Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 833: Never thought about him dying

Chapter 833: Never Wanted Him To Die

Liu Yusheng opened his mouth, Qian Wanjin would not be blocked naturally, and Feng Moyu would not disapprove.

But what he thought was much more complicated. After the queen queen said that he was going to Xinghua Village, he looked dignified.

The Queen Mother's trip is not trivial, and almost the same as the Emperor's trip.

If there is something wrong with the queen queen on the road, the emperor has to bear great responsibility.

And the status of the Queen Mother, going to a small country and not being able to adapt, he was most worried about the people in the Liu family courtyard.

Grandpa and grandma will be comfortable by then? If an accidentally said something wrong, the queen queen is cyanotic, then the grandpa and grandma must be wronged?

Rubbing his brows, fortunately, when the uncle Huang will be there, he will be there to protect the Liu family enough.

"Imperial, you have to be careful all the way back. The old woman has a volatile temperament and is very difficult to serve."

Liu Yusheng yelled at him, "I have lived in the Yangxin Hall for more than two months. Have you ever seen a queen mother to embarrass me? Don't sip an old lady's name, it is your queen mother, your grandma."

Feng Moyu pouted his lips, the emperor changed, helping the old woman not help him.

"Don't make trouble, you are the emperor, you must have the emperor's mind and manner. Do you think your uncle has nicknamed his elders?"

"I called the nickname in front of the uncle, and the uncle did not correct me." Feng Moyu muttered unconvinced.

The woman's forehead was bounced hard by the woman, paining him with a grin.

Behind him, the old lady carried a parcel and helped the queen mother out of the inner room.

The whispering conversation between the two ends.

The queen queen's trip to Xinghua Village has not been fanned out. Not many people know.

It was only after she left that things spread throughout the harem.

Concubine immediately boiled.

They haven't been in the palace for long, and the longest is more than three years. But there are countless old slaves in the palace, even for decades. The little news from their mouths is enough to shock the concubines and imagination.

The queen queen marryed into the palace to become the queen, and never went out of the palace except for the royal ritual celebration.

This is the first time in more than 40 years!

Not to worship Buddha, not to worship the ancestors, but to Yunzhou with Princess Nanling, and to Xinghua Village, the home of Princess Nanling!


Princess Nanling lived in the Yangxin Hall for more than two months. Did the Queen Mother like it so much?

Will the relationship between the Empress Dowager and the Nanling King change? Everyone knows that there is revenge between them!

At the same time of doubt, countless people are naturally jealous.

Princess Nanling was born as a small peasant girl, and she eventually married King Nanling, the first prince in the dynasty.

Now it ’s more like entering the palace, but it just pleased the queen mother in a short time. This is called staying in the palace for several years, and even asked Andu to be asked by the queen mother.

The blessing of Princess Nanling is too great!

The harem was unsettled. On the other side of the dock in the suburbs of Beijing, watching the passenger boat go away, Feng Moyu also had a difficult mood.

The Empress Dowager decided to go beyond what he expected.

Had it not been for the emperor's concession, he said that he would not let the queen queen leave the palace and go to Xinghua Village.

Xinghua Village is the pure land in his heart, especially the Liu Family Courtyard, whoever disturbs it is tantamount to touching his inverse scale!

Looking at the sparkling water of the canal, the wind was dark and his eyes were somber.

The queen queen was on a passenger ship for the first time. After a short while, she felt chest tightness and discomfort, and became seasick.

Liu Yusheng asked her to lie down with a small pill before relieving the symptoms.

After the queen mother and Laoyu entered the cabin of the cabin, Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou were next to Liu Yusheng, pressing their throats, "Fuhao, what's going on? The harem can't be changed?"

The Queen Mother is out of the house!

Can she run away from home?

Anyway, the queen queen in their impression is elusive and has a city house. Whenever she does something, there must be another intention behind it.

Sinister is naturally inferior to Mrs. Liu, who is sinister to her face. But who dares to say that the Queen Mother is not difficult to entangle?

She doesn't move, she can kill you by turning hands.

It is no easy task for this old lady to stand to the end in the impasse of imperial power.

Liu Yusheng looked at the two men in front of him, and sighed, "It's not what you think, and the Queen Mother is not what you hear. I will tell you more about this later, but it won't What happened. "

She trades in cypress.

After I went back, I met and asked in person, the misunderstandings must be resolved.

If you can untie the queen's heart, then it will be a good thing for Feng Qingbai and queen mother.

It is the most painful life for a person to live by hatred.

On the tenth day of the ship, except for the first two days of seasickness, after the adaptation, the queen mother no longer confined herself to the cabin, and sometimes went up to the deck to watch the scenery of the canal and the surrounding ships.

She knew that she should not have come out.

But she really couldn't wait in the palace.

The son is dead, the grandson is dead, and the mother's side has been away for a long time. She has been alone for many years and has nothing.

If there is anything else, it is probably him.

But their identities have long been different.

But ... the empress queen clutched the handrail in front of her, wet her eyes, but she never thought he would die.

She never thought that he would die before her.

The East-Vietnam border was calm, Feng Qingbai returned to Nanling safely, and everyone would return safely.

What about General Qin Xiao?

"Mrs. Queen, the wind is strong in the evening, don't stand too long, just rest in the cabin."

Behind it was a woman's soft voice.

The queen queen stood again for a while, and waited for the wind to blow the water out of her eyes before returning to the cabin.

Ten days later, the passenger ship landed in Yunzhou, and the three of them walked briskly, and went all the way to the gate of Zhifu, calling Liu Zhixia and Fu Yuzheng, and riding the carriage back to Xinghua Village.

It was already mid-September, and Liu Zhiqiu's wedding was still two days away.

The queen queen was sitting in the carriage, next to Liu Zhixia and Fu Yuzheng, who was somewhat rigid, and it was better to let Qian Wanjin and Shi Xianrou open in front of her.

Fu Yuzheng held little edamas in her arms and is now almost two years old.

She had hugged this little doll at the time, as big as a small group then, and now she would speak.

Time passed so fast.

When the queen mother looked at the little edamae, Liu Yusheng was watching the expression of the queen mother secretly.

The queen mother had been nervous about her stomach before. She also determined that the queen mother liked the baby, but now she looks at the queen mother. Although her eyes are wider and softer than usual, she is not particularly close to the little green beans.

Is it true that the queen mother likes the little baby just after the full moon?

Her grandson was killed at the full moon. Thinking of this, Liu Yusheng had a heart in her heart and moved closer to the queen mother to sit on her.

"What are you doing?" She approached, and the queen mother frowned immediately.

"Touch your belly."

The queen queen's face turned green, and finally, she put her hand on her belly.

A few people around, "..."

what happened?

Chapter Four, come out, hahaha! I can take a shower. I found that your group of goblins are playing like me. As soon as I repaid a chapter of debt, the monthly ticket went up ~ The little shovel is going to be dull!

(End of this chapter)