Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 84: Grandma, you have to teach him!

Chapter 84 Grandma, you have to teach him!

She was reluctant to say that Asho was autistic, let alone that he was crazy. In her opinion, Asiu was just getting sick, and there would be a good day.

"Psychological trauma? Then, what's the disease?" The four adults looked at each other, "Can they be cured? How can they be cured?"

Liu Yusheng nodded. "It's a mental illness that can be cured. However, what happened that night, don't wait for Brother Ashu for the time being, lest he be stimulated again."

"Okay, we don't mention it, we are not allowed to mention it. The child has already suffered enough crimes. But he will not be stimulated again!"

"Yes, we don't mention it, we don't mention it."

There was a cry from Liu Er in the shower room, "Mother, it's not enough to burn another pot of water!"

Mrs. Liu busy patted the clothes corner, and turned around and ran to the stove. "Just come, I add a firewood, the hot water will be ready soon, wait a minute!"

Mr. Liu went to get the barrel and yelled towards the bath room, "You help the baby wash first, and I'll bring it to you when the water is burned."

Chen Xiulan looked at the cuckoo and walked to the stove. "Let's cook two more dishes, and when Asiu comes out, we can just serve."

The person blocked at the door of the room was clean and slippery. All that was left behind was Qian Wanjin, staring at Liu Yusheng anxiously.

"Xiao Dongjia, what's wrong with you?"

Qian Wanjin twisted his head, "You all go and wait for that stinky boy, don't bother me! Help you find someone so exhausted and tired for so long, when people find it, cross the river and dismantle the bridge right away! I have seen you through Fuyi anyway I'm not worth it, just ignore me! "

Liu Yusheng, "..." What is it? It's more up. What's comparable? She was completely confused.

I couldn't figure it out, I was too lazy to guess, turned around and went back to the room, looking inside.

Brother Ashiu has long hair, and when he dries the hair, he has to help him tie it up. She had to find a headband to bring it out.

Qian Wanjin waited for a while with his back to the door of the room. Before he could come to Liu Yusheng to coax him, he turned around and saw that everyone was gone! He was so angry that he turned blue and gritted his teeth. "Fuhao, you are so good!"

"Xiao Dongjia, do you have any extra hair bands? Take one for me, and I will tie Ashu's hair later." In the past three years, Qian Wanjin often traveled to and from the county seat and Liu family. He has a lot of clothes and accessories at home.

When Qian Wanjin heard it, he was even more angry. He ignored him and didn't bother, and still wanted to give his things to others?

"No!" There is neither for you.

The words just roared out, and Liu Yusheng just pulled out an old headband in the room. "No, I just found one."

Qian Wanjin, "..." He vomited three liters of blood.

The dishes in the stove room were set on the table, and Asho was just finished washing them out. Put on a clean and neat clothes, wash away the dirt, the whole person has changed.

Although thin but slender, he has the unique temperament of a teenager, clean and clear.

Liu Yusheng was also lost in the changes of the young man, and he was embraced into the familiar embrace. The nose was the refreshing smell of the boy after bathing.

Feeling his possessive embrace, Liu Yusheng smiled lightly, but there was a distressed heart in his eyes. He was too thin, and all his bones were under his clothes.

Obviously the same age as the elder brother, but his clothes were very empty.

In the future, she will have to make up for him.

Followed by A Xiu, there is also Liu Da Liu Er. They are completely different from Asiu's spirit. The head, face and clothes were covered with water stains, just like they had just fought a water battle. They were quite embarrassed and made the family laugh.

"You two go to change your clothes and come over to eat. Xiaojin, don't be so far away, and start cooking. Come here. Ashu can't be separated from you. Just sit together." The wife greeted.

Smelling the mouth-watering aroma of the meal, Qian Wanjin reluctantly moved over. When passing by Xiu, he did not forget to give him a glance, "Huh!"

Liu Yusheng shook his head and laughed, pulling Asu's sleeve. "Brother Asu, first squat down, I will dry your hair, and then we will eat."

Asiu blinked and understood, docilely squatted down, and let the baby turn to his back, wiping his wet hair with a dry cloth.

The force sent was extremely gentle, with pity, and she was careful to treat the treasure. Asiu blinked again, his hands unconsciously covering his heart, and he was clearly wiping his hair. How could those actions seem to fall on his heart?

Strange and familiar.

He ... loves it.

"Another six-year-old baby is waiting for you, don't you have a long hand? Sorry!" Qian Wanjin stood in the stove with his hands on his hips and kept grinding his teeth.

"Xiao Jinjin, why are you standing there? It's okay to help deliver the dishes."

"Hmm! Grandma is here!" A stride rushed to Mrs. Liu's side, and the action of serving dishes was familiar. When the boy came back, he felt a sense of insecurity.

He has to feel good and can't go any further!

At a table with home-cooked dishes, I just showed him the tricks and felt good about myself after finishing, "Grandma, am I terrific?"

Mrs. Liu laughed, "Well, it's worth opening a restaurant."

"There are so many things I can do. You have to hurt me a little bit later."

"It hurts, all good children and grandma hurt."

Make a fist, make persistent efforts.

Chen Xiulan and the cuckoo looked amused at the old and the young, and their lips were full of smiles.

I do n’t know when this child will be more and more familiar with the family, especially to the two elderly people, who spoke directly to grandma and grandma. These years, it ’s the child who talks down with A Xi ’s affairs. A coquettish joke, amused the old man again.

He is a good and kind child.

Set the dishes and serve the dishes, and there was a half-drying of Asho's hair over there. Liu Yusheng tied the hair loosely behind his head with the hairband found out, and then led him into the stove room to sit.

Without waiting for her to let go, people were drawn into familiar arms.

"What are you doing, what are you holding for dinner? You really take Fusao as a lanyard and cover your chest anytime, anywhere!" Qian Wanjin frizzled and pointed at Asiu and said to his wife, "Grandma, it's so uncomfortable to see him." Now, men and women are different at the age of seven! He is wrong, grandma, you have to teach him! "

"It's okay, I'm only six years old, and I'm still a little baby. They all sit down and eat and eat." Wife Liu smiled, and turned a blind eye to Asho's actions.

Qian Wanjin felt that he was running on the road to be mad.

It's not important. Can men and women guard against such things? After Fuyu loses money and regrets it, it's too late!

understand? understand?

Ouch I go! He just lives to worry!

(End of this chapter)