Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 945: Long? (14)

Chapter 945: Dragon Crest? (14)

In Beijing, the gates of the six major cities suddenly increased their guards, and they scrutinized the people who went in and out. For a time, the people in the city were disturbed, and they didn't know what happened.

The streets and alleys of the city are also full of officers and soldiers, searching from house to house.

These battles are very scary, scaring the people who are used to discussing gossip.

On the other side of the Fireworks Lane Homes, the battle was not lost.

Wei Zi led a few people in the Yinwei camp, together with a team of soldiers and soldiers from the Five Cities, to confine the innermost courtyard of the fireworks lane to the ground, and turned every corner of the courtyard to the ground.

Finally found something strange in the hut.

Looks like thatched cottage, uncover the board above, there are steps hidden underneath, and along the steps is a tunnel that can only pass by one person, directly to the city.

Beijing suburb pier.

When Wei Zi was chasing someone, she could not find traces of good favors and spiritual incense.

It's been an hour since the Imperial Academy got the answer.

Feng Moyu failed to speak for a long time, and after a long time, he still had nausea in his chest.

"The tunnel was built in the latrine pit, but they figured it out." He laughed, with the meaning of gritting his teeth.

"It's not a dung pit, it's just a cover of thatched cottage," Feng Qingbai looked at him, his eyes lightened. "You have been sick for a long time."

Wiping her face and trying to get herself back to normal expression, Feng Moyu asked, "What shall we do now? People have already run away, and the Beijing suburban pier sails to various places. We don't know in which direction they are fleeing."

"Can't catch up, just leave it."

"Uncle Huang?" Feng Mo was puzzled.

"The people behind them have been planning for more than ten years. Do you think they will stop if they fail?"

"Naturally, it's not like Xue Zhong. He's crippled everywhere when he's disabled. It's so easy to get something like ambition."

"So we just have to wait for them to take another shot, and we can only wait." Feng Qingbai said, "In addition, people went to the northwestern Miao Xinjiang to inquire about it. Xunshu was spread from Miao Xinjiang, even if it had nothing to do with them, they I always know one or two. "

"Miao Jiang ..." Feng Mo frowned, recite the words lightly.

At this point, the canal headed southwest on a ship in the cabin.

The two women sat opposite each other, one of whom was extremely thin, with a big belly **** under the long skirt, apparently pregnant with Rokko.

"Now in the capital, I'm afraid to search again. The emperor should be mad." The pretty woman covered her lips and smiled. Her whole body could not find the slightest atrophy, and her eyes flickered when she looked at the opposite woman. With the meaning of gloating, "It was revealed before the goal was achieved. Now you go back with such a big belly, how do you say the master will deal with you?"

"Pop!" The woman on the opposite side raised her hand and knocked off her smile. "Lingxiang, don't hide so in front of me. In the palace, you are my niece, and you leave the palace, you are still inferior to me. I want to devalue me, and I'll talk about it when I'm down. "

Covering her hot cheek, Ling Xiang looked at the indifferent woman coldly, her eyes filled with poisonous poison, "OK, I'll wait for that day! This slap, I can always go back!"

Seeing the woman's unmoved appearance, she pressed down her heart with resentment, Ling Xiang raised her lips again and smiled, "You can't cross in front of me, but it won't be long. The master wants you to give birth to the dragonfly in the palace. And flee, the master and the master are bad, he will never let you go! "

"It has nothing to do with you." The woman raised her eyes, and the light wave in her eyes was very light. "I warn you, it's better not to irritate me, otherwise I have a hundred ways to kill you before I go back."

Talking about the woman raising her wrist again, Lingxiang immediately stepped back a few steps, farther away from the woman, the fear that suddenly appeared on her face still could not be dispersed immediately.

She favorably retracted her hand and looked at the woman's eyes with a touch of taunt, which made Ling Xiang blush a little.

"Go out!" She said indifferently.

Ling Xiang grunted coldly, and hated out of the cabin.

When I was here, I was alone, and when I was kind, I narrowed my eyes, sat against the window bar, and looked out at the canal water.


The word gave a sneer to her lips.

Nothing, he was born, this will only be a child no one wants.

Turbulently displaced, a long life, and taste the suffering of the world!

With the good favor escape, Beijing seems to slowly restore peace.

The officers and soldiers made a lot of investigations in favor of the jailbreak case. In the end, no one was found suspicious, and because no one was arrested and brought to justice, the case was suspended, and if the results could be obtained in another day, the case would be closed.

After half a month's recuperation, Xue Qinglian was finally able to get out of bed.

The first time I moved my hands and feet, patted his chest, back, and made sure that there was no rigid blockage. After recovering as usual, he immediately wrestled with Qian Wanjin.

"You bastard, just sneaking up on your little man as soon as you can get up! Grandpa told you, and I just watched you get sick when he got healed in the first place, or he would lie down at any time!" Qian Wanjin howled angrily.

"People who don't have the ability will use hard words, and you will rely on the man with Shi Xianrou to cover you! Dare to fight against Lao Tzu, I will not kill you!"

"Do you have a conscience? Did you forget who accompany you to loneliness while you were lying in bed? Fairy board, you get away from me!"

"Let's get rid of loneliness, but who can tell you? Who moved the night pot to the end of the bed when the young man was solving? Let the old man aim at the shot, and the urine was crooked, and I searched for 1,000 yuan of silver! Why don't you just drill into your eyes ! "


In the room, Liu Yusheng, Shi Xianrou and Feng Qingbai were all there.

Watching the childish twisted two on the ground, they all helped to hide their faces.

"Come here, call a few young men to come over." Feng Qingbai rubbed his eyebrows and ordered.

The two men on the ground were immediately alert and raised their heads at the same time, "Feng Qingbai, what do you want?"

"You guys like Delohan so much. It's not fun to have fewer people. I called for a few babies to help." The man said quietly.

Xue Qinglian got up quickly and looked at the man in horror. Unbelievable, "Did you forget that I recovered from a serious illness? Do you want Laozi to break his bones again?"

The man's lips are light, and he can't reach the bottom of his eyes. "I didn't abandon you directly. You should be secretly happy and want to talk to me about the conditions?"

"..." Xue Qinglian and Qian Wanjin looked at each other, thinking about where they had offended this pervert just now.

Later, the two rushed out of the door and fled before Xiaoxi came.

Far from being able to hear accusations between the two.

"Knowing that it was a pervert, what did you say to the night pot in front of him! Filthy ears have been stained, and you deserve to be demonstrated!"

"If you didn't provoke Lao Tzu, could I do that scourge? You are the culprit!"

In the room, two beads chased after each other and smashed into the buttocks of the two people.

Shi Xianrou covered her eyes and did not have the heart to look out. She was too late to rescue her.

So, what are you doing to provoke the wind?

In the last chapter, hahaha, little fairies ~ good night ~

(End of this chapter)