Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 962: A group of ordinary people

Chapter 962: A Group of Common People

"Speaking of Xinghua Village and Xiapo Village, it is actually a piece of land. Can a blue river cut off the blessing?" Ancai's eyes narrowed, and he believed that the old man had a ghost.

"This is not impossible," Liu Erdao said, "there is a blessed doll in our village, but not in your village."

Liu Da nodded, "Our family is a good man with good rewards, and the gods bless us. Mr. Ancai, you will have to bring downhill village to do more good things in the future. Maybe hundreds of years later, children and grandchildren can enjoy the afterlife. "

Ancai's eyes narrowed, didn't he mean that they didn't do good things before going down the village.

"After the autumn harvest, I dug two baskets of mud in Xinghua Village and planted a small ridge of green vegetables in the vegetable garden." An Cai slowly walked.

At the end of the sentence, it was obvious that Grandpa Liu was breathing harder.

"It's delicious. The frost hasn't died. It's similar to the vegetables in your village's vegetable garden."

After that, Ancai felt a sense of coldness, which emanated from the prince who had been deliberately converging, and only he felt it.

That was against him.

Cover the two baskets of millet and put them back into the corner. By leaving for a while to weaken the sense of oppression brought by him, An Cai said, "So I want to discuss with you, I think it should be The problem of water and soil. After the year, I want the villagers to dig some mud in the fields of Xinghua Village, scatter them in our village, and then open a ditch on the Qinghe side to the upper reaches of the Qinghe River. You use the remaining water to mix into the river water to irrigate our fields. In this way, the water and soil on our side are the same as that of Xinghua Village, and we may be able to grow rice and vegetables as delicious as yours. "

Grandpa Liu stared at Ancai, but for a long time he didn't speak, looking like a monster.

At the end, Mr. Liu opened his mouth and said, "Old things, you used to be on the streets and didn't know a few more characters than us. How do you think of them all?"

Feng Qingbai lowered his eyes slightly, concentrating the momentum just sent out. An Cai's words were beyond his expectation.

Digging field mud and opening canals to return, this method can even be used in Chaotang to help solve water conservancy.

No wonder Xinghua Village has been suppressed by Downhill Village before.

Ancai is indeed a personal talent.

Cruel and hard-hearted, and brain. Where is Liu Jinfu his opponent.

Fortunately, although this man is fierce and tricky, he is only dedicated to the village and has little ambition.

Instantly, my mind turned, no one could see what the man was thinking, and Ancai spoke again. "It's all right, just try. Brother Liu, what do you think? If you agree, I will go back to Liu Jinfu. talk."

"Living at this age, I finally know how to be polite," said Mr. Liu. If he had changed before, where would Ancai first ask? I took someone directly, "I don't have any opinion. You can talk to Liu Jinfu. Our village can't bear that mud and water."

Exiting from Ancai's house, the entire downhill village was also gone.

All the way back, Father Liu still booed, "How old is this old thing, really smarter than the average person."

Feng Qingbai walked in the end, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and did not doubt the old man.

When he left Ancai's house just now, Ancai whispered to him, "Master Wang, rest assured, although I am Ancai's muddy, I will not harm myself."

It is indeed a smart person.

Back home, it's already dinner.

The food in the stove was cooked in the pot, and they waited for them to return.

Feed the cowpeas, put them in the cradle and play by themselves, and the family has dinner.

During the dinner, the old man talked about Ancai, and sighed, "That old thing really thinks about it. Look at it. If the rice and vegetable fields in downhill villages this year are really better than in previous years, let's Xinghua Village Tianli The mud is estimated to be hollowed out. "

Everyone couldn't help it.

Don't say, it really does. By then, the villages will not move without hearing the wind?

Although almost every household now works in a distillery, and the monthly money is enough to support a family with sufficient food and clothing, the roots of rural households are still farming.

If there is a way to make the crops in the field grow better, who is not happy?

When the elders laughed, Feng Qingbai looked at Liu Yusheng and saw the little girl's smile on her face without any hidden perplexity or worry.

The woman noticed that he was looking at him, and even playfully blinked at him.

Feng Qingbai's heart swayed slightly, her eyes darkened slightly, and the woman immediately turned her head away.

The color of the man's eyes changed, she saw most in bed.

"I told An Cai's old thing that our Xinghua Village ’s crops are growing well, because we are a blessed land. If An Cai's success is true, do you say if someone will come to our Xinghua Village Shangxiang in the future? Worship? "Father Zhongliu laughed.

"It's not impossible. The incense in our temple has been endless, not because there are so many good men and women. If you really think we are a blessed place, you may really come to worship." Mrs. Liu said.

Like her and the old man, they also believe in gods and Buddhas.

When the uncle was born before, the names were all the words they used to find old monks in temples. They were called blessing dolls at the beginning of their childhood. Maybe it was because the name was blessed.

After hearing the elders' grandmothers say more and more mysterious, Liu Zhiqiu smashed his mouth, "What gods and Buddhas are all false, to ask God to worship the Buddha, it is better to let them come to see me. Is our medicine a cure or not Illness helps to regulate and strengthen the body, is it more practical than worshipping a god, a ghost and a ghost? "

Jiu Lao shook his head by the side. "Right, instead of asking God to worship the Buddha, it is better to drink an altar of Xinghua Village, which is a benefit that the gods and Buddhas cannot give. A group of ordinary men and women who have no eyesight ..."

There was cooing laughter again.

Don't look at the old saying about wine, it's really the truth.

In the two years since Liu Yusheng's marriage, the distillery has opened to major cities in Nanling, and Xinghua Village's reputation has spread throughout the Nanling Kingdom.

At the beginning, a cooperative relationship was reached with the Li Cang of Beicang Village. The Xinghua Village Health Tea was promoted and sold by the Li Clan in Bei Cang. For more than two years, the Li family was steadily promoted to the first merchant of Bei Cang.

It can be seen to what extent Xinghuacun is popular.

In the old words of wine, to keep fit and prolong life, who knows who drinks it.

Because it is the first day of the new year, the country ’s customs do n’t visit other people ’s homes on this day. After the meal, the family roasts the fire around the brazier, and the lunch break is immovable.

Liu Yusheng followed Feng Qingbai's back to the inner courtyard, and after sleeping with the two children, he whispered about Ancai.

"Can it affect you?" He is now the only person in the family who knows the space. He has long speculated that Xinghua Village's unusualness is related to Sheng Sheng.

Liu Yusheng smiled and shook his head. "It won't have any effect. Our Xinghua Village is a blessed place. There is an ancient tree and a blessing at the entrance of the village. I can be born here, and I am also blessed."

Four chapters. Thank you little fairies for your concern, I woke up hahaha.

(End of this chapter)