Farmer Lady of Fortune, Imperial Concubine, Don’t Be Too Sweet

Chapter 964: Who invited me sincerely?

Chapter 964: Who Are You Sincerely Invited?

The queen queen was not accustomed to such intimacy and pulled her hands back with awkward expression.

The little emperor looked like she could not understand her disapproval, and then hesitated again, "Grandma, with you, I don't need a queen at all in my harem. I don't think any grandma of the queen really cares about me. So I am really in no hurry You slowly applaud. I ’ve just been in my early twenties for three or five years. I ’m still young. "

"Besides, I really picked a queen to come out and take charge of the harem. If you think about Croton and Red Beans in the future to come and go in the harem to accompany you, I'm afraid it's not as convenient as before. Other people can hurt you like you and treat them as yourself. Let them treat the palace as their back garden? "

"Also, if the queen regenerates himself in the future, it is likely to be the Prince's candidate. If he bullies Croton Red Bean, what can you do with him? That Croton Red Bean is more aggrieved? You must not feel bad."

The queen queen was said to be so embarrassed, and silently stunned the boy, not knowing where he came from saying this.

‘The queen gives birth to her.’ What ’s this? The son of the queen who loves the queen is not his son.

After the emperor's back, he cast a hard-hitting character on the eyeball, and the little emperor left with satisfaction.

The queen mother was left sitting on the soft couch for a long time, and finally smiled.

The old lady also couldn't suppress her smile. "After the emperor's resistance, he can be described as extraordinary." Anything can be said.

"Thanks to the years his uncle taught him so carefully, he hasn't seen how well he has learned, but he has learned the essence of his cheeky body."

"In the past, I saw the emperor playing tricks on the princess and old lady Liu. Now the emperor can show this side in front of the queen empress, which does not mean that he treats the queen mother as a close person, and the empress should be happy. The emperor can appreciate you Care and kindness. "

"Well, what does Ai's family want him to know? When his uncle was sixteen years old, he had already established his court hall so that no one would dare to belittle, calm and wise, with a city-house, and it was absolutely brilliant. If you look at him again, you are still coquettish at the same age, but you have not grown up. How can you be assured? "The queen mother frowned.

The old man refused to smile, and responded obediently, "So the emperor needs the queen queen to watch from time to time. This is why he has not come too far behind."

"Um." The queen mother coughed, relaxed and reclined on the soft couch. "In these days, you will make a list of the noble ladies in Beijing. In April, you will host a flower-viewing feast in the spring, and invite people to the palace. Come, look at Lai's house. "

"Yes, the old slave must be doing it properly."

The emperor was gone, and the Yangxin Hall was quiet.

The old woman picked up the charcoal fire in the stove in the hall and looked back at the old woman who closed her eyes and took a nap.

Still with dazzling silver hair, the look of his face was unexpectedly peaceful and kind, and the eyebrows could no longer find the grievances and sharpness of the past.

Everything is getting better and better.


At this time, the little emperor who had been out of the Yangxin Hall hit the General Qin who came slowly at the entrance of the Royal Garden.

Although he has been over sixty-years old, the man's formidable momentum condensed as a general for decades has not been reduced, and people standing around can feel the pressure from the face.

It's breathless.

The little emperor narrowed his eyes and stood waiting for the man to approach. "Qin Lao enters the palace at this time, but is there something important?"

"On the first day of today, as an old minister, I came here to see the emperor and the queen mother, congratulating the Chinese New Year."

Feng Mo lip, this old guy really did not follow the card to deal with cards, making him think of a response can not catch up.

Isn't it usually false public aid, and followed him and the uncle to the Yangxin Dian for false accusations?

Changed today?

Qin Xiao crossed his hands in front of him, and stood tall, calmly accepting the emperor's examination.

With four eyes facing each other, the little emperor's sharp and indistinct exposure to the veteran general was inferior.

"Yu just came out of the Yangxin Hall. The queen mother has already rested at this time. Qin Lao does not have to pass. Your congratulations have also been received. Qin Lao has nothing to do."

"I heard that the emperor has been troubled by some courtiers recently. Although the power of the Nanling King can keep the chapel temporarily calm, once the king leaves the dynasty, the emperor's own power alone cannot control the old court officials." Qin Xiaoyan between words and deeds Calmly looking at the emperor.

"Why is Qin Lao saying this?"

"If the three dynasties veterans who have always been neutral can be drawn to the emperor's camp, those courtiers who self-proclaimed themselves would converge three points before the emperor."

Feng Moyan's eyes were a little deeper, "Elder Yuan of the Three Dynasties of the Cabinet, even Uncle Huang failed to talk him into joining the camp, I'm afraid that Yuan Lao is not in his eyes."

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "The minister just happened to have a relationship with Yuan Lao." He gave up and said, "Without talking about official duties on the New Year's Day, the family banquet in the palace will be held in two more hours. The emperor should be in the Hall of Yangxin. Have a meal? Then Chenchen will not bother. "

"... The family feast will accompany the empress queen to have a meal together. There is only one of them in Qin Laofu, so it would be better to celebrate with Luan in the palace."

"So, the old minister was disrespectful, and I thank the emperor for his sincere invitation."

Feng Moyao's steel teeth are about to bite.

Who invited me sincerely? When it comes to shameless shame, he slaps horses and fails to reach General Qin!

In front of him, he hit his grandma's idea! Looking back, he must find an opportunity to apply eye drops in front of Grandma Huang, and let Grandma Huang scold him for what kind of system!

Saying goodbye, Qin Xiao turned and walked slowly away from the palace.

It's thick-skinned and shameless. If he doesn't fight, he can only die with regret in his life.

Now that he had made up his mind, what did he dare not do.

He didn't think he was suffering, but he knew how hard Aman was.

At the same time, the New Year's Family Banquet was held on time at the Yangxin Hall. At the same time, Xinghua Village's New Year's Dinner was also officially launched.

At the big round table in the stove room, people were sitting full.

Drinking orders, laughing out loud, the whole courtyard was full of joy and excitement.

Except for the Liu Family Courtyard, the liveliness of every household in Xinghua Village is not inferior.

Laughter can be heard everywhere.

Even a bark or two of dog barks from the house could make people hear it smile.

There is a strong flavor of the year in the air.

Two days later, Ancai walked into Liu Jinfu's house with a bachelor, and no one knew what they were talking about. When he saw Ancai's departure, the triangular eye was slightly curved, like a smile.

Waiting for the villagers to go to the village head's house to inquire, the news that Xiapo Village wanted to dig field mud in their fields soon spread throughout the village.

Everyone thought it was a joke, but no one made an unhappy voice, as Master Liu thought.

On the other side, Liu Zhiqiu also started to work, and set the date in a hurry, ready to take the two backers who can support him to inspect the several villages he bought, and put his plan on the agenda.

Good night, little fairies, do n’t wait ~ I have two chapters as I write and I do n’t know when I can write them. What?

(End of this chapter)