Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 884: It's fair to destroy you

Chapter 884: It's Fair To Destroy You

It is not known who offended this rock king's house, or the people on the high rank have lost patience.

Yesterday night, assassins sneaked into the Rock King's Mansion and assassinated King Rock and Shizi. I heard that many people had died. The next day, when the officers and men arrived, the ground was covered with blood.

The two kings and the two sons of the rock and the son disappeared in the assassination.

The Yamen officers and soldiers searched in Beijing, and after nothing was found, they rushed to retreat.

It seemed that he didn't care about the disappearance of the two fathers.

That was the son of the royal family of Nanling. Even if Taifei Liu had fallen, as long as her identity was still there, no one would dare to underestimate and bully.

But the attitude of the officers and soldiers was there.

So the people speculated that if the officers and soldiers were to be so brazen, it would have to be ordered from above, or it would be handled hastily in accordance with the wind direction above.

Those who have a great feud with the Palace of Rock will naturally not be the king of Nanling.

Gradually, some people began to speculate that the father and son of the king of the rock were dead.

In the style of King Nanling, how can he let the unhappy people live, not to mention that King Yan is already hostile to King Nanling.

When this great event spread in the city, the palace was also very noisy.

"Now everywhere, King Chuan and Shizi are dead. I think eight or nine are inseparable from each other. Otherwise, officers and soldiers have searched the entire capital, how could they not find anyone."

"I guess so. The one in it fell down, and the King of Rock and Shizi no longer had a big backer. It's a matter of time sooner or later. But it's a good thing. When they got the power in the first place, they didn't show off. "

"How many concubines and slaves in the palace were killed alive because of her unhappiness? After doing so many wrongdoings, no retribution was on her, and retribution was on her children and grandchildren, and it was considered unhappy revenge. The Kyoto family will be completely cut off. . "

The conversation at the door of the temple faintly passed into the temple, but the woman with no idea at first thought that when she heard the word of the king of rock, she opened her eyes sharply and shivered.

Rushing to open the door of the inner hall, Tai Fei Liu flew towards the two eunuchs who were gossiping, stretched out sharp nails and scratched and scratched on their faces, shed hair, eyes red, "What are you talking about? You talking nonsense What! How dare you curse the sons and grandsons of this palace! What is dead, ah? You lie! Two dog slaves, the family will stab you! "

Ben also hindered the other party ’s identity and did n’t dare to fight back. When he heard that Tai Fei Liu was so frustrated, he even said that they would be beaten. The two eunuchs pushed her **** the ground and laughed, “What nonsense? What lies? Miscellaneous family told You, your son and grandson are dead! Even the corpse can't be found! The whole rock king's house is full of blood, and the assassin rushes in. But everyone who sees them kills with one sword without leaving alive! Do you think that your two sinners have grown wings? Can they escape? They still want to slap us! Wake up! Don't see what you look like now, and live better than dogs! I stunned! I thought I was still Liu Feifei, only one The madwoman who was waiting in the cold palace to die! "

The more he cursed, the more he cursed, the more he cursed, the more delighted the two eunuchs were, and in the past in front of Mrs. Liu, they always dared to be low-key, and feared that she would be killed by mistake. Now Feng Shui is taking turns.

"Hahaha! It's all retribution. You killed so many people before. Retribution is here now. It's too cheap for you! Don't you know? I didn't order a thorough investigation by the court. The killing of the rivers and lakes is over. The father and son of the king of rock have become your children and grandchildren.

Wolverine fell to the ground, Tai Fei Liu listened to the two slaves, and you laughed at me with every word, and my mind was full of the phrase King Rock and Son died!

King Rock and Son are dead!

Impossible, impossible, how could her son and grandson die! How could there be assassins!

Someone is behind the ghosts, and somebody wants to queen her!

Wind green cypress, it must be wind green cypress!

What she said to the Empress Dowager that night must have been taught by Qingbai, and he came in revenge!

"This palace wants to see the emperor, this palace wants to see the king of Nanling! Call them out to see me! Call them to see this palace!" He leaped from the ground violently, and Princess Liu rushed out like crazy.

Seeing this, the two eunuchs were frightened, and hurriedly dragged people back, threw them into the hall and locked the gate.

This also caused a cold sweat.

They are responsible for guarding the Qingning Palace, and if this crazy woman is allowed to run out, they will have to take responsibility.

If you hit the board lightly, you do n’t have to cut your head.

The two looked at each other and did not dare to talk anymore, so as not to drive the people inside crazy again.

Regarding the event of the Rock King's Mansion, although it was spread everywhere, no one dared to delusion behind the black hands.

Because almost everyone has identified the target together.

Can that person be delusional?

It was night and the night was quiet. The **** on duty at the gate of Qingning Palace was drowsy.

A shadow sneaked into the hall silently.

The old woman sitting by the dim candlelight opened her scarlet eyes, looked at the person in horror, and stood up stiffly.

The comer's cold-pointed sword pointed at her throat.

"You, who are you! How did you get in!" As the approaching person approached, Princess Liu timidly backed.

The other person's eyes exposed outside the kerchief were pale without feelings, but made people feel colder.

People only have that look when they look at the dead.

"Mrs. Liu, don't come without fuss." Straight, no wavy sound, like a mechanical one.

Obviously the sound was beautiful, but Liu Fei's heart sank to the bottom.

"Miya Zero!" After so many years of cooperation, how could she not hear Miya Zero's voice! "What are you doing here? You want to kill this palace!"

The man approached again without speaking.

"Who told you to kill this palace? Is it Fengqingbai! You put down the sword first, how much money he gave you to hire you, this palace doubled!" Gong Ling is the killer and the owner of the Cangying Pavilion, but where The sword in his hand was unsheathed and was bound to kill.

No blood, no sheath!

"No one paid me money. I killed you because you **** it."

There was no retreat, the back had already reached the inner wall, and the front of Sen Han's sword tip had reached her throat skin, and she even smelled bloody. Tai Fei Liu's teeth began to tremble, "Gong Ling, you and I have been working together for so many years. If you want to kill this palace today, you must let this palace know why!"

"Cause?" The low, mechanical voice chuckled twice, revealing hatred and ridicule, "I'm asking for more than 300 lives on my behalf in Baicao Valley, to claim from Princess Liu! Is this reason enough?"

Princess Liu's pupils shrank sharply. "Bai Cao Valley? You are from Ba Cao Valley!"

"You destroy me the gate of Baicaogu, and I destroy you the gate of Liu's house in Kyoto," the man's wrist moved, his sword stabbed forward, his voice cold and ruthless, "It's fair!"

(End of this chapter)