Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 946: Go find a niece there

Chapter 946: Find A Maid Into It

After a bit of fun reuniting in the lobby, Feng Qingbai said directly to Xue Qinglian, "Now that you are fine, you can go to Nanjiang for a visit."

"You can't speak softly and listen to it?" Xue Qinglian pouted, "Just say you're afraid I'll be stricken by the tapeworm, and let me rush to find a way to live in southern Xinjiang. I don't feel comfortable listening."

"Why should I make you comfortable?"

"Feng Qingbai, you were not so cruel to me before," Xue Qinglian sat upright, glaring at the man. "When I was dizzy in the beginning, how worried were you, and carried me back in order to save me from Croton Red beans have been sent to the palace. Why is it suddenly so ruthless? "

"How?" The man squinted.

"My heart hurts!"

The words fell, and a ping pong sounded in the hall.

The three who were not dragged in pulled back together and withdrew from the circle of war.

Qian Wanjin shrank behind Shi Xianrou, not forgetting to stretch out his head and yell, "This is the lesson! Feng Qingbai, don't be merciful! If you don't feel sorry for him once, turn around and he can tease you, You are the prince! The majesty is inviolable! "

Liu Yusheng and Shi Xianrou shot Qian Wanjin's head back at the same time. "You just stop, or you will be the last one crying."

"And it's a double slap."

Qian Wanjin turned to sit tightly. "Where can I get me, I didn't do anything."

After the end, it was a serious drink. "Do n’t fight, do n’t fight. Hurry back to talk about the business. After Xue Qinglian has finished, we have to set off. The day we are together is like this one and a half hours. You will have to fight at such a time. How ignorant? "

Liu Yusheng, Shi Xianrou, "..."

When people want to find their own death, others can't stop it.

War in the hall escalated.

Chicken flying dogs are messy.

When the weather was calm, there were two more people with blue noses and swollen faces in the hall, and their waists couldn't stand up.

"Do you really want me to go to southern Xinjiang?" Xue Qinglian asked, taking out the ointment for swelling and removing stasis in her arms, and gently applying it on her face.

"You don't always like to study medicine-related things. Although shushu is not a medicine, but all kinds of poisons work with you differently." The man means that you have found a land of joy, hurry up.

"The same name is said to have no solution, that is, it can be solved. Can people really help me as an outsider? South Xinjiang is extremely exclusive, and has been mysterious for so many years. It has never accepted outsiders, so the news rarely flows to it. external."

"It's not easy," Detective Qian Wanjin snatched the ointment from his hand and applied it to his face. "Nanjiang excludes outsiders, but doesn't exclude yourself, you don't have to be your own? Go and find a puppet there Women are redundant. "

"Your second uncle, do you believe that I poisoned you before I left?"

"Well! Tired of listening, in other words, fresher, grandpa afraid of you?"

Xue Qinglian raised her lips, her eyes darted to a certain lower body, and smiled badly. "Are you getting married with Stone in November? You said that if you do n’t do the candle night, will you be laughed for a lifetime?"

"Curly, Xue Qinglian, don't force me to be incompatible with you!" Qian Wanjin frizzled and hid behind Shi Xianrou. At this time, only his wife is the most trustworthy.

What is the most painful thing for a man? It's not that the scientific research name is Sunshan Mountain, it's the cave flower candlestick!

"Stimid as a mouse." Xue Qinglian smiled.

"You know Mao. Yeah, that's called can stretch and bend."

Feng Qingbai pulled Liu Yusheng to his feet and did not want to stay with these two goods anymore, downgrading.

"That's how things got settled. You'll set off after lunch." He couldn't help but say, he packed people out of the palace.

"Okay, I can't do it." Xue Qinglian sighed. What she said was also related to her life. He was not afraid of death, but he couldn't die in the hands of a worm.

Dignified without medical treatment, and died of roundworm, the words spread with laughter.

Before leaving, Xue Qinglian went to the next room in Liu Yunge's room and took a look at the people who had been almost forgotten.

The man was lying there, still in a tattered shirt when he came out of the prison. He could not see the original color, and was stained with brown blood and greasy dirt.

Unshaven, old and withered like a wind candle.

His limbs were locked tightly by chains, preventing him from doing anything to harm him.

Even the mouth was tightly stuffed with a towel to prevent him from biting his tongue and committing suicide.

Walked slowly to the man, and under his red-eyed stare, Xue Qinglian untied the towel tied to his mouth and tossed it aside.

This cloth towel is really useless.

He knows what his uncle is about, and he will never commit suicide, even if he lives in despair and hopelessness.

He was afraid of death, and always dreamed that he could wait until the day when he turned around.

"Uncle, I said something awkward. If you are disabled, what can you do even if you let the palm of your hand dominate the world? You have to serve, eat and drink Lazarus, and you ca n’t even have offspring. It ’s just a waste of time."

Walk across the man and sit down, away from the sickening stench.

Xue Qinglian looked at the man quietly, her eyes were always calm, as if she did not know that the man had wanted his life.

"This is the last time I came to see you and I won't come again. I don't owe you anything anymore, so I don't need to return anything to you anymore. I look at you now, it's great." He said, "I haven't become disabled. I don't know if you will be disappointed. If you are disappointed, you can bear it. I will leave the Nanling Palace today. If you want to use me to stab them again, I'm afraid. Before I leave, I just want to ask you, do you have anything to say to me? "

The man stared at him deadly, a pair of muddy and gloomy eyes concealed under the messy hair, the time seeping through the gap.

After a while, the man spoke, his voice hoarse and unpleasant, "Where is Xue Honglian?"

"Well!" Xue Qinglian laughed suddenly, holding her belly. "Uncle said this funny question, that guy was killed by you, don't you know?"

"Let him come out!"

"Let him come out and do something?" Xue Qinglian smiled slowly, her expression became cold and stood up. "Come out and continue to be loyal to you? At this time, do you want to continue to use him?"

Liaobu, walking to the man, Xue Qinglian said, "He told me to tell you when he died. There will be no red lotus, only Qinglian!"

Reattaching the cloth towel to the man's mouth blocked everything he wanted to say.

When finished, take a step back and look at the man who almost stared at her eyes. Xue Qinglian nodded with satisfaction. "It's better to be tied like this, quiet. Uncle, there will be no future."

Without looking back, he left the room that would choke him out of the door, and a group of people stood at the door.

Feng Qingbai, Liu Yusheng, Qian Wanjin, Shi Xianrou.

When he stepped out of the door, everyone immediately looked at him, and what was hiding under calm eyes was his worry.

The heart, which was pinched by something, suddenly relaxed, and the coldness spreading in the heart was dispelled by a warmth.

"Why, Grandpa had to leave before I remembered my goodness, reluctantly?"

"If you want to go, hurry up, who will not let it go." Qian Wanjin hummed gently and threw him a sack. "I heard that South Xinjiang is a place where birds don't shit. The people there are very brutal. "If the poison doesn't fall, then bribe with silver. No one doesn't love money."

(End of this chapter)