Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 917: I don't want you to be kind

Chapter 917: I Don't Want You To Be Kind

Seeing the woman figured it out, Liu Yusheng patted her back. "Okay, put a smile on your face, the second brother is injured, and you need to take good care of it next."

Liu Muqiu rolled her lips. As the woman turned to leave, she suddenly said, "I know Qiqiu can't get pregnant."

Liu Yusheng looked up and immediately looked back at the woman.

When she looked at her, Liu Yusheng's heart was bitter. She forgot that Xiao Bailian was a leader in playing small tricks.

Suddenly hesitated by a tentative sentence, and then saw the clue in her expression, there was no need to wait for an answer to get the answer.

In the past two years, Xiao Bailian has been with the second brother like the cockworm, only turning around him, converging the light, soft and soft, making herself almost forget, this woman used to be smart and exquisite.

"So Zhiqiu broke himself because he knew me." Liu Muqiu stared at Liu Yusheng and said lightly, "He is for me, isn't he able to pass on the line ..."

"No matter what the second brother is, you know that I won't lie to my elders at will." Liu Yusheng calmly gave an ambiguous answer. "I've been out of the room for too long. I guess I'm hungry. I'll go first. Feed them. Later you stare at the second brother and take the medicine. He falls very hard. "

Said Liu Yusheng calmly turned and left.

She did not lie or lie to the family, at best she just kept it from herself.

Lying is Xue Qinglian, eh.

The woman fled and left. Liu Muqiu stood in place and looked up at the clear sky in the distance. The whole portrait was like a woodcarving that would not move.

When we approached, we could see that the woman was trembling all over her body, and Yu Baijiao's face was full of tears.

In the room, Liu Zhiqiu was lying on the bed, and for the first time he saw his old mother crying.


"You stupid boy, what really kills you not to play! Now it's okay, you're playing eunuch! What can you do in the future? You, you let Mu Qiu follow you!"

"Mother, father, I'm sorry." Looking at his father and mother who were already forty years old, Liu Zhiqiu was full of guilt.

Ask my father and mother to come in, he has nothing else to say, but just want to say sorry to them.

"Do you know to say sorry? If you were so sensible before, your father and your mother's white hair would be half shorter!"

"Mother, you haven't grown white hair yet."

He stared hard at the old son who still didn't forget his poor mouth at this time, and Cuckoo wiped tears. "It's already like this, don't say anything worthy of me. I'll take care of the injury first, and live the same way in the future! Well, it's all doomed. "

Liu Erhong nodded with relief, "If you die before Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will collect your corpse. If Lao Tzu dies first, let the three peas at home collect the corpse for you. It is not bad. You will heal yourself."

"Daddy, you might as well stop talking." Liu Zhiqiu sighed helplessly and looked at the couple again. "You two are just in their early forties. If you're father or mother, you can work harder, maybe you can still grow old. child?"

"If a new thing like you comes out, I might as well slap him on the wall!"

Liu Zhiqiu, "..."

"Take care of your injuries! Also, you are all like this, don't continue to drag Mu Qiu back, let's talk to Mu Qiu girl, if she is willing, you two will leave and let Mu Qiu continue to find a good person Go. When you become a eunuch, you can't let Mu Qiu live with you, no one will die. "

"Dad, I was born to you?"

"You picked it up in Laozi's smelly ditch! Roll the calf!"

The couple vented in the room, and their mood was almost cleared up.

Vitality is extremely tenacious.

Liu Zhiqiu was amazed.

This is indeed his mother and father.

The son became a "eunuch" and did not feel bad. The distressed daughter-in-law was the first to die and no one died.

For another bearer, if he didn't fall to death today, his father and mother would die alive.

The couple walked for a while, and the door opened again with a bang.

"Little Bailian." Liu Zhiqiu's mouth lightened, without opening his eyes.

The footsteps were soft, a rhythm he was very familiar with.

Fine, careful.

It seems that she has always been in front of him since she knew him.

Be careful, please, for fear he doesn't like it. He gave her a little bit of satisfaction.

Love is humble.

And that humbleness is precisely because of love to the extreme.

A faint incense struck, and she sat down beside him, holding his hand carefully.

Liu Zhiqiu opened his eyes, his eyes were red and swollen, wet and watery, and the tears on his cheeks were still dry.

She cried again, and he frowned unconsciously.

It was because he frowned that the woman drew her eyes down.

"Brother Zhiqiu, I want to be your little follower. No matter what you become, whether you like me or not, I won't go."

"When I first saw you, I was fascinated by you. At that time, I thought, how could anyone laugh so nicely, and it is cleaner than the sky after the rain, and pleasant than the warm sun in April.

"Later I often went to the academy to peek at you, hiding aside, like a thief, shy and excited, nervous when you passed me by."

"Even if you have never looked at me squarely, you don't know me at all and you don't remember once giving me a little sweetie. I just like you."

Liu Zhiqiu listened quietly, her eyes fell on the eyes of the woman who did not dare to look at him, and on her eyelashes, which trembled as if to fly away at any time, and her eyes gradually became richer with each sentence.

"I used my heart to approach you. I gave you Yuyu for the first time, and I could talk to you face-to-face, and you didn't know how happy I was. I smirked for two days."

"I know you don't like me, but my heart hurts, and I don't dare to force it. You said you would hate me for a lifetime, and I really felt heartbroken."

"Actually until now, I can marry you and be with you, I always think I am dreaming. You never said to me ... never, I ..."

"I love you." The low male voice, softly, rang in the chamber, in the woman's ear.

At that moment, needles fell around him.

The woman's lips trembled even more, but still, she didn't dare to raise her eyes and asked almost silently, "... what did you just say, brother Qiu?"

"I owe you a word," the man's hand held her slightly cool fingertips, "I love you."

There were crystal tears dripping on the back of his hand, quickly burning that piece of skin.

"I didn't say this, so are you always so unconfident in front of me?"

"Little Bailian, I know what you looked like before, I know what your nature is, I love you only because of you, not because of others. I don't need your kindness, I don't need your ladylike dignity, you don't need to be in front of me Do any disguise, just be yourself. You are evil, and I love you. "

"When I liked you, you were like that."

(End of this chapter)