Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World (Farming And Learning Martial Arts To Bring Peace)

Chapter 61: go to the countryside

From Chengguan Town to Shikou Township, the road is bumpy and has not been repaired for a long time.

Like Chengguan Town, Shikou Township is also backed by a thousand-mile Cuilong Mausoleum, and at the same time is on the shore of Pengli Great Lake. Half of the villagers here beg for food in the mountains, and half in the lake.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains and water, people's living standards are relatively good.

Nineteen groups of people from the lecture hall rode upside down on donkeys and rushed to Shikou Village. The township officials here were waiting early in the cold wind, ready to contact them.

"Chief Hao, welcome, but I'm looking forward to you." The village chief is a fat man, wearing a thin shirt, with an extraordinary bearing, obviously not low in martial arts. Let's go to the township first to get warm."

Hao Bozhao grabbed the village chief's hand and said, "Liu village chief, I'm disturbing you."


After such a courtesy, nineteen teachers including Hao Bozhao and two hundred students were invited to the township office compound.

Shikou Township is not a financially prosperous township, but the township office is quite luxurious. The two buildings in the front and rear of the compound have five floors. Although there is no heating and air conditioning in the room, there are radiators.

Roaring and roasting, the house was warmed up.

"My colleagues in the lecture hall, on behalf of the folks in Shikou Township, I would like to express my gratitude to you. With your presence, the people can finally live a stable year."

There are only two weeks left until Chinese New Year.

Township Chief Liu set the tone high, and his words were more sincere, and highly praised the benevolence of Jiangwutang.

Hao Bozhao naturally declined humbly, and said, "We are here this time. You can make arrangements for you, Mr. Liu, and you must do something practical for the affected people."

Another deputy mayor surnamed Chu was busy igniting smoke.

The young assistant mayor followed behind and poured tea and water.

"What's the name of the little brother?" Deputy Township Chief Chu quickly scattered the smoke in front of Chi Qiaosong, looking at his sturdy body, he should also be a martial arts master.

It's a pity that the body is now bloated and fat.

Chi Qiaosong smiled faintly and waved his hand to refuse: "Thank you, I don't smoke... My dear Chi Qiaosong, the teaching assistant of Wutang, came with the teachers to help."

"It turned out to be Assistant Teacher Chi. He is young and promising." Deputy Township Chief Chu took back the cigarette and said to the Assistant Township Chief, "Xiao Wei, hurry up and pour some tea, you young people can talk more."

The assistant mayor is also a martial artist, about twenty-one years old.

Basically, the people who can be a half-officer in the local area are all warriors, or there are warriors behind them.

The smoke is on, and the tea is served.

The atmosphere in the conference room was instantly lively. Because the township office was hosting a luncheon, we were not in a hurry to arrange work for the time being. Everyone should contact the relationship first.

Chi Qiaosong didn't say much, just listened.

Roughly figure out the organizational structure and personnel composition of Shikou Township.

The township chief Liu Wujun is a master of the warrior realm and the leader of the entire Shikou Township.

The four deputy mayors, Chu Weimin, Tao Jinxiu, and Yin Deng, are all warriors.

Finally, there is Wei Ding, assistant to the township chief, a warrior of the warrior realm, and he is also the nephew of Liu Wujun.

Basically, Shikou Township is these six masters.

In addition, there are several warriors in Shikou Township, who are in charge of patrol houses, militia camps, power stations, water conservancy stations, health centers, and forest farms.

I thought that relief work would be arranged in the afternoon.

Who would have guessed that after the luncheon was over and several villages were allocated, the mayor Liu, citing the bad weather, left the teachers and students of the Jiangwutang in the township office compound.

The teachers headed by Hao Bozhao pretended to decline a few words, and then readily agreed.

On the second day, the talents left in groups and went to the village to settle down. The group of Chiqiaosong does not need to move, because the location of the township office is located in Shikou Village.

"There are basically no affected people in Shikou Village. You don't have to run, Xiaochi. How about going to the forest farm with me to hunt?" Wei Ding, assistant to the township chief, took him to Chisha.

"No, Brother Wei, my teacher is here." Chi Qiaosong declined.

He really wanted to do something practical. He took ten students and wandered around the townships and streets, caring for the needy households. But after a day of running, I realized that I was limited in what I could do.

Most of the villagers in Shikou were not affected and needed no help.

A small number of poor villagers are either injured or have no income, which cannot be solved by a cold and disaster relief operation.

This time, Jiangwutang brought a batch of rice noodle oil for disaster relief.

But a drop in the bucket.

Especially in some villagers' homes, they don't even have a quilt. The bed is covered with worn-out straw, and the quilt is stuffed with straw. Some raised chickens and ducks, and the chickens and ducks even lived on the same bed as people.

"My man was dragged by the commander to do hard labor, and he said that he would send the money back in the new year, but I haven't received it yet." A woman with a yellow face and thin skin said to Chi Qiaosong.

Her house has four walls, and the walls are cracked and leaking.

"Have you never saved money before?"

"No, my man worked as a long-term worker for a family. He worked for three years, and he didn't get paid a cent."

"Who are you working for?" Chi Qiaosong frowned.

"Where are the officials in the city?"

"Don't the high officials give you money?"

"I can't see the high official, only the high official's adjutant. The adjutant said the high official has no money."

Officials who can have an adjutant are at least at the level of the county governor, that is, the county level and above. Those who can serve at the county level are basically masters in the martial arts strongman.

Chi Qiaosong sighed helplessly: "The master will also be in arrears..."

Faced with such a situation, he was unable to help, so he could only go to Wei Ding: "Brother Wei, can the township office come up with a batch of quilts, many families don't even have a Wei Ding said embarrassedly: "This... the township is also in difficulty, and now it still owes a lot of money. "

Afraid that Chi Qiaosong would not believe it, Wei Ding added: "Even yesterday's lunch banquet was owed to other restaurants on credit, and the township office couldn't pay for the wine."

The words have ended.

Chi Qiaosong was no longer entangled.

He deeply felt that under the current situation of blooming flowers and cooking oil in the Republic of Xia, there is still the cruelty of not having enough food and clothing.

He wanted to say that he should do something to change the world.

But he is only a warrior in the realm of warriors, not to mention governing a country, even governing a township is not qualified. The only thing that can be done is to silently accumulate strength.

One day, the Republic of Xia will usher in a new world.

Chi Qiaosong is not a tangled personality, just keep some things in your heart.

After running a few laps in Shikou Village and sending out a batch of rice noodle oil, his task of fighting the cold and disaster was completed.

Hao Bozhao listened to his report and expressed his satisfaction: "You can feel the suffering of the people, but this time you didn't run away in vain. Remember this feeling. In the future, when you become a politician and an official, remember to be a good official."

Then he said: "Okay, don't keep thinking about these troublesome things. Didn't Wei Ding invite you to go hunting in the forest farm several times? Go ahead and take the students to play."

The forest farm in Shikou Township is a standard deep mountain old forest, deeper than a ridge, and there are often bears, tigers, wolves, pigs, and leopards in it.

After Chi Qiao let go of his mental burden, he had a good hunt in the forest farm. Unfortunately, he didn't hunt any big things, but he hunted two wild boars and a few deer.

Half are distributed to students, and half are taken home by themselves.

This trip to the countryside is over.