Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1923: Give in

   Chapter 1923 Concession

  You Qian is in the front, not to mention that Clan Chief Xia doesn’t want to make the relationship with Zhou Man and the Zhou family too stiff. He just thinks that if he gets stiff, he won’t get what he wants.

  For example, let Zhou Man change his surname.

  As for the land property, it is possible to keep it, but in that way, the reputation of the Xia clan is also ruined for the most part, and the gain is not worth the loss.

  Zhou Man is not an ordinary person after all. She is an official. Above them, if they have a grudge with her, the relationship they have worked hard for a long time to open up the relationship, maybe she can smash their years of hard work with a single word.

  All kinds of thoughts flashed in Clan Chief Xia’s heart for a while, and finally he squeezed a smile at Qian and Lao Zhoutou, "My family is right."

   So the question returned to Zhou Man’s surname. If she was not surnamed Xia, then why would she take the Xia family property?

  Don’t mention what those properties belong to her grandparents and mother. In this world, the clan can still **** property from the male orphans, let alone Zhou Man’s surname Xia.

   means that local laws and regulations will stipulate that when buying and selling land, under the same conditions, people of the same race have priority and cannot be violated.

  Some vicious minds are specially teasing people, and they will pay the same price as people when they want to buy and sell fields, and then repeat, so that two or three can drive people crazy.

  Different from the old Zhoutou and others who naturally stood on Zhou Man’s side, even the county magistrate Zhai felt that it would be unkind for Zhou Man to inherit all of Xia Yan’s property without making some concessions.

  After all, her surname is not Xia.

Man Bao discussed with Chief Xia, "I know that half of the field has been used as a sacrifice field. I have no intention of retrieving it. Uncle Yi Tang has guarded the house for my family for many years. There is no credit and hard work. The other half is divided into the righteous cousin to give thanks to him for his care of the house over the years, and the remaining half is given to the widows in the family, which is regarded as the merit of the grandfather and grandmother."

   Patriarch Xia did not feel Zhou Man’s sincerity, but only felt malicious. As soon as he said this, wouldn’t Xia Yihe’s clan now take Zhou Mandi's people in a different position?

  Man Bao continued to smile and said, "I heard from the county magistrate that there are people in the clan who are studying now?"

   Patriarch Xia, who had a gloomy face, lifted his spirits. This is the lifeblood of their clan. Why are they willing to give in and negotiate with Zhou Man in a friendly manner as soon as they come to the county government?

  Isn’t it because someone in their clan is studying?

   Patriarch Xia managed to squeeze out a smile and said: "Yes, there are a few children studying, and your two cousins ​​are better off, so they were admitted to the county school."

  Man Bao sighed and said: "Reading is important. Our Xia family is not very poor. It can be used for children to study or should it be provided. I remember that there was a clan school in the past?"

you remember? Where do you remember?

   Not to mention that she was only a few months away when she left, but that the clan school was closed at that time. Where did she hear about it?

Man Bao smiled and said: "Clan studies should still be done. Let the children of the appropriate age in the clan go to school. It is best to be able to take the exam. If you can't, it is also good to be a bookkeeper or find a clerical job after you come out. ."

When Patriarch Xia heard this, he was looking forward to it, and he heard Zhou Man say: "The land that the patriarch is renting now, I think, should be used as a school field for the clan, and each family can set up a school with more money. For more than ten or twenty years, can we say that our Xia family can also be a champion?"

   Patriarch Xia still had no reaction, but the elders behind him were ready to move, looking at Patriarch Xia heartily.

   Patriarch Xia:...

  Is reading so easy to read?

  Don’t say, please ask for money. How much does it cost for books, pen, ink, paper and ink, and just relying on that field to open a school?

  I’m afraid I have to add ten more fields of the same size to it.

  The Xia family is indeed not very poor, but not very rich. Otherwise, he would not have been in business for so many years and only sent two people to the county school.

  The county magistrate Zhai supported this move very much. He was able to educate the people and start a school as his political achievements. This is his third year in Shangzhou, and it is estimated that he will stay for another three years.

  He hopes that by leaving after four years, he can use his political achievements to find a better job.

  So the county magistrate Zhai immediately helped, looked at the aftermath, and said, "Clan Chief Xia, what are you afraid of having such a grand-niece and son-in-law? He is a family son, and a single word from time to time will be enough for the children in the family for a long time."

  Bai Shan sat in the chair and nodded and smiled.

   Clan elder Xia everyone: ...They just told Lao Zhou's family to regret their marriage in front of others.

   And even if it didn’t happen, with their relationship with Zhou Man so far apart, people were still raised in Zhou’s family. How much affection can they have with each other?

  Man Bao wholeheartedly encouraged Patriarch Xia to start a clan school, let the children of the clan read and learn rituals, and only after the encouragement to go to Songhua Alley.

County magistrate Zhai didn’t want to go. Although Xia Yi didn’t say much yesterday, judging from what he and Xu Lichang told by the yayier, it was mostly a squanderer, and he would be a little gaffe in the face of the squatter. Don't want to make a fool of yourself.

  But Man Bao didn't let him go, and warmly invited him to visit her ancestral home.

  Bai Shan followed to help and replied: “When we looked at it yesterday, there was a pear tree besides a jujube tree in the garden. There were so many fruits that it seemed to be edible. Don’t you want to taste it?”

In no mood!

   County Magistrate Zhai thought so in his heart, but smiled on his face and said, "Okay."

   So smiled and got up to go out with them, and ordered the master to bring a few more yamen, this time it is very likely to be hands-on.

   Patriarch Xia and the others who followed along were already expressionless, and they knew that when they co-authored Jujube.

When    got in the car, several members of the Xia family squeezed into Patriarch Xia’s bullock cart and sat on both sides to watch him.

   Patriarch Xia said with a headache: “Don’t look at me, even Mr. Xu has prepared the title deed and returned it early. Can we still be hard with her?”

   "Xia Yi's family is not easy to deal with, especially Xia Yi's family, she will splash it, and it will be our Xia's face."

"Is she hard to deal with, is Zhou Man so foolish? She doesn't seem to be promiscuous, but if you sue the family to the county government, you will be even more embarrassed," Clan Chief Xia said: "Goro and Qi Lang are going to test the mansion. After learning, there shouldn't be a little bit of rumors at this time."

  An elder sighed, "Who would have thought that there are still people alive in their family?"

  Without news for fourteen years, anyone would think they died early.

   "Actually, there is nothing wrong with this. I heard that she is already a fifth-grade official."

   "At the end, a girl is old enough to be at this level. Where can I go if I go up again?"

"I heard this mean that my younger brother still looks down on the fifth grade? Her official is the same as Master Changshi. In the future, if Goro and Qilang can be tested as a middle official, we are all satisfied to be a county magistrate, and we are still incomparable with her. "

   "Be closer to her in that clan, so I can borrow some strength in the future."

    Oh, I scared the baby to death

     See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)