Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 498: What about my granddaughter (to book fri

  Chapter 498 What about my granddaughter

  Lu Gui had been learning medicine from his grandfather, but his qualifications were limited. He looked at it and realized that he could only prescribe his grandfather's prescription.

  So he thought that his grandfather asked him to invite Man Bao, because he invited Man Bao to the doctor.

  Man Bao thinks so too.

  But when I arrived at the old doctor’s house, the old doctor sat in the front room to get medicine.

   Seeing Man Bao, he beckoned and said: "Come here, come here, help me catch two medicines."

  He smiled and said, "I am too old to move."

  Man Bao ran over, but he glanced at Lu Gui subconsciously. She remembered that he used to help grab medicine at their house.

  Lu Gui also wanted to step forward, but his grandfather's name was Man Bao, so he hesitated and stood still.

  Man Bao stepped forward and took the prescription to help grab the medicine.

  Waiting to send the patient away, the old doctor covered his mouth and coughed twice, and called Man Bao to talk to him, "Come on, help me make a prescription."

  Man Bao obediently touched the pulse and prescribed the prescription. The old doctor looked at her prescription and sighed: "Man Bao, how many years have you studied medicine?"

   "Three years."

  The old doctor looked up again to look at his grandson, and sighed quietly: "This medicine also needs talent. Your talent is good."

  Man Bao scratched his head. Isn’t studying medicine the same as studying?

  Read it, understand it, and it will naturally happen.

  The old doctor has lived for so many years, Man Bao is so young, she can basically see what she is thinking on her face, her heart can’t help but it’s really strange, how did the old Zhou family give birth to such a baby?

  Obviously their family has been practicing medicine for generations.

The old doctor said: "My grandfather used to be a drug boy in a drugstore. It took me ten years to catch people’s medicine to learn to see the pulse with the doctor. After another seven or eight years, the world became messy. When I returned home, I worked as a tourist doctor for many years."

  The old doctor said: "My father is also a doctor who wanders around, and he treats people in these two towns and villages. It is a pity that he cannot sit at home until I see a doctor at home."

  The old doctor said: "My son is not good at studying medicine, and he doesn't even know how to read characters. Every time he reads, he gets headaches. My grandson can still learn, but he is still a little worse than me."

The old doctor took out two thin books from the desk, touched them and handed them to Man Baodao: "These are some prescriptions and illnesses from the three generations of our grandchildren. The grandson is better."

  Man Bao's eyes lit up, and he took it and said, "Thank you, doctor, grandpa, don't worry, I will copy it in two days, and I will send it back to you when the time comes."

  Old doctor:...

Man Bao opened it and found that some of the handwriting here was very old, and he said: "Or I will copy it for you. I think this word is very light. It is probably because the ink used in writing is not good. After a few more years, the handwriting might fade."

  Old doctor & Lu Gui:……

  The old doctor was the first to react. He couldn't help laughing, his eyes couldn't be opened, he clasped his chest and said happily, "Okay, okay, then you can make a copy for my house."

  Laughing enough, he squinted his eyes to see Wednesday Lang, who was with Man Bao, and asked with a smile, "Which brother is yours?"

   "My third brother!"

   "Well, yes, yes, how many of your brothers are married?"

   "No, fifth brother and sixth brother are not married yet."

   "How old is your fifth brother?"


  The old doctor was puzzled, "Nineteen should have said that he had kissed earlier. Why didn't he get married?"

  Man Bao sighed, “All the good girls of the right age nearby are married. My fifth brother was a bit dark before, and when I went out to look at it, I couldn’t find a suitable one.”

  The old doctor laughed loudly when he heard the words, and was too happy, "Then now your fifth brother is white?"

  It was naturally dark when the autumn harvest just passed, but recently it has been resting for almost two months, so Man Bao said, “It’s slightly whiter.”

  The old doctor smiled and said: "There are still good girls, maybe you didn't pay attention? What do you think of my little granddaughter?"

   "Huh?" Man Bao's eyes widened.

  The old doctor has already said to Lu Gui: "Go and call your sister, just say that a little guest has arrived at home, let her come out and talk."

  Lu Gui didn't expect his grandfather to say a word to the younger sister. His whole head was dumbfounded. He could only look back to Lu Zhi in a daze.

  Wednesday Lang was also confused, and he did not expect this operation.

  Goro’s marriage, then parents have the final say, right?

Man Bao didn't think so much, she just looked at Lu Zhi curiously, who was following Lu Gui.

  They still met, but they were not familiar with them. They had spoken at most a few times before, so I might as well talk to her brother.

  Because she rarely goes to the front hall to see a doctor and get medicine.

The old doctor beckoned his granddaughter to the front, and said to Man Bao: "My granddaughter, two years younger than your fifth brother, is also talking about my dear. She is good at cooking, and she can do well in the field. It’s not bad, do you think it’s good?"

  Lu Zhi blushed, and she understood the words.

  Looking at Man Bao, who was only about nine years old, Lu Zhi was confused. What did Grandpa tell her?

  Who knows that Man Bao nodded repeatedly, staring at Lu Zhi with bright eyes, and said, "Sister Lu looks good!"

The old man laughed loudly and waved his hand: "Well, go back and talk to your parents. If you are interested, bring your fifth brother to see each other. If the two children meet each other, I will call the shots. The marriage is settled."

  Man Bao nodded again and again, consciously helping the fifth elder brother to complete a major event, anxious to go home and share with his mother and sister-in-law, so he bent over and ran away.

  Lu Zhi stared at her as she jumped away, then she looked at her grandpa and stopped talking.

The old doctor smiled at her: "Good boy, don't worry. Grandpa found it for you, naturally it is a good family. Their old Zhou family is from Qili Village. It is a courteous and righteous family with no children. Something went wrong. Even though I don’t have any impression of Wui Lang, it should be no worse than his fourth oldest son."

  Lu Zhi: "...Grandpa, you don't have any impression of others, why do you think of telling me kiss?"

   "Because you little sister-in-law," the old doctor said: "I have lived a long time, and this is the first time I have seen such a smart and intelligent child."

  Lu Gui: "Grandpa, haven't I already copied a copy of the booklet you gave? Why did you let her copy it?"

  The old doctor was silent for a long time, "Because she writes better than you."

  Lu Gui: ...He doesn't believe this reason at all.

The old doctor didn’t give much explanation, and he only said to Lu Gui: “Don’t look at her young age, and it hasn’t been long since she studied medicine. Her medical skills are not worse than yours now, and the prescriptions prescribed are not much worse than mine. After waiting for a few years, I'm afraid that the doctor in the county pharmacy can't compare to her."

"So in the future, if you see a doctor and treat others, if you don't understand, just take a few more steps and ask questions." The old doctor said quietly, "If our two families become in-laws, you can still stop by and see how your sister is doing. What's up."

  Lu Gui & Lu Zhi: ...what should you do if you always think that this is the purpose of your old man who wants to get married?

  Lu Zhi glared at Lu Gui, then turned and ran.

I owe one more to the book friend "Jin Yiwei: Rong Rong" for the reward and change, and I still owe other book friends and the monthly ticket plus thirty-two more. So Rong Rong, let’s discuss it. , Adding more will make you bald, really!

    PS: Good night! ! !



  (End of this chapter)