Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 3477: Extra Kotada 3

  Chapter 3477 Fanwai Gu Zhong 3

  In this world, there are few selfless people and many selfish people. In the eyes of many people, who should be the emperor shouldn’t be the emperor?

  Why must someone who hates himself and hates himself sit in that position?

  Forget it when there is no chance. Since there is a chance, I have to pull it. Maybe it really pulls people down?

  At the time of the transition between the old and the new, all kinds of grievances and hatreds suddenly appeared. Gu Zhong was regarded as the leader. One was his bad luck, and the other was his carelessness in the past.

  So Gu Zhong advised Zhou Man: "Master Zhou, in this palace, don't make the same mistakes as me."

   Zhouman seriously recalled that she didn’t seem to have accepted bribes in the past two years, right?

  Thinking back, she seems to have not eaten the tea fruit snacks given by the concubines and the maids, or even the purse kerchiefs they gave...

  Although there is basically no gold and silver, but...

Zhou Man wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked Gu Zhong, "Master Gu, have I offended you all these years?"

Gu Zhong laughed, and did not answer Zhou Man’s question. Instead, he said: "Even when gold, silver and jewelry are annoying, let alone being a human being? Master Zhou is very good now."

  She has the ability and kindness. Most people in the palace rely on her. Even if they don't like her, they will not deliberately frame her. This time Zhou Man will be implicated, and most of them are from the former court.

  The filth on the court is no less than the harem, and even worse. This is also something that Zhou Man cannot understand. "Why don't you clean up the government, so as to prevent such a frame from happening again in the future?"

  Gu Zhongdao: "His Royal Highness has not yet ascended the throne. If you are involved in this matter, I am afraid it will be even more enmity. After the prince is enthroned, it will be more difficult to administer."

  Gu Zhong stayed with the emperor for a lifetime, even without the emperor’s wisdom and heart, he could still see something deeper.

  He said: "Why do you, the empress, have been silent? Someone used her majesty to fall asleep in Chaozhongxing and set up her Royal Highness. Isn’t she angry?"

   "She tolerated this way, but for the sake of his Royal Highness to successfully inherit the throne, so that the next dynasty of the Jin Dynasty will not be turbulent, and you will see after His Royal Highness ascended the throne..."

Gu Zhongdao: "The pollution has always existed, but because of your majesty's presence in the past, that layer of pollution was submerged under the water, and the lotus flowers appeared to appear clear and clean, but now your Majesty is seriously ill. The black mud just wanted to emerge from the water to stir the wind and the rain. You and Mr. Tang wanted to grab the black mud and pull them out to clean it up, but never thought that you might bring out a large amount of dirt. mud?"

Gu Zhongdao: "As long as these black muds are not pulled out, even if the monarch is wise, they can only hibernate under the water, but once you pull them out, for their own benefit, they can muddy the world, let alone you and Prince, this is the place where your Majesty will retreat temporarily when he meets them."

"So Master Zhou, in the court hall, you can tolerate it when you can, but you can't bear it," Gu Zhong said with a smile. "

  This can be regarded as a heartfelt statement, especially for an old oily man like Gu Zhong who has been living in the palace.

At this time, the emperor and the prince were also talking about themselves. The father and the son slept with each other. "You were taught to love your people before, but you must also know that the people are dull and easy to be provoked, not to mention that you have only one person. , The king is the person at the helm, and the minister is the helmsman. If the helmsman does not listen to the command, it will be useless if you are in the right direction."

"A good government decree needs to be completed by the subjects together. If you can't win the hearts of the people and have someone available, then the evil things in the world will be counted on you," the emperor said: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want when you become an emperor. , Did you see this time?"

"Why don't I know that you are being framed and wronged? Don't I want to pull out these people who are making troubles and deal with them?" The emperor sighed, "It is not difficult to find them, but what is difficult is how to deal with them. , What about after processing?"

  The prince asked, "I have endured it this time, so will I continue to endure not dealing with them in the future?"

   "Slowly figure it out," the emperor said: "The most taboo thing for you is impatience. It is impossible for you to root them out at once, but you can pull out a little this year and some next year."

  He paused and said: "You have to remember, there is one courtier and the emperor."

  The prince was thoughtful.

  He took this sentence in his heart.

  Gu Zhong also said to Zhou Man: "One court, one courtier, one courtier, Master Zhou, your good time has come."

   Zhou Man leaned on the foot of the bed thoughtfully.

She stayed in the epidemic prevention center for one night. After showing it to Gu Zhong the next day, she carried the medicine box and returned to Taiyuan Hospital. She told Gu Cai, "I will prescribe two medicines for your godfather, and you will get them at Taiyuan Hospital later. "

  Gu only happily responded.

Zhou Man returned to the Taiyuan Hospital to wash up. The Xiaoyuan didn't know that she didn't leave the palace last night, but was stranded in the palace. When she came back with a beating, she was suddenly surprised when she saw her in the Taiyuan Hospital. "Master Zhou is diligent. Palace?"

   Without waiting for Zhou Man to speak, he immediately said: "Your Majesty has also woken up. I will have a needle and medicine after breakfast, and I will leave it to you."

  Xiao Yuan was telling him to leave, he was pulled by Zhou Man, "I am still on duty today? Shouldn't it be Dr. Lu's turn?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "There is something in the imperial medical office that needs emperor Lu to do, and I can't enter the palace today."

  He sighed: "One day at the palace, urging the old for ten years. Lord Zhou is young, so take care of it."

  I didn’t feel that working as a errand in the palace was so difficult before, but now that he was getting older, coupled with the various turbulence brought about by the emperor’s serious illness, Xiao Yuan felt that life was difficult.

   Zhouman could only go to the Tai Chi Hall on duty. When the time came, the prince had just left, and the emperor was sitting on a recliner basking in the sun.

  I opened my eyes when I heard the footsteps, and saw that she closed her eyes again, and said without waiting for her to bow, "Sit down and talk."

  The enlightened waiter immediately moved a chair over, Zhou Man grabbed his hand and felt his pulse, and asked, "How does your Majesty feel today?"

   "I am a little more energetic," the emperor already felt that the end was approaching, so he didn't care much about it, and asked danglingly, "Can I eat melon?"

   Zhou Man thought for a while and said: "Eat if you want."

  The emperor opened his eyes and looked at her. After a while, he smiled, "You are much refresher than Xiao Aiqing, so he would not give me food."

   Zhou Man smiled. It’s already here. Being comfortable is the most important thing. What's the difference between day in and day out?

The emperor    also thought so.

  The two kings and ministers reached a consensus, so when the queen came over, she saw the two people sitting face to face and eating melons together.


  (End of this chapter)