Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1893: Scold (to give a reward to the book frie

  Chapter 1893 Curse

  King Gong saw the prince only now. He didn't mind that the prince saw him like this. He would get up as soon as he propped his hands. As a result, he felt his arms sore and weak, and he couldn't support him.

The crown prince frowned more tightly, and he was about to poke him with a riding whip. He remembered that this was not a servant, but his younger brother, so he poke with his hands instead. Seeing that the flesh on his body was soft, he looked disgusted. Does the master practice martial arts? Why doesn't he have any strength on his body? It just happened after a few drops?"

  King Gong gritted his teeth and refused to scream any more, Man Bao pressed as he said: "His Royal Highness, the Third Royal Highness is already very good now, but Third Royal Highness, you can be better, and you will continue to work harder when you go back."

  The prince glanced at Zhou Man, "Speak well."

  King Gong was so painful that his forehead was full of sweat. He couldn't help groaning, but stopped screaming, so even if he guessed that Zhou Man’s words would not sound good, he didn’t have the energy to stop him.

  Man Baodao: “It is said in the book that we should encourage people in adversity. Prince Gong’s progress is a bit slower than others, but it’s pretty good to be able to lose 50 catties in more than a year.”

   She gestured: "You know, at the beginning, the three highnesses would pant when walking, and they couldn't see their toes even if they lowered their heads."

  Man Bao remembered something, he smiled, lowered his voice and said: "If it was a year and a half ago, no matter how brave the prince was, he wouldn't be able to fall the three, right?"

  It was clearly to attack the prince, but the prince did not feel offensive. On the contrary, the lying King Gong popped a sentence from between his teeth, "Zhou! Man!"

  Man Bao continued to rub him, no, it was massage...

  King Gong did not close his mouth for a while, and screamed.

The prince was startled, and then looked down at King Gong, watching him lying on the wooden couch just by himself. He had been practicing for a year, but his arms and legs were still white and tender. He didn't have much energy because of the pain. The tears and nose were about to mix up with tears.

  The prince was meditating. In the past five years, he was embarrassed by such a thing?

The prince furrowed his brows tightly and stared at King Gong with cold eyes. The father always scolded him for not knowing what is good or bad, and the mud can't help the wall. He would only blame the third child, saying that he had never thought of letting the third child take his place. And the third child never thought of competing with him for the throne...

  Of course, it turns out that what his father said was only half right. He hadn't thought about letting the third child replace him, but the third child must have thought about competing with him for the throne, and he did it.

  In the previous sentence, is it half correct?

  He can't support the wall with mud?

  Before, no matter how hard he tried, he could not give birth to a child. He felt that courtiers would not pleasing to his eyes. But when he gave birth to a child, the embarrassment and interrogation seemed to change all at once, although he still received a lot of impeachment every day.

  But the content of the impeachment, as well as the wording and sentence on the excerpt, are greatly changed.

  Thinking of something, the prince tensed his face, staring at the crying King Gong, and cursed a little irritably, "Trash!"

  King Gong was furious and scolded back, "You will only show the courage of a man!"

  The prince sneered, "You can lead soldiers when you get on a horse alone, and you can beat you when you dismount a horse. I was able to fight you in the great Jin Dynasty. You said this is the courage of a man. Are you talking about the father?"

  King Gong said: "My father has said that, now that the country is peaceful, what is needed is the rule of culture, what is the use of your martial arts? Is it necessary for the emperor to be conquered? The generals in the imperial court are not eating dry food."

  The prince said: "The father only said a few years ago that he would like to be conquered by the royal driver."

  King Gong:……

  The prince's eyes grew colder, turned his head and said to Zhou Man: "This medicinal wine is too strong, I alone will let someone go to the palace and get you a bottle."

   Then he said to King Gong: "Idiot!"

Prince Gong was furious, but the prince had already slammed the door and left. His anger was directed at Man Bao and the servant in the house. Zhou Man couldn't restrain him anymore. He jumped out of the bed without paying attention to himself. Feeling sore and sore, he jumped off the wooden couch, stretched his feet and kicked over the table in the house...

  The table turned over, but he also lay down, and by the way, he hugged his calf and howled.

  The two servants knelt on the ground with a fright, shaking all over.

  Man Bao looked at King Gong, who was sitting on the ground, and there was only one voice in his mind: It's over—

Man Bao hurriedly went to help King Gong, and the two servants also climbed from the ground to help, but the angry King Gong waved and pushed them all away. His eyes were red and roared: "Go away, this king uses You hypocrites, I, I want to chop you off, I want to chop you all."

Outside the room, Mingda and the others noticed something was wrong, they rushed over, reaching out to open the door, and Man Bao, who heard the movement, stepped forward and held the door. She said, "It doesn’t matter. You wait outside. Your Royal Highness is not in a good mood it is good."

   Mingda outside the door paused and hesitated.

Bai Shan frowned and persuaded the two of them, "Then let's wait in the yard. The medicinal wine is stimulated. It will definitely hurt even more with one push and one push. The five big and three rough warriors sometimes can't help the pain, let alone respectful. King."

  Mingda frowned, his instinct was wrong. Previously, the third brother screamed so badly, but there was no such big movement. The main reason was that the prince elder brother left in a hurry. Why did the third brother get angry too?

  Bai Shan of course knew it was wrong, but since Man Bao was unwilling to let them in, it meant that they had gone in, and the situation would only get worse, so he naturally wanted to help her stop people.

  Mingda was finally persuaded, and took the worried and curious Changyu back to the yard and continued to sit and wait.

  Bai Erlang had a lot to say in his heart, but he couldn't whisper to Bai Shan in front of them, so he could only hold back hard.

Man Bao, who was holding the door, waited quietly for King Gong, who was sitting on the ground, to finish smashing the things at hand. The two servants were already so scared that they knelt on the ground. Man Bao stepped forward and stood beside King Gong. There were a lot of puzzles, but she still said with a plain and deep expression: "Lord, what are you angry about? His Royal Highness's sentence is not just cursing you."

  King Gong’s eyes were red, and he looked at Zhou Man bitterly, "What did you say?"

   "His Royal Highness is also scolding himself."

Although Man Bao did not understand why the prince scolded himself, judging from the level of her half-hearted psychiatrist, the reason why the prince was so angry and behaved so abnormally to scold an idiot is a dual use of the word, not only in Scolding King Gong is also scolding himself.

  King Gong stared at Zhou Man in disbelief.

  Man Bao nodded affirmatively, "You are so miserable, and you are still lying on the couch and can't move. His Royal Highness just scolded you so that he wouldn't turn himself blue with anger, and finally turned around and left?"

  King Gong was slightly calmer.

  Man Baodao: "Obviously, His Royal Highness is also scolding himself, but I don’t know why he was so angry after thinking of it."

  King Gong asked in confusion: "Did he finally realize that he is an idiot?"

  Man Bao: ... She is not sure if the prince is stupid, but Prince Gong must not be smarter than the prince.

  The two servants who were kneeling on the side shivered, their heads buried tightly, and they did not dare to lift a bit.

  Man Bao asked quietly: "His Royal Highness, would you like to look at your legs?"

  King Gong felt pain in his calf, and the pain made him fall on his back...

    After the eyes are healed, it’s really good, and I’ll never stare at the screen for ten minutes and it’s sore and dry.

Goodnight everybody



  (End of this chapter)