"

Looking at Feng Qingbai for a moment, Xue Honglian stood up to leave.

"Xue Honglian, Dongyue Emperor's troops, is it related to you?"

"What about it?"

"No wonder the Dongyue Emperor was so impatient and dizzy. I thought you didn't have much to say, but you could persuade the Dongyue Emperor to see that I underestimated you." The man looked back at him, with a faint smile on his lips.

Xue Honglian's eyes sank. "I didn't expect that Nanling King, who was always expensive and cold, would be so embarrassed when talking."

"There are still people behind you."

Ding! The hidden weapon was impartial and hit the feet of Feng Qingbai. "I don't want to die, hurry up!"

The shadows are fleeting.

With the direction of the man's disappearance, Feng Qingbai's smile gradually disappeared, his face cooled down.

Xue Honglian is behind someone.

The powers currently known are distributed among the three great powers, and they stir up the situation all over the world, with the intention of setting off troubled times. What is their purpose?

People step into the fog like a foot and can't figure out the direction.

"Wei Zi, go check all the conspirators beside Emperor Dongyue and report the news within three days!"

Dare to rebel when the emperor died, and succeeded in replacing it. The Dongyue emperor was definitely not a coma. It was not Xue Honglian who could persuade him to suppress the Nanling army at this time.

It is not that Xue Honglian does not have this ability, but if all the mastermind is Xue Honglian, then he will not show up to warn him to leave.

So he made him suspicious. Xue Honglian was just a sharp blade, the other end of the sharp blade, and the knife holder.

That's the real black hand behind the scenes.

Get rid of the mist and pull the cocoons, there will always be a day out.

It was late August when Liu Yusheng received what was brought from the border.

Things were packed in a small box, brought by Feng Moyu.

At that time it was just time for dinner.

Except Feng Qingbai who would carry her things from the border, he didn't do what he wanted. Liu Yusheng couldn't wait and opened the box immediately.

Inside is a picture scroll.

Open it, and there is a sketch of her on the scroll. Next to the portrait, there are two remarks.

——While **** for Iraq, when will you undress?

Quickly closing the scroll, Liu Yusheng's white face was crimson, and the two men sitting next to him looked redder.

They were all sitting at the dining table. They just opened the painting without any concealment. I was afraid that Xiaofenger and the queen mother could see it.

Who would have thought that Feng Qingbai would tease her like this?

No seriousness ever!

No, after marriage, he rarely has serious time!

"Huanghuang, don't hide it, I saw it all." Feng Moyan shook his head, and there was a voice in his mouth. "I didn't expect it, is that really my uncle?"

"Xiaofenger!" Liu Yusheng became angry and anger, grabbed chopsticks and knocked on the teenager's head.

"Don't don't do it! The emperor is careful, your stomach is now pregnant, don't be excited, don't make big moves, be careful!" Raising your hand and scaring Feng Moyu's face changed color, do not hide Instead, it soothed.

If the emperor lost something because he wanted to hit him, he couldn't afford it!

Liu Yusheng rolled his eyes and patted the slightly swollen belly with one hand. "Where is it so coquettish? If you take a photo, you can take it away?"

Feng Moyu folded his hands, begging for mercy. Emperor Huang patted his belly, and his heart beat.

"Let's have a meal," said the queen queen, blocking the two from making trouble.

Liu Yusheng has lived in the Yangxin Hall for a month. I can see this battle every day. If I see more, I won't be surprised.

"I heard that your grandparents are coming to visit you in Beijing." Between meals now and then, occasionally, she would take the initiative to say a few words.

It's like a habit, which gradually develops.

Knowing that this is not good, but cannot quit.

"I didn't let them come. Now I live in the palace. What can I do if a queen mother looks at it? It's delicious and delicious every day. This month, I've gained a lot of weight." Liu Yusheng answered with a smile, casually Put a chopstick on the old lady's favorite dish.

No use of chopsticks.

The queen mother frowned, but finally said nothing and ate the dish.

It looks like eating poison with chopsticks.

Liu Yusheng turned his head aside, snickering secretly.

"Did you mean it?" The old lady's tone sank twice in her ear.

"How could it be! I definitely didn't do it on purpose. It was just that I used to eat with my grandparents at home. We were used to picking dishes for everyone, but we couldn't change it for a while. The queen queen didn't blame me." Liu Yusheng turned his head and widened His eyes were closed and his expression was innocent. "Although I did not use public chopsticks, I was in good health and absolutely free of infectious diseases."

The queen mother's face was very dark.

Chapter Three ... I'll take a bath first ... good night, big guy ... would I like to go to Xiangmi?

(End of this chapter)