Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 817: To provide them with intelligence?

Chapter 817: Providing Information to them?

That's fetal movement.

She is a doctor, and she is no stranger to this word, and most people have fetal movements in April and May. She is still early and has already felt the kind of movement.

The angle of Liu Yusheng's lips spread and knead, and I really felt the fetal movement, which was the first time in two generations.

From the beginning of pregnancy, in addition to the initial pregnancy sickness, in fact, she has been ignorant about her pregnancy.

The joy of being a mother is like missing something.

There was something in my stomach. Besides joy, it was more novelty.

It wasn't until the fetal movement came from her belly that she finally realized that she was born with life.

Fresh life.

Follow her, follow the style of cypress, bone and blood.

The feeling of bone blood suddenly became extremely strong at this moment.

The intensity made her eyes red.

"You are also worried about your father, aren't you?" With a raised belly, she asked lightly, her eyes and eyebrows exuding a gentle motherhood.

At the same time, the light in his eyes gradually became firm.

In any case, she has to help Feng Qingbai return safely.

The next day, Feng Moyu returned to Yang Xin Dian, the Queen Mother had returned to normal.

Back to the beginning.

They did not reprimand the others for their jokes and jokes. They did not preach and ignored them.

His face is calm and his eyes are thin.

It was Liu Yusheng who was close again, and she had no extra response.

Liu Yusheng felt frustrated.

Once before returning to liberation.

It was easy to start a moderating relationship, and somehow returned to the original point.

After coming out of the main hall, Feng Moyu pulled Liu Yusheng aside. "Huangxi, I said a long time ago, the queen mother is an old lady who is hard to serve. Do n’t go near her to avoid anger."

"What kind of annoyance? The queen mother hasn't annoyed me. I lived here for a while, but I took care of me. You can see the dishes we put when we eat. Most of them are my favorite. It was she who told her to ask the royal dining room to do it. You should not always be fussy about her. In theory, you should also call her a grandmother. "

Grandma Huang, Feng Moji rolled her eyes, and in this life, he could not call that old woman Grandma Huang.

Although the Empress Dowager is better in all aspects compared to Princess Liu, this does not mean that the old lady is easy to get along with.

Wasn't it the Queen Mother who put him under house arrest at the Temple of Gande?

The old lady wouldn't use tricks, he might not be able to fight them when tricks are used.

"In short, it's important for you to conceive. You don't need to think too much. My uncle will definitely be able to return in peace."

"I see, you are so good. I'm close to the old lady at home."


Telling the woman a few words, Feng Moyu did not stay more, went to the Royal Study Room to handle government affairs.

Now the situation is unusual. He can't be lazy. Besides, he has to deal with the things in a hurry. It's not long since Uncle Qiqiu became married in September, when he will accompany the emperor back to Xinghua Village.

When he left the hall, he walked in a hurry. He didn't notice that there was a shadow passing by around the corner of Yangxin Hall. After he left, he hurried away in another direction.

In the afternoon of the day, Liu Yusheng received an invitation from the concubine concubine to go to the imperial garden pavilion to appreciate the lotus flowers.

In mid-August, the lotus flowers in Jinghu bloomed beautifully, which is a good time for appreciation.

Liu Yusheng didn't intend to go. She was not familiar with the concubines, and she felt awkward to sit in one place.

With strangers, she is not a temperament to talk to.

As a result, several concubines came to invite her personally. She stayed in the hall and had nothing to do, but she refused to refuse.

"I don't know if the princess still remembers me, in fact, I had a relationship with the princess before entering the palace before." The woman closest to her smiled with joy.

Liu Yusheng was embarrassed. Looking at the women's face for a long time, they never remembered the side where they had been before.

The woman covered her lips and chuckled, "The body is the daughter of the servant of the book, and the emperor seals Song Ye. A few years ago, the princess was invited by the then left-hand minister Qianjin to go to the osmanthus forest, and the body was also present. Only then Status is not important among the noble ladies, and people talk lightly and have not spoken to the princess. "

Oh, Liu Yusheng showed stunnedness, and when it came to osmanthus forest, she remembered, but she still didn't have any impression of this Song Yan.

"It doesn't matter if the princess doesn't remember. The mirror lake gazebo is in front. Let's sit down."

The women gathered around Liu Yusheng and sat down in the pavilion. The scenery outside was just right, the sun, the lotus, the sea and the sky blue.

A group of beauties exchanged glances and pushed each other, as if they had something to say and were embarrassed to say.

"You have something to say?" Liu Yusheng smiled slightly.

It was still Song Yan's first mouth, "I have always wanted to invite the princess to gossip about tea. Today I finally can find an opportunity. The princess must blame us for making a noise."

With her fighting pioneers, a few of them also let go, shyly and timidly speaking.

"Actually we came to the princess, and there was something I wanted to ask."

Liu Yusheng froze, "What is it?"

"That is, we know that the emperor has always been close to the princess and respects the princess as a grown-up. We just want to ask the princess. What preference does the emperor have in his weekdays?"

"In the past, the emperor rarely came to the harem. After the princess lived in the Yangxin Hall, the emperor came over and walked every day, but it was always lukewarm to our sisters. The emperor was hard to guess. This time everyone is also strong. The courage invited the princess to learn more about the emperor. "

Liu Yusheng rubbed his eyebrows at the pair of eager eyes.

What is it called?

There are more than one or two beauties here. From her, she asked Xiaofenger about her preferences, and then everyone went to fight for favor.

She provided information to them in the rear?

"The emperor's preferences, in fact, I am not very clear. Although the emperor comes to feed the heart every day to eat, but I am an elder, the emperor cannot always say in front of me that he likes and dislikes it? You ask me these, I'm afraid I got the wrong guy."

Everyone looked at each other, "When we saw the emperor talking to the princess, it was completely different from usual, very relaxed and natural, and thought that the princess knew more about the emperor ..."

"I don't know, I don't understand," Liu Yusheng laughed, "what else do you want to know? I'll ask you back later?"

"Really? The princess really helps our sister?"

"..." Liu Yusheng put his hand on his stomach, and suddenly frowned. "Ouch, my stomach hurts a bit!"

"Stomach pain? Why is there a sudden stomach pain?" The beauty was all pale and panicked. "Prince, you, you and so on, let's pass on the doctor!"

When the medical girl outside the pavilion passed by, she was pulled in and pushed her to see Liu Yusheng. "Hurry up, let's see what happened to the princess. She suddenly said that her stomach hurts!"

They didn't do anything. If the princess had something to do with her while staying with them, they would be afraid of their lives!

It's three more chapters ... I'll write chapter four tonight and sleep again. Little fairies, go to bed first after reading the three chapters, and get up and watch ha ~ good night ~

(End of this chapter)