Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1326: Dowry 2 (to book friends

  Chapter 1326 Dowry Two

   "It's okay," Xiao Qian said with a smile: "I will run it for you then, and you can take care of board and lodging."

   "That won't work, Lizhong and the others will be jealous." Man Bao shook his head and said, "I don't want to fight with Lizhong and the others."

   "They dare!"

   "You also said that it was ‘dare’, not ‘thinking’, so it’s still not good to do so."

   Seeing that she was so difficult, Xiao Qian seemed to have to give this shop to Da Ya, so he frowned slightly and said, "Why do you suddenly remember this?"

  Man Bao said: "Yesterday, my mother hugged me and said, we are all running outside now, if it weren't for the eldest brother and the third brother are always at home, she and dad would not even be able to find someone to talk to."

"I just thought, my parents are accompanied by my eldest brother and my third brother, then my sister-in-law will be with you when you come?" Man Bao said, "The restaurant in the capital is very well opened. The fifth brother is almost coming back this year. He couldn't pull himself back, he said, if he goes to the capital again in the first year of the year, he must take Wusao and the others."

  Little Qian didn’t know this, and opened his mouth in surprise, “Isn’t it said that living in the capital is very expensive?”

"It's very expensive, but it costs a lot to go back and forth every year. If you think about it, it's better to live in the capital, and the family can see it from time to time." Man Bao leaned on Xiao Qian's lap and said:" How old is Lizhong now? The next 20 years will be when he was in the same year. He will definitely not go back to the village and keep farming. Are you willing to keep them at home and serve these fields?"

  Of course not willing, farming is too bitter, although it is also bitter to do other things, but the pain of farming is different from other sufferings.

  Xiaoqian has opened restaurants in the county in recent years, and he has seen a lot of them, so he can figure out the taste, and he can always get a lot of benefits from other things, which is not in vain.

  Farming is different. In addition to tiredness, it also depends on what God means.

  In the past few years, God’s face appreciation can be regarded as a good weather, but if one day is like the floods and droughts of the previous years, it will be fatal.

In the village of Mr. Bai’s house, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Liu in the county town, in addition to hiring a lot of fields for farming, there are also shops outside. The crops fail to harvest, and the shops always have income, and they are not like them. Like other people, when encountering major natural disasters and man-made disasters, they will sell their sons and daughters.

"There is still a school," Man Bao continued: "He is good at studying. I want to take him out this time and choose a good college to send him in to study. In the future, he will be the best examiner. Many things can be done."

"Sister-in-law, you see, I'm so good, Lizhong is knowledgeable, and Lichong is knowledgeable, what does Daya have?" Man Bao whispered, "The other children in the family, Liwei and Lijun are also outside now. , I can go out for school, not to mention the Sanya and Sitou at the bottom. Even if I go, only Daya has never traveled far, and there is no other opportunity to learn other things. The mother always said that the master is the main bowl. The water is smooth, but we must also take care of the weak children, like my mother to the third brother. Because he is honest and has no other income, he always quietly supplements them..."

  Xiaoqian:......why did the mother-in-law tell her about the third child?

Man Bao continued ignorantly: "I also know that it is difficult for a son and a daughter to have a smooth bowl of water, but now that Lizhong and Lixue have a better future, then you can quietly make up for it. Ah, that's nothing."

Little Qian was silent and did not speak, Man Bao shook her and said, "Don't think about making me a dowry. I am not your daughter, but you are the one who brought me up. Since I was young, the big head and the big girl have led me. For fun, in my heart, you are almost like your mother. You will treat you as if you have four children, and this shop belongs to you. Now whether you want a bowl of water to be smooth or not, whoever you want to give ?"

  Little Qian groaned.

  Man Bao knew that she was moved.

She leaned on Xiao Qian’s knee and looked up at her and said, "Sister-in-law, Lizhong is not at home. I will take Lixue out to study after the New Year. Only Daya will stay with you in the future. Only she can Take care of you and big brother."

  When Xiao Qian heard it, her eyes were slightly red. She stretched out her hand and gently touched Man Bao's hair. After thinking for a while, she nodded and said: "Okay, let me talk to your elder brother."

  Man Bao laughed, and rubbed in her arms and said: "Sister-in-law, if Dad doesn't agree, I will let my mother speak."

  Xiao Qian's nodded her nose, "You are clever, be careful that you are angry with you."

Man Bao said: "Our family is doing well now, my parents' affairs are over, there will be no special place to spend money in the future, everyone has a job again, and the dowry in this shop is not too difficult to afford, why not Give it?"

  Xiao Qian's whispered: "When your eldest sister got married, the family didn't accompany these to you."

  "Didn’t that not exist at the time?"

  Man Bao, seeing her uneasy on her face, couldn’t help but said, “Sister-in-law, don’t worry about it. Do you know how much money I gave to the two colored silks?”

  Xiao Qian asked smoothly: "How much is it?"

   "How can one horse be a hundred and eighty taels."

  Xiao Qian’s was stunned, his eyes widened and looked at Man Bao, trembling fingers pointed to her room and said: "The ones for me..."

"It's more expensive. That's the silk and satin rewarded by the empress. Anyway, I don't know how much it is for a horse. Er Ya had sold two or three horses before. She said that selling to the store is not worthwhile, and those wealthy people will not buy it with us. So keep it for your own use, or you can spend it as money in the future."

  There is not much gold, and very few silver is used outside. Ordinary people mostly use copper coins. For some large transactions, when the gold and silver are not enough, silk, satin, brocade, cloth and silk can be used as money.

  Xiao Qian knew that the cloth that Man Bao brought back was expensive, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive. Is this cloth equivalent to their shop?

  Man Bao saw that she couldn't help himself, so he ran away. When the little Qian was relieved to find her, she ran to the Bai's house early.

  Little Qian couldn't help it, so he went out quickly to find Qian and a few wives. After talking, several people began to look through the children's room and got all the cloth in the main room.

  In fact, those colored silks were given to Da Ya and San Ya, and then the five sister-in-laws.

Qian looked at the silk satin that was carefully placed on the bed, and couldn't help swallowing. She turned to look at Wu Wu Lang, who was temporarily called back from outside, and asked: "Fifth, honestly, these silks are valuable. How much?"

  Friday Lang: "...what can I say about this?"

  Qian shouted: "Tell the truth!"

  Frirang: "Actually speaking, these horses here are ordinary silk and satin. You can buy one for eight taels of silver, or eleven and twenty-two taels. The quality is different, and the price is naturally different."

  He said: "It costs so much money to buy, but if we sell it to the cloth shop, it can only be sold for five or six taels, and they always have to sell for some money."

    The next chapter is around eight o'clock in the evening

    Because some of the content of the previous chapter is messy, the second half of the chapter has been changed. You can go back and read it again.



  (End of this chapter)