Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 887: What the heart wants

Chapter 887: Where the Heart Is, Cannot Be Asked

The queen queen's face was darkened, darkened, and brilliant.

After annoying wife Liu, then annoyed herself, she asked a lot of words for what?

If she didn't ask, how could there be such a shame?

Qin Xiao came here, there is nothing strange.

Now she couldn't tell what to say, and was forced by her to take him with him.

Mrs. Liu had some hindsight, "Did I say something wrong?"

The queen mother glared at her.

Mrs. Liu immediately raised the baby croton in front of her, "Will I give you a baby croton?"


Liu Yusheng covered his face with his hands, and his small face was already flushed.

The elders in the family did not know about the queen mother and General Qin, and stepped on the tail of the queen mother at one foot, and then to see that grandma was very innocent at this time, Liu Yusheng almost did not smile.

In the whole Liu family, probably only grandma can make the queen mother so helpless.

Because she was really ignorant, not pretending.

Raising her hand to carry the little croton, the queen queen gave herself gas. She came to congratulate Liang Douer. She does n’t know anything about the ignorant woman!

The corner of his eyes couldn't help but quietly rushed to the other side, very worried about seeing Qin Xiao's smile.

Fortunately, the other party didn't look at it, and was focusing on the chessboard of the stinky chess basket, pointing to Mr. Liu.

This relieved her to return to the two beans.

Just as she retracted her gaze, the man looked at her slightly.

In those same weather-beaten eyes, there were obscureness, sighs, and deep nostalgia.

Holding on to the Empress's heart, she rushed to the baby, and her face gradually cleared. Wife Liu looked for a chance, pulled Liu Yusheng aside, and quietly asked her why.

She wasn't really a bashful woman who didn't understand anything. Looking at the expression that the empress queen was wrong, she guessed that there must be an unknown past between the queen queen and general qin.

She also needs to know something so she doesn't say anything wrong.

"Milk, I don't know. The matter is very complicated. You can take care of the queen mother's emotions. She is now alone and she has no relatives around her. She is actually a very good elder." Liu Yusheng said.

"Grandma knows that I don't talk to anyone like that, just because she's too lonely. If I don't tease her, she can be so angry? It's better to be angry than numb?" Granddaughter's cheeks.

"I know, my grandma is the most transparent person! My heart is still a thief!" This is to completely learn from the second brother's routine that she was mad at her, and used it behind the queen queen. Guifuru.

"That's it." After being beaten up, wife Liu smiled and returned to her original seat, teasing the baby with the queen queen and the two daughters-in-law.

Liu Zhiqiu Liu Muqiu didn't make up on either side, the young couple were not in the hall and didn't know where to go.

In this time in Beijing, apart from teasing the baby in the palace for half of the day, the two ran almost all the streets of Jingcheng Street, and Wanjin Restaurant was not slammed by the two. Single table.

At the end of the afternoon, at the end of the afternoon, the meals were served, and everyone finally lived together. The full moon feast for the two little ones officially started.

Because of the crowds, when talking and toasting, it is unavoidable to be noisy. Liang Dou Er was placed in the cradle next to him, and he did not cry. He obediently blinked and listened to Liuli's eyes. The child listened with great interest, and even when he heard it, he waved his paw and kicked his calf.

The so-called full moon banquet is a lively picture. The people who participated in the banquet gave the baby a full moon congratulations. The rest was nothing special. Your elders loved the baby.

During this meal, Liang Douer received more than a dozen golden locks, as well as money bags for the New Year. Small clothes made by elders also piled up in the corner of the cradle.

During the banquet, Liu Yusheng peeped at the empress and Qin Xiao several times to see how they got along.

The queen queen didn't notice this small action, both Feng Qingbai and Qin Xiao felt it.

Just stay calm.

Qin Xiao is an immovable man who has been trained for a long time. Liu Yusheng's gaze was still immovable. Moreover, since he can sit here, his face is naturally very comparable. For example, one day he was waiting for a rabbit outside the Nanling Palace, and the little girl in the carriage would not discuss his skin.

Feng Qingbai was impassive. She could not take the woman completely, but she also spoiled her. Although she was gossiping a little, it was harmless on such occasions.

After the banquet, the crowd did not immediately disperse, sitting and chatting in the flower hall, savoring this lively aftertaste.

Feng Qingbai sipped the jug of wine, walked slowly to the back garden with Qin Xiao, and found a stone table to sit against the moon.

Unplugging the wine stopper, I took a sip of the wine jar. Feng Qingbai handed the wine jar to Qin Xiao, "I still remember that in the southeast border, General Qin in the garrison gate also sat alone in the courtyard and drank alone. At that time, I I took a sip of wine from you. "

"Who would have expected that one day, the old man would be able to sit down and drink with Grandpa like this." The mouthful of wine was poured, Qin Xiao looked up at the moon, smirked, "What is wrong?"

"One month is the same as one person. How can we say that things are right and wrong?" Feng Qingbai smiled. "Although the general has unloaded his armor, but today's title, I think it is more suitable for the general, stay in Beijing, and have leisure. What I want to do. "

Qin Xiao looked at the wind and cypress, his eyes darkened, and he was silent.

"Now Feng Moji has begun to get started with government affairs. When I was gradually idle, I did n’t feel anything uncomfortable, but I felt relaxed. I even started to think that when he can dominate the country with his own strength, I will With Sheng Sheng and his children, he returned to Xinghua Village to take care of himself. "

"The Lord is willing to let go of power?"

"Power can be obtained by bowing down, how can it be compared with what the king's heart wants."

After taking another big sip of wine, Qin Xiao lifted his eyes to look into the distance, his eyes were obscure.

What the heart wants.

He also has his heart.

It's a pity, but not as lucky as Feng Qingbai, who can join hands with the person he loves.

What he wants is what he has never wanted in his life.

"What kind of place is Xinghua Village." Qin Xiao asked suddenly.

"The general wants to know if you have time to look at it." When mentioning Xinghua Village, Feng Qingbai's body overflowed with an unusual ease, "It is a paradise, and it is very suitable for old age."

Leaving from the back garden, the people in the flower hall are also ready to disperse, the night is dark, and the elders who are used to work and rest are tired.

The queen queen Feng Fengbai sent personally, this time the queen queen did not refuse again, anyway, in vain.

To her unhappiness, Qin Xiao's cheeky man even squeezed into her carriage.

Obviously not going the way.

Finally, the four chapters are more complete. Hey, little fairies, I'm dizzy. I need to make a typo and go to take a bath. You will go to bed soon after reading. See you tomorrow ~

(End of this chapter)