Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 951: No need audience, thank you

Chapter 951: No Audience Required, Thank You

In order to catch the night in the cave room, Qian Wanjin worked hard.

Pushing wind green cypress to stop the wine, even Qian Wanyin was not spared.

As for how it will be rectified by Feng Qingbai later, I will talk about it later.

There were too many guests at the wedding party, and he couldn't handle it alone.

If he really drinks alcohol by himself, he will be drunk without leaving, will he be so stupid?

"Qian Wanjin, I have written down this account." Another wave of toasting was blocked, and the wind and green cypresses raised their lips.

Qian Wanjin dumped the pot, "You can't blame me. Look at the people sitting here. How many of them are coming at you? If it weren't for your blessing, I can't enter a new house now?"

After throwing the pot and playing the bitterness card, "You are also here. When you got married, you were no less anxious than me. You also need to understand and understand whether I am a brother?"

Qian Wanyin was also next to them. Hearing with his own ears as Qian Wanjin called King Nanling to be a brother.

He knew that his elder brother had a good relationship with the couple of Nanling Wang, but how dare he not think he would be so good, he could not describe it with shock.

Looking at the look of Nanling King again, although he said hard in his mouth, he clearly had a vague indulgence to Qian Wanjin. Otherwise, who would dare to drink wine to the whole banquet as long as he was unwilling?

King Nanling didn't want to destroy the atmosphere of the wedding banquet!

He treats Qian Wanjin well, not just in the face of Liu Yusheng!

The bitterness card around me continues, "I'm an old man now. Our little stones are almost twenty or four. It's easy to become a pro. If I can't do anything tonight, my little stones will be more depressed. You have a wife and a child and do n’t know the suffering of the bachelor. I have never opened a sack when I am about to stand. As a brother, you are not willing to fulfill your life. ”

The bridegroom officer hid behind the queen of the king, and the lord of the king sometimes glanced at him coldly, and refused to pass the wine carefully to the guests in front of him.

Really helped the groom officer.

This is brother.

The guests rejoiced to be able to toast with Wang Ye, and the atmosphere of the entire banquet hall became more and more enthusiastic because of his grand drinking.

This atmosphere peaked when the emperor's relatives temporarily.

Those who are vying for invitations to attend the wedding banquet do not expect to have a look at the Emperor Nanling and Emperor Tianyan at the wedding banquet. Now they have really seen both of them, and they really did not bother to spend so much effort to squeeze in.

It's worth it!

Feng Moyu came over in a micro dress. Because it was a wedding banquet, everyone's courtesy was waived. Even if it was respectfully respected by the parents, Qian Qian invited a separate table in the flower hall.

At the same time his arrival made Qian's face full, he also rescued Feng Qingbai, and Qian Wanjin took advantage of the situation to escape from the hustle and bustle there.

The groom officer personally entertained the emperor, and no one could say no.

Qian Wanyin followed in.

He had no intention of coming in. Although he helped block a lot of wine, his identity was far from enough to appear on such occasions, and it was Wang who pushed him in.

So it seems extremely tight and restrained.

Several people sat down in the flower hall, Qian Wanjingang spread his body to relax, and saw Feng Qingbai throwing a pill-like thing into his mouth.

"What do you do with medicine? Is it too uncomfortable to drink too much?"

The man glanced at him slightly and didn't speak, but Feng Moyao was surprised, "This is the hangover pill specially made by my emperor, don't you know? Take one capsule in advance to get a thousand cups without getting drunk, and one capsule after drinking can immediately resolve liqueur."

Qian Wanjin, "..."

After a long while, he jumped up, angrily pointing at Grandpa's nose, "I said how you drink so well, one person can stand up to the audience. It turns out you have something good to hide! Feng Qingbai, I am today I can see you clearly! Watch me drink so much wine at the beginning, you deliberately! "

"You didn't ask." The man answered, throwing a pill to Qian Wanyin, making Qian Wanyin flattered.

"What about mine?" Qian Wanjin reached out.

"Did you drink later? Drunk?"

"..." It seems none.

But this is not the reason to hide the magic potion?

If I had known that I had taken a thousand glasses of hangover pills in advance, Qian Wanfa vowed that he would definitely drink by himself, without any trouble.

Wang Ye's love is so good?

Uncertain wind Fengqing how to rectify him!

"The rich man outside is supporting you. You don't need to go out anymore. Go to the cave and call Sheng Sheng by the way."

"What are you doing?"

"I am drunk."

"..." Qian Wanjin wiped his face, and today he really saw to what extent a person can hide his face.

No one in the entire Nanling can make the wind.

"Is this going to leave?" Feng Moyu was equally aggressive, dazed, "I just arrived."

In order to be able to catch up with the excitement, he changed his casual clothes and avoided the queen queen. Now the buttocks are not sitting hot.

So his role here is just to save the scene?

"Come early next time." The man closed his eyes and drank alcohol, and the words were extremely irresponsible.

Feng Mozhang slumped on the chair, looking silently to the sky.

It had been known that he might as well not come. It would be more interesting to accompany Croton and Red Beans in Yangxin Dian than to run for nothing.

"Uncle Huang, I'm going to make trouble in the cave." The boy's voice was weak.

Qian Wanjin immediately stood up and walked to the new house.

Noisy room?

Think beautiful.

He waited for several years, and today he finally waited until he could be officially opened. Whoever dared to disturb him was anxious, the emperor did not give face.

When Liu Yusheng was rushed out of the new house by Qian Wanjin, he was inexplicable. "It's not dark yet, so it's gone soon?"

"Fukuo, please do your best. Hurry up and take away the two scourges. I don't need an audience for this ceremony. Thank you."


A wedding banquet was kicked out by the newcomers before the wedding. It was about this time in life, and Liu Yusheng confessed to leave with two scourges.

Feng Moyu came here no more than a quarter of an hour from the beginning to the end.

Watching the emperor and the prince leave in a hurry, the guests all over the room nodded frequently, the emperor and the prince were both very busy, leaving the midway was normal.

Qian Wanjin personally sent a few people out of the house, turned around and ran back to the new house after watching the carriage out of sight.

The door slammed shut. "Stone, we can make a hole in the house!"

"Don't wait for the dark?" Shi Xianrou sat at the round table with one hand on his jaw and asked with a smile.

"Who stipulates that the cave house must wait for the dark?" Qian Wanjin threw his wedding gown on his body, fluttered on the bed, hooked his fingers, "Come on! Grandpa has been waiting this day for two years!"

"Oh, you started thinking about me two years ago." The woman stood up, unbuttoned the red wedding dress, and did not see the eagerness, but the speed of taking off taught the man very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)