Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 922: I'm not red lotus

Chapter 922 I'm Not Red Lotus

In the temple, the queen queen had played with Liang Dou on the soft couch.

In the midsummer of July, the weather was already very hot. I was worried that the two dou'er would get out of the dumplings. The queen mother also specially placed ice buckets around the temple.

You can feel a refreshing coolness when you walk into the hall.

"Prince, that person has been here for the last two days. If Minger sees him again, don't bother her." He greeted Liu Yusheng from the door and whispered to her.

"She's provoking me too?" Liu Yusheng was funny.

"The queen mother doesn't like her, so the old slave is also disliked." The old lady laughed. She was the queen's confidant. When the queen mother talked to the royal queen and the queen, she rarely repelled her, even if she knew nothing. less.

"The queen queen and grandma don't like her, so I don't care about her."

The woman's words narrowed her eyes with a smile.

No wonder the queen queen likes the princess. The princess always talks well.

On the couch, the queen queen looked at the two of them, "whispering a whisper, what can't the grief family hear?"

"You queen mother, there are enough two beans to do everything. You can't see me when I sit next to you. Are you still eating old vinegar?"

"Who is jealous?" The queen mother had only one time to look at the woman, and her eyes were immediately attracted by the red beans who smiled at her, "But you are right, there are two beans in the family, everything is enough. See, red beans They all laughed at the mourning family, with a lot of small expressions, and Croton, and they still stared. "

One old and two young, having fun.

Walked over and sat down beside the couch, Liu Yusheng looked at the two children.

Lying there, two seven-point-like little faces smiled like flowers, and when they arrived in the queen mother, they spread joy, especially to make the queen mother happy.

But there is no need for them to do anything, wave their fists with the queen queen, and reveal a powdery gum, so that the dignified and queen queen queen can instantly become personal, and the smile on her face is long gone.

From time to time in the temple, you could hear the giggles of little baby.

"Mrs. Queen, I just saw that Mei Fei's belly was pregnant, should it be four months?"

"It should be, the Ai family didn't pay attention. What she did, she saw how far away she could be in the future." After a pause, the queen mother straightened up and looked serious. "Be sure to stay away from her, that's a thought Deeply, she will never do anything superfluous. When you see you, you must guard against it, especially when you carry croton and red beans. "

The more she said and the more worried, the empress queried to the old martyr, "Well, now you are ordered to let the concubines in the harem do not have to come to the temple to raise your heart in the future, and they will call on them when they have leisure."

Liu Yusheng didn't interrupt, and he agreed with the Queen Mother's approach.

Mei Fei does not really do anything extra. Every time she appears, there must be a reason.

The queen mother's decree passed on, at least to prevent Mei Fei from harming the Yangxin Temple.

It's just that she has been here for two days. Why?

At noon, Feng Qingbai and Feng Moyu came on time, and they had to follow General Qin.

He put his mind on the bright side, at least in front of them, it can be said that Sima Zhao's heart.

After talking about Mei Fei, Liu Yusheng asked the man, "Is there any progress on your side that forced her to start acting again?"

Feng Qingbai smiled and looked at the woman. "She has become your basis for judging the direction of the wind. It can't be progressed, but the capital has been a bit strange recently. I guess Xue Zhong has lost his way in Dongyue and Beicang. This time may be Already sneaked back to Beijing. "

"He's here in the capital?" Liu Yusheng was startled. "Can you find out where he is?"

"Not yet, but General Qin and I have fortified at the six gates of the capital. As long as he comes in, he cannot escape."

Feng Moyu was proud of his companionship, "Hello, don't worry, my uncle Huang and General Qin will join forces to form the Tianluo Di Net, which will be called Xue Zhong's wings!"

The proud child quickly drew back when she touched Feng Qingbai's narrowed eyes.

Qin Xiao disagreed with his words, "Xue Zhong cannot be underestimated. Zuo Rong was initially detained in Tian prison, and was finally rescued successfully. The five city soldiers and horses searched the city and failed to find anyone. We don't even know where the loopholes are. "

His words let Feng Moyu completely vented.

When Zuo Rong was rescued, they immediately blocked the city gate, and Zuo Rong still escaped safely. This was a great stain to the Nanling royal family.

Can't wash off so far.

"With Mei Fei's cleverness, she must know that she has been suspected for a long time, and knowing that she will come to the Temple of the Heart, what would she do?"

"She knows how we won't take her right now. Once we haven't found strong evidence to prove that she has a problem, Xue Zhong hasn't shown up yet. At this time, she naturally wants to do what she needs to do. When things are done, they are either inquiring about the news or adding chips for future plans. "Feng Qingbai said indifferently." Now we guess that it is useless no matter how much, wait for Jun to enter. "

"What jun, obviously a cricket." Feng Mo spit out, was swept away by Feng Qingbai's eyes, and quickly closed his lips and snorted.

Making people look ridiculous.

It's night, and the night is quiet.

A ghostly figure shot out of the palace of Nanling Wang, and disappeared in the dark night.

The fireworks willow alley in the north of the city is the time when the business is booming.

The yellow candles were lit in all the houses, and the doors were half-open and half-covered, and the sound from inside was ambiguous.

The same is true of the innermost house, but the courtyard seems quieter.

A slender figure pushed the door open, entered the courtyard, and finally stopped in front of the left compartment.


"Come in." The voice inside was hoarse and old.

Xue Qinglian opened the door of the room, and the yellow candlelight in the room immediately poured out. The middle-aged man sat at the table, poured his tea, and didn't look at him.

"Uncle, why do you want to come to Nanling." Xue Qinglian walked in and sat down opposite the man. "You are now being hunted down, Nanling can't hide for you."

"Now that the three great powers are hunting me down, I can tell you, where else can I go?" The man sneered. "Fortunately, I heard that my good nephew lived in Nanling King's House for a long time. Out, this uncle can only rely on you. "

"I'm not Honglian."

"Are you Honglian or Qinglian? Didn't you call me an uncle? But you really didn't consider me your uncle," Xue Zhong looked up, looking at Xue Qinglian's eyes extremely coldly, "You follow the trend. Green cypresses are old. But you keep hiding me! "

"It is my Xue Qinglian who has a relationship with Feng Qingbai. It has nothing to do with Hong Lian. He has never forgotten the task you entrusted, and never betrayed you."

"As you said, then tell me, why does he have to let go of the cypress?"

In chapter four, Cavinka got me wanting to die ~ I ’m going to follow the story, little fairies are calm and restless, do n’t wait during the day, I ca n’t add more for the time being ~~ I ’m going to take a bath to clear my head Into a paste @. @

(End of this chapter)