Female Phoenix of the Dark Apocalypse

~: 848 Rescue


A scream suddenly rang out, the gunshot paused slightly, the rotation was even more intense, and as she approached the distance, she could already see the dim flame shimmering in the dim light, which was the flame tail brought by the bullet.

Xiao Yuxin's eyes narrowed, and he quickly exhibited the effect of floating light gliding toward the source of the gunshot.

The trees stepped back on both sides. She had heard that one person was dead, and she really did not want to continue to be injured or killed. In any case, there are fewer and fewer human beings.

The slamming gunshots and hissing noises shattered the stillness in the forest. There was also a violent curse and the cry for help from the dying, listening to the feeling of thrill.

Xiao Yuxin was carrying a shotgun, and her figure had arrived. The six humans on the battlefield were stepping back. They were assaulting the rifle on their hands and dumping their bullets desperately in the direction of her appearance.

In front of them, more than ten huge mutant mantises swarmed, waving sharp blade arms and rushing forward against the dense bullet rain, although some of them have been injured, and the wounds have flowed out Blood, but still moving forward, an angry roar in his mouth, apparently hated these enemies who dare to hurt themselves.

At a distance of less than ten meters, there was a headless corpse, whose head was cut off, and I didn’t know where it fell off, and not far behind those mutant mantises, there was also a moribund human, his The abdomen is cut open and you can see the intestines that wriggle with the breath.

Obviously, these mutant mantises have mastered the unique thinking of some intelligent creatures. They are not eager to enjoy their prey, but want to kill the still lively prey in front of them, and then leisurely enjoy the prey.

"We have to leave here soon" a survivor yelled in despair.

go away

The reason why these people were not immediately killed is because the firearms in their hands withstood the attack of the mutant mantis, and it is because most of these mutant mantises are only c-level, otherwise a b-level or c-level peak is enough to kill these people dead.


One of them shouted and three fireballs with big heads flew out with a huff. The two mutated praying mantises were unable to dodge, wrapped in flames, immediately screamed and rolled on the ground, the grass on the ground and the trees they touched all burned.

"These guys are not afraid of triggering a forest fire and trapping themselves." Xiao Yuxin did not expect that there was even an awakening soldier among them. However, it takes a little courage to perform fire attribute skills in this environment.

Although this blow killed two mutant mantises. But it also exposed the strongest person in the team. The dozen or so mutant mantises had no plans to help their companions at all. One of them suddenly spread its wings and made a harsh scream in his mouth. Suddenly flying to the awakening soldier who cast the fireball, the speed is as fast as streamer.

The fire awakening warrior in the team was pale at this time. He fired a fireball at the mutant mantis again, but was circumvented by the mutant mantis. It was still rushing towards him. It was so fast that the fire department Although the Awakening Warrior is surrounded by companions, he feels like a lonely man. There is no place to rely on. The worst thing is. His fire ability level is not very high. After casting four fireballs, he is unable to perform again.

That mutation

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

The praying mantis can fly to a place not far from the awakening warrior. When he raises the blade high, he must cut the awakening warrior.


A thunderous gunshot suddenly sounded, and the head of the mutant mantis jumping into the air was shattered with the gunshot, and the body fell with a thud. He almost stumbled a human to the heel, and the crowd looked at the place where the gun shot, and saw a young woman walking towards the side with a shotgun.

"Quick leave here," Xiao Yuxin shouted loudly. She raised her hand again with another shot, and the closest variant mantis was headshot again on the spot.

The frightened mutant mantis burst into a screaming scream, spreading its membrane wings, and fled to the outside. Xiao Yuxin is still holding a gun, calmly shooting those mutated mantises that rushed over, and dozens of mutant mantises were shot calmly by him in a blink of an eye. It's all shots, without moving.

Similar to the dead mutant mantises, the six humans who escaped from the dead were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the mutant mantis that almost pushed their own group to the end of the road was actually vulnerable to the young woman.

"Immediately dig out the magic crystal. Leave here," Xiao Yuxin ordered.

She didn't go to see the wounded. Now that person was out of breath, but the real cause of death was an accidental slash by a mutant mantis, and her neck was cut to half, and blood gurgled.

The fire awakening warrior, the muscles on his face were twitching violently, and he grieved his teeth, and finally glanced at the body of his companion, and turned around to follow Xiao Yuxin and ran out.

After running for more than two miles, several of their talents stopped. Xiao Yuxin was nothing, but those people were exhausted and breathing like a cow.

"Thank you, thank you for saving us."

The first thing to talk about is a tall Asian man who seems to be around twenty-five years old, and his downwardly-sharpened face looks a bit slender. The tall nose bridge makes the eyes look deeper and deeper. The overall figure is well-proportioned. Straightened black hair hangs down from the forehead, covering the traces of raised eyebrows.

"My name is Ma Zili, these are my half, Bai Zhen, Pixun Yunxia, ​​Nie Feng, Tong Shan, Meng Wei. If it’s not for you to show up in time, we may have become those monsters just like poor Gao Tian. Dim sum. Thank you, thank you so much"

The man warmly introduced the other two teammates, and the words were full of uncontrollable excitement and tension, even. Some are too obvious to be excited and complimented.

Xiao Yuxin did not answer, turning his eyes to five others.

"Bai Zhen, thank you." A survivor as thick as a sand barrier came forward. Nodded vigorously, the short language style was as thick as the sharp muscles on his body.

"My name is Xu Yunxia, ​​thank you"

The prefaced woman approached her door and looked at Xiao Yuxin with a complex expression. Slightly opened lips and blinking eyes indicate that she is struggling with intense thinking. This is a very beautiful Asian woman. Judging from the appearance, the age is about twenty. The ponytailed black hair was scattered on the pale yellow skin surface of the neck. A camouflage suit wrapped the curvy body. The buttocks and the convex shape stretched the upper and lower ends of the combat suit to the extreme.

"My name is Tong Shan, thank you"

"My name is Meng Wei, thank you"

"Nie Feng, Da En said no thanks"

Everyone thanked in unison, and their eyes were filled with gratitude.

"No need

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

polite. "

Xiao Yuxin said the same, "To be humans, it is also necessary to watch for help."

She paused a little, and continued: "Walk two or three miles further and you will walk out of this forest, goodbye"

Not waiting for those words, her figure jumped backwards and disappeared into the jungle in an instant.

"Fast and quick action, Ma Zili, is she an awakening warrior?" Xun Yunxia asked.

"not good."

Ma Zili shook his head hesitantly: "Although she didn't show her strength, I think she should be an awakening warrior, especially her shooting action is the best shot technique I have seen."

"It's a pity that if she walks with us, the safety will definitely be greatly improved." Tong Shan sighed.

"Forget it, it's good for people to accompany us here, and just now those magic crystal people are just unaccompanied, please be content," Nie Feng said.

"Nie Feng is right."

Ma Zili nodded, "People have saved us, and those magic crystals have not been taken, we must remember this love."

Several people talked and walked outside the forest. They didn't know that Xiao Yuxin escorted them back on the ground before leaving.

Looking at the backs of those people, Xiao Yuxin sighed softly. Compared with those of the beasts, the evolution of humans is too slow and can only be found on the equipment. However, due to the chaotic world, many talents have withered, especially in terms of materials. Research, ordinary arms are difficult to effect on advanced creatures~lightnovelpub.net~ Even if a weapon such as a cannon can cause some damage, it is impossible for someone to drag it around the world. The current mountain base is already in Starting to study the problem of materials, but the talents are too short, Xiao Yuxin is going to some places with large steel groups to find senior talents who study metal materials.

On the vast plains, **** locomotives drove at a steady speed. There was a thick column of dust slanting at the rear of the car. With the dilution of the air and the rapid distance of the vehicle body, this grayish yellow mist gradually became thicker and larger. After releasing all the contents. Dissipate completely in the slightly cold air.

Suddenly, from the wind whizzing past his ears, Xiao Yuxin sharply captured a strange sound. She slammed on the brakes and the **** locomotive, which was forcibly stopped, was pushed by a huge inertia. The rear of the car suddenly moved forward obliquely. With the harsh friction between the rubber tires and the ground, the body turned 180 degrees on the road in situ. Steady occupied the left side of the road. The dry cold wind was still blowing. They were wrapped in fine sand and dust, blowing up every gap in the combat suit. These impermanent airflows whimpered like ghosts, swept across the empty wilderness, swallowed everything that could be taken away, rolled wildly into the distance, and never returned.

Confident life will hit 3,000 miles in 200 years

Yuxiang Introduction:

Author: former Aoyagi

It is said that wherever the Qing Emperor went, there were grassy plants and flowers.


According to legend, the Qing Emperor waved his hands, the dead wood rejuvenated, and the doctor died.

His name is Jumang

An accidental car accident, a weird fragment of a flower pot, led Murong Slim to open the door of fairyland

A beautiful myth begins to be collected and organized, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.