Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 869: Open eyes, drunk

Chapter 869: Open Eyes, Drunk

Yan Rongjin and his ambassador came to Nanling in the name of a visit. Although Yu Xi had already taken it back, he still had to do what he wanted to do, so as not to cause people to doubt it.

After he ascended the throne, he did not take out the jade seal for the first time, and later blocked the mouths of those people with a visit, but after going back, this matter could not be delayed.

Fortunately, there is no need to keep trying to conceal it.

After visiting the Nanling King's Mansion, for the next period of time, he did not spend much time with Feng Moyu, and was brought by the Nanling courtiers to tour around the capital. During the period, he also went to banquets and made good friends with the Nanling monarchs.

This night, it was a banquet that could not be evaded.

During the dinner, Feng Moyu kept raising his toast. "East Vietnam and Nanling were able to successfully establish diplomatic relations. It is a great joy. I am very happy. Come, Dongyue emperor, I would like to respect you!"

Yan Rongjin looked at him coolly and drank the full wine again. The spicy taste burned his throat, and the heat poured into his face.

Feng Moyu laughed even more, and the little white face under the belly of a few glasses of wine turned flushed, and the power was clear.

He can't kill him!

Feng Qingbai was entertaining with other courtiers in East Vietnam in another seat, and occasionally glanced at the two young emperors, not paying much attention.

Although Feng Moyu is a little bit bad, the consequences are only drunk.

"Hey, you have been in Beijing for almost ten days. When will you fight back to your house?" Looking at Yan Rongjin's eyes was not clear, Feng Mozhu asked.

"Things are done successfully, naturally leave." Yan Rongjin held back his dizziness and clasped his hands under the table to keep awake.

Looking at the smiling face shaking in front of her, her eyes were extremely cold.

The other was ten years old, capable of writing and martial arts, but he had never practiced drinking. He knew that Feng Moyu was deliberately intoxicating him, but as an emperor he could not escape.

In the next day, when Feng Moyu regrets it!

The boy on the opposite side poured him a drink, and handed him a full glass. "Things have become so full that they can't be fulfilled anymore. I got something and I still ate in this palace several times for nothing. You were treated with hospitality. How can you be successful? Is it true that you are reluctant to think about it? In the end, you are too young to spend time in fun. "

Seeing that Yan Rongjin didn't take the wine glass, he directly poured it into his mouth, "Come and drink! The two countries are happy together, so they must be drunk! Let's sacrifice our gentleman today!"

This made the courtiers in East Vietnam stop trying to stop.

Emperor Huijing said that the two countries would be drunk when they were together, and that they would give up their lives to accompany the gentleman. At this time, they would stop it, wouldn't it dismiss Emperor Huijing's face?

The two countries had a war before, and their national strength in East Vietnam was largely unspoken. Now that we have just reached the juncture of diplomatic relations, we must not reconcile the relations between the two countries.

Yan Rongjin was soaked in drunkenness, vomiting all the way back to the station.

Feng Moyu didn't go well. To avoid the tongue of the population, he said that he bullied people, and he accompanied him to drink a lot, far more than his usual amount of alcohol.

When Feng Qingbai came to mention him, he still yelled, "Drink!" "Drunken and not drunk!" "Sacrifice your life with a gentleman!"

Give the wind green cypress to air.

Don't forget to pretend when you are drunk, remember that you can't be sloganed by the population, and the slogan is sounding.

The man was brought back to the Temple of Gande, thrown on the dragon bed, and waited with a small board to help him. When Feng Qingbai was about to leave, the boy was still holding his sleeves. "Uncle Huang, is that little white face drunk?"


"That's good."

Wind green cypress rubs his forehead.

Then quickly walked out of the palace and returned to the house. It was getting late, and Sheng Sheng was waiting in the room for him to return.

He didn't want to delay too long.

After walking for a while, the person on the dragon bed was holding his forehead and screaming uncomfortably, so that Xiao Ban immediately called the Royal Doctor to the Taiji Hospital.

In addition to an old imperial doctor, there was a medical girl.

After visiting Feng Moyu, Lao Yuyi prescribed a sober prescription and asked the doctor to decoction.

After feeding the medicine to the drunk person who was drunk, the doctor girl looked at Lao Yuyi, "The emperor should wake up less drunk so soon, it's getting late, it would be better if Lao Yuyi went back to rest first, here are The slave and the father-in-law can take care of him. "

The old imperial doctor looked at the emperor and did not wake up for a short time. In addition, he was only drunk. It was not a big deal, and he left with a few words.

Wringed a clean towel and wiped the hands and face of the person on the bed. The doctor girl frowned. "How did the emperor drink so much tonight?"

"The emperor is happy, and they drink too much with the emperor Dongyue, I dare not stop." Xiao Banzi peeked at the doctor woman for a while, then suddenly, "I remember you! You are a good doctor woman in Tai Hospital ! "

Shan Fa smiled at him, "I didn't expect the little father to remember."

"How can you not remember that you have been to the Gande Hall once before." Xiao Banzi laughed and relaxed when he saw the other person he had met. "It's your turn to be on duty at the Taipa Hospital today?"

A good nod, counted as the default.

The two stayed beside the dragon bed. After the people on the bed drank the sober soup, the folds between the eyebrows gradually flattened, and the darker the night, the smaller the board began to quietly yawn.

"If the father-in-law is tired, just go down and rest. Here I can help to watch."

"No, no, I'm the emperor's personal servant, and naturally I'll take care of the emperor here."

After that, the boy in the bed suddenly opened his eyes and was very upset. He picked up the pillow at his hand and threw it over.

"Emperor, you ..."

"Go!" Silent!

Feng Moyu glared at the two until they retreated to the outside and turned over to continue sleeping.

Listening to the shallow cries from inside, the small board lowered the voice and said, "The emperor just seemed a lot better now. When it's sleepy, I guess I can sleep until the sky is bright, so I don't need to keep here Yes, I love you and go back. "

"I promised the old imperial doctor to look after the emperor here. If there is anything to do with the emperor halfway, wouldn't it be a promise." After a short nap, come back and replace, then I will leave, and you can continue to serve the emperor with spirit. "

Xiaoban hesitated, and nodded, "Well, I'll go to sleep for a while, then I'll get up, and I'll rest at the outside couch, if you have a loud call, I can hear it."

"it is good."

In the whole inner hall, only the boy on the dragon bed was still in a dream. The woman stood outside the bead curtain and looked at him for a while, then slowly opened the curtain and walked in.

The boy was sleeping on his stomach, and he couldn't see his face when he came to the bed.

Favor the detective, shake his shoulder lightly, and let his voice go softly, "Emperor, Emperor--"

His wrist was slammed, pulled down, and he favored standing unsteadily and fell on the boy, and he turned to press her underneath. Open eyes, drunk.

(End of this chapter)