Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 828: She doesn't believe

Chapter 828 She Does Not Believe

Under the slender arms, the old woman was stiff, and the breath emanating from her whole body was more mad than before.

At the end, she laughed out loud.

Laughter is sharp, sobbing, worse than crying.

"Lai Family, saved his child again, ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Unstoppable, smiled astray.

The whole inner room was full of twisted laughter.

"Mrs. queen, queen queen," Liu Yusheng's eyes flushed, and she yelped and called, holding her tightly. "Don't do this, don't do this!"

"Don't do this?" The queen mother repeated gently, pushing her hand away, and looked at her resentfully. "Don't do this, how about you want to mourn your family? How about you want to mourn your family!"

The sound grew louder.

"Agri's home, what else can you do?" At the end of the fierce end, the empress queen was very red and red, but no tears came out.

Tears had dried up long ago, and the eyes were like a river that dried up in winter.

"He killed my grandchild, Feng Qingbai killed my grandchild," she gazed at her, saying "Emperor Nanling, my grandson, is a child who has just reached the full moon. You tell the sad family, What is he guilty of? "

Liu Yusheng froze, his eyes widened little by little.

"The blood on the ground was flowing out of my grandson's body. When I arrived, a mass of flesh was blurred. They fell to his death, and he had a big hole in his head, and blood in his ears! "The queen queen suddenly stretched out her hand and held Liu Yusheng's arm tightly. She had the strength to crush her bones," Why can he be so cruel? Why? Shouldn't the grief family hate it? Can the grief family hate it! "

"No, it won't." Liu Yusheng shook his head. "Mrs. Queen, Feng Qingbai won't. Impossible, he won't! If it's wrong, it must be wrong, Feng Qingbai won't ..."

"I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Did you see that Feng Qingbai fell ?!"

"Why would he want to do this by himself! At that time, his voice was already high, and the blood-staining method shocked countless people. As long as he gave an order, most people would do it for him!"

Liu Yusheng didn't believe it. In any case, she didn't believe that Feng Qingbai would be so cruel. That was her brother Asho!

"He has lost his mother since he was a child. What he has experienced is unthinkable to others! He has been abused since the age of six. He has experienced such a bitterness and will never use the same means to deal with a newborn baby! He acts with him Bottom line! When he comes back, I will ask him when Feng Qingbai comes back! Mother, I must ask clearly, and I will give you an account at that time! "

After leaving the dorm, Liu Yusheng returned to the side hall and his mood was still ups and downs.

She did not expect that the reason why the queen mother hated Feng Qingbai turned out to be this way.

The queen mother saw the grandson's tragic death, and the murderer pointed at Feng Qingbai.

In the process of robbing people, there is a history of things like cutting grass and rooting out.

But she always believed that Feng Qingbai would not.

This matter, the answer can be found when Feng Qingbai returns.

Looking out the window, the sun was hot, but she felt cold all over.

It is now the end of August. When will Fengqing Cypress return?

In the dormitory, after Liu Yusheng left, the empress resigned Qin Yi, and slowly walked to the bed to sit down.

Stupid, wondering what was thinking.

She has identified Feng Qingbai as the murderer. Who else besides him?

Why can Liu Yusheng be so determined that Feng Qingbai cannot?

After looking coldly in the harem for so many years, will she not know Liu Qingsheng better than Liu Yusheng?

It's him, it's him!

If not! If not, wouldn't her hatred of the past five years be a joke?

She can't hate the wrong person!

Fingers tightened a little, the old woman turned her head and looked out the window, the sun was dazzling.

But even if she was standing in the sun, the warm sunshine couldn't warm the dead heart.

After the defeat between Dongyue and Nanling, the entire Dongyue nation began to mess.

The new emperor, who had just ascended the throne, died at the border, the throne vacated again, and the East Vietnam royal family set off a new round of seizures, and the struggle was heated.

At this time, no one had the mind to control the cause of the death of the new emperor.

According to Xue Zhong, the new emperor's adviser, King Nanling was killed.

This Qiu Dongyue cannot fail to report, otherwise it will become a joke all over the world.

But even if you want revenge, you need the country to have the Lord first.

When the Dongyue royal family was fighting for the throne, the army on the side of Nanling began to return to the North.

Cheng Sheng continued to station in Yigucheng. The army transferred by Qin Xiao returned to protect the border, and Qin Xiao returned to stand by and waited for trial.

Feng Qingbai did not go with Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao and Shi Ke are together.

On this trip, Shi Kewei ran away in vain, chased all the way, and failed to catch up with Qin Xiao. He did not even catch up with the war between the two armies.

The forefinger had just landed, and the hind foot was back again.

Shengsheng had lost his temper.

"Master, are we not going back together with them?" Wei Zi stood behind the man.

"It's the end of August. My little sister-in-law got married in September. If I can't keep up, I'm afraid he will remember to hate his whole life." Feng Qingbai laughed, "commanded the ship to go straight to Yunzhou."

Zhiqiu became married, and Shengsheng was bound to go back. If he returned to Beijing first, he would not be able to catch up with Zhiqiu.

Taking Yunzhou directly from the border can save half of the time and speed up or be able to get there.

He wanted to meet the person he was most worried about in the shortest time.

"Want to fly a book back to Beijing and tell the princess that we are going directly to Yunzhou?"

Feng Qingbai nodded, "using the fastest channels to spread books."

If Shengsheng can receive Fei Shu before leaving Beijing, at least the way back, can rest assured.

These days, she must not worry about him.

The ship left the shore, and gradually left the border under the watch of Cheng Sheng and his party.

At this time, the Liu Family Courtyard was extremely lively.

With less than a month left to get married, Liu Zhiqiu scatters Huanzi every day and jumps in front of the elders. He takes out everything he uses to get married.

The name is so beautiful that you should be perfect once in your life.

Liu Muqiu followed his buttocks every day like a little tail. He was so ashamed that his face turned red, but he didn't want to stay away from him.

"Mu Qiu's girl is really going to be eaten by the stink boy." Wife Liu laughed, her eyes full of smiles.

"What's this? Mu Qiu is happy, Zhi Qiu is happy, then you can do it." Father Liu said, "Just like me and you, not always you see God scold me, I also see Tian Qi in front of you Scolding? This is how husbands and wives get along. "

"You are so patient, when did I scold you every day?" Madam Liu was unwilling, stubbing her neck, how the old man said in her mouth like an unreasonable shy woman.

"You look at it, don't you come here? Just say a few words and get anxious, your voice is so loud, you ask outsiders to listen to you. Is this a curse? Thanks to my temper, I never quarrel with you. "

Mrs. Liu was so excited that she opened her mouth to scold others, but she didn't scold her when she looked at the old man's expression.

The juniors turned around and blushed.

I'm guilty, I actually forgot to post it regularly! I'm sorry, I've waited a long time for the little fairies ~ The four chapters have been updated and the debts will continue to be paid during the day ~ Lailai ~~

(End of this chapter)