Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 953: A typical reference

Chapter 953: A Typical Reference

The year is near, the winter is extremely cold, and the leaves of the old locust tree in the village are withered, leaving only the bare and withered branches sloping.

The blue river at the village entrance was almost dry, and the river was frosty, and at first glance it looked like a white ribbon.

There are piles of piles in the rice fields beside the Qinghe River, and there are neatly cut rice stubbles in the field.

There was a depression everywhere, but the weather in the village was not affected by the depression at all, and laughter and laughter came out of the wall.

It's Chinese New Year.

The ox carts in the village shuttled, and the villagers who came and went tended to buy New Year's goods, with smiles on their faces.

Everyone has posted a red spring couplet in front of the gates of the households, and the children are laughing around the adults, asking for the melon and fruit desserts they just bought.

The most lively among them is the Liu Family Courtyard.

The hall was almost overcrowded. Adults were sitting around the brazier talking and laughing. The little boys shuttled between the adults and babbled with candy.

Beside the brazier, there were also two small cradles. In the cradle, the pink-carved and jade-carved baby opened the elf's eyes and looked at the curious heads above the cradle.

"Yi and Zhixia are back. This Liu family courtyard is lively. Four generations live together. Brother and old sister-in-law are blessed."

"You don't have to do anything to get up early in the morning. You can be happy for a long time just by hearing the baby's voice."

The women in the village are envious, and their children and grandchildren are full of filial piety.

Mrs. Liu smiled and pleated, "It's not enough. It will be lively when Qinglian and Xiaojinjin both return with their wives and children."

"Xiao Dong's family got married a year ago, and I can hug the baby next year."

"Yeah, we didn't go to this time when he got married, thinking that Auntie and Asiu are in Beijing and helping to send a congratulatory gift. The banquet is all the wealthy family, there is no place for us to put hands and feet, also I do n’t like that kind of entertainment. When they come back after the year, the family would like to congratulate them again. "

This is a regret in the hearts of Liu's parents.

I have known Xiaojin for so many years, and I have treated them as my own children. When my own children did not show up, it was more than a regret to describe them.

"Milk, if you really go to Qian Wanjin and have time to accompany you, he may not be happy." Liu Yusheng said.


"I'm in a hurry. Even I and Feng Qingbai were driven away by him."

"... You girl, you are not ashamed when you are married!"

In the room, laughter bursts.

Fortunately, there are women on this side, and the masters opened another brazier on the side of the cooking room, otherwise they really want to blush.

"It's almost three months since Qinglian went to Miaojiang, but what's the news?" Fu Yuzheng asked.

Speaking of Qian Wanjin, Xue Qinglian was thought of unconsciously. These days, the family and even the village have learned everything about Xue Qinglian, and filled with injustice.

"Not yet. Miao Xinjiang is located in the northwest. It is very mysterious. I have never heard of anyone coming in for so many years. The inside information is unknown to the outside world. It is not easy for Qinglian to successfully enter Miaojiang."

Lifting Xue Qinglian, Liu Yusheng frowned unconsciously.

About Miao Jiang, she heard Feng Qingbai say something, the only feeling is mystery, there are not many records of that place outside.

What she was most worried about was Xue Qinglian's inability to enter the realm, and the puppet on him ...

"His uncle is really nothing! How much has Qinglian and Honglian done for him? In the end, he almost got hurt by a maggot!" Mrs. Liu turned to Xue Qinglian and patted her thighs angrily.

"Mother, all said that good people have good rewards, Qing Lian will certainly be able to meet bad luck in the end." Worried that the old lady was angry, Chen Xiulan was relieved.

Du Juan also said, "Qing Lian lived in our Xinghua Village and Liu Family Courtyard. What is this place? It is a blessing place. Qing Lian will be fine with our blessing."

"Xue Qinglian was a man with good intentions. As long as he finds a place, there must be a way to mix in." Liu Muqiu said, "Do you think he would have been mixed in our Liu family courtyard at the beginning? Even when Wang Ye first started, He concealed it. "

This is one of Feng Qingbai's few miscalculations.

It was said that Mrs. Liu's face really relaxed, "What is said is that even Asho can cheat, then he would definitely have no problem if he wanted to mix in southern Xinjiang."

Liu Yusheng couldn't laugh or cry.

Today, wind green cypress has become a typical reference.

The chat atmosphere in the temple room returned to normal again, and a group of old men over the stove room also chatted vigorously.

Mr. Liu chatted with Jiu Lao, the village chief and several old men about the current affairs in Beijing that had just been dug out from Feng Qingbai.

Liu Zhiqiu took Feng Qingbai and Liu Zhixia to set up a small stove. "I'll take you to see a few of the Zhuangzi I bought in the next year. You can give me some advice and walk me through the back door."

Liu Zhixia hummed, "Your main purpose is the last sentence, right?"

"One of you is my brother and the other is my brother-in-law. You must be covering yourself, don't you? Don't look so out of sight."

"Buy after returning from Beijing?" Feng Qingbai asked. He did not expect that taking his elders to Zhuangzi to play would open a new door for Liu Zhiqiu.

"You know, I have always been through and lived. I have no ambitions in my life. I like to eat freely and wait for death. There are a few of my own Zhuangzi who ensure that they have food every day, and I will be satisfied."

"If you don't buy Zhuangzi, you will still be hungry." Liu Zhixia vowed, not knowing which kid suddenly went wrong to buy the local owner of Zhuangzi.

Think a Zhuangzi is leisure? It's more tiring than working just a few wineries now.

"Just let you show your face in the past and say hello to the local yamen, lest I be here, someone will give me moths over there, I will come back and forth to trouble and not tired." Liu Zhiqiu blinked and looked Two, just wait for them to nod.

"Don't go." The two spoke in unison.

"... are you my brother? Is it my brother-in-law?"

Feng Qingbai raised an eyebrow at him, "You also said that you are lazy, and lazy people will go and buy Zhuangzi for themselves? Nothing to explain why, I will not promise you anything."

Liu Zhixia nodded. "Ibid."

"..." these two ruthless people.

Then Liu Zhixia said, "Even if you really want the local owner, you should buy Zhuangzi in Yunzhou Realm, then everything will be more convenient. With the name of the second son of your Liu family, no one dares to ask you trouble, why should you Long water runs to Jizhou and Yuzhou? "

Neither of those places is their place.

His own brother is very clear about what he does. He is definitely not a person who works on a whim and has no brain.

Little fairies, there is one more chapter to read during the day, and an orange stomach to sleep for a while at night. The last chapter is too late, please forgive me.

PS: This is a painful message for people who have suffered internal injuries. I have an elixir. I will heal the injury first.

(End of this chapter)