Female Protagonist and Second Male Lead HE

v2 Chapter 1: Tang Li: Retired killer can't keep in sh

After finally finishing the day's work, Tang Li picked up the chopsticks and was about to eat dinner when the phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the word "Mo" shown above, Tang Li sighed silently, put down his chopsticks and answered the phone. She guessed what the other person was going to say, but she didn't say a word, and she mentioned marriage as usual.

"It's not that mom said, you really need to hurry up to find a man at your age. It's twenty-seven or eighty, and it's thirty in the blink of an eye. Then who else wants you, don't look so high. Mom gave you last time. It’s good to introduce that. Although the person does not grow up very high and the salary is not as high as yours, they are local and they also have houses. As long as you get married, you can buy a car..."

There was a lot of talk on the phone, and after finally waiting there to stop, Tang Li said, "Mom, I don't want to get married yet."

I immediately got excited over there, "You don’t want to get married, why don’t you want to get married, why are you so selfish, just thinking about living a happy life on your own? Have you ever thought about your mother and me? Others asked me why my daughter is so old, why not get married My relatives’ gossip is all about me. What you’re saying is simple, you’re a girl, what can you do if you don’t marry, I’m all for your good, I’m your mother, will I still harm you?”

Tang Li picked up the chopsticks and started to eat silently, occasionally responding, when the phone hung up, the meal was finished. Of course it was another unhappy call.

Although the urging of marriage has become more frequent in the past two years, Tang Li still doesn’t want to get married. She opened a store with her friends and worked as a chef in the store. She can do what she likes every day, and her salary is enough. She feels free and satisfied in her life.

As for urging marriage or something, to borrow a sentence from the "Yi Tian" novel, "He is strong by him, and the breeze is blowing on the hills."

Her greatest advantage is her good temper, and her friends all envy her for making good food every day, and she doesn't like to worry about things. Perhaps because she is a chef by profession, Tang Li has a round face, and her temperament is not scrambling, she is soft, and her friends from childhood to age call her Tangballs. By 27, several of my friends around me were married and still like to call her balls.

Tang Li thought that this kind of life would go on until her mother gave up the futile reminder of marriage. However, she didn't expect her mother to give up and wait for an accident first. She went out to attend a gathering of friends, and halfway through the bus, she rushed out of the bridge and fell into the river.


In the Beicheng City Lord's Mansion, in a tightly closed room, the petite girl uttered a babble, struggling to wave her hands like a drowning person, and then suddenly opened her eyes.

She panted violently and sat up, only to realize that she was in a completely unfamiliar place, and she couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

The door of the house was opened, and a kind-faced lady walked in and put the food on the table, saying to her: "Miss Chu, don't go down with our city lord anymore. Let's eat something first."

Miss Chu, just changed a core not long ago. At this moment, Tang Li was sitting at the table with a bewildered face and eating, looking at her slender arms and hands while eating. She has a plump body, with fleshy hands and arms, she is never so slender.

She probably died after the car accident and became another person, in short, she crossed.

How can you encounter this thing? After thinking about it for a while, Tang Li patted her chest, not to mention other things, she was killed, she should be happy. I just don't know where it is, who is her body?

Judging from the architectural style and the clothes worn by the lady, it is not certain that modernity is certain, but which dynasty is in ancient times? Tang Li asked her aunt carefully, "Can I go out and have a look?"

The aunt seemed to have a sharp temper, and she waved her hand, "As long as you don't leave the city lord's mansion, the lord has ordered that you have to stay here when he retreats for these days and Chu girls."

Tang Li walked out with the thought of exploring. At first, she only wandered around. All she saw were maids dressed as maids and guards dressed as warriors. Later, she accidentally walked to the martial arts venue. She saw the warriors waving their swords. It emits all kinds of light at the time, and can jump up on a two-story wooden stake and stand on one leaf on the top of the tree.

Tang Li: "..."

This is definitely not any dynasty she knows_(:з」∠)_

Tang Li got acquainted with the aunt who delivered the meal, and she began to go in and out of the kitchen frequently, because the aunt was the cook in the kitchen. Aunt Sun didn’t expect that she was also good at cooking. After tasting the dishes she cooked, she was full of praise, “It’s so delicious. Your craftsmanship can be better than me. The two days you just came here, you’re so awkward. Yes, it's so good now that the gentle and gentle City Lord will like it."

Tang Li didn't know who this so-called city lord was. She had only figured out that this place was the Beicheng city lord mansion in the past few days. The name of her body was Chu Li, and she didn't know the other things. Afraid of being discovered, Tang Li didn't dare to ask more. She just thought it would be better to leave here early and go to a place where no one knows herself.

I don't want her to have just come out of the kitchen, carrying a box of snacks and want to go back to the room. A luxuriously dressed girl with a dozen servants stopped her.

"Chu Li, let me tell you that my cousin Xuanyu is the city lord of Beicheng, and his status is noble. You can't afford to be a dauntless person. Don't think that you are brought back by cousin Xuanyu, and you can fly to the branch. Phoenix, as long as I'm here, you don't even think about it." The girl said arrogantly, with a vicious smile: "I have seen a lot of women like you who want to cling to cousin Xuanyu, I have to teach you a lesson."

Tang Li: Huh? what?

The girl waved, "Throw her into the Gui Cry Forest."

Tang Li couldn't say a word and was covered by someone. She could only hold the dessert box tightly and was held up by someone, and threw her into a eerie and weird wood like a baggage.

There is dense fog all around, with dark and terrifying branches intertwined in the dense fog, there is no way forward, and the way forward is not clear. Tang Li stood in the same place holding the dessert box, always feeling that there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity in all this, but she couldn't remember where she was familiar.

She heard the whine of the surrounding wind, and she was a little confused, worried that there was a ghost in it. The elder brother who threw her in just jumped three meters high, and the sword in his hand was still glowing, which was very unscientific, so there might be unscientific ghosts in the woods.

Staying here alone, Tang Li felt scared, so she couldn't help but open the lid of the snack box and took a snack out to eat two bites. At this time, a fiery red animal that looked like a fox appeared at the edge of the bushes. After watching for a while, he leaned forward and whimpered.

Tang Li fed it a snack, and the fox held the snack in his mouth, whined at her, and led the way. Tang Li looked happy, and quickly followed with her skirt. They walked for a long time, until Tang Li felt that she was almost unable to walk, and light was faintly revealed in the front. The fox whined again, jumped into the fog and disappeared.

Tang Li sighed and wanted to catch up. Although she didn't catch the red fox, the white mist in front of her became thinner and the trees were gone. She walked out more than a dozen steps, and her eyes suddenly became bright. A round of sunset hung on the horizon, and the blood-red sunset spread across the sky, reflecting on the countless deserted hills in front of him.

Putting down the snack box, Tang Li sat on the ground and beat her leg. She can't beat her, her legs are frightened by the scene in front of her.

There were no trees in front of him, only countless undulating hills. Broken flags were planted on these hills, and countless corpses turned into bones fell down on these hills, and they were very weathered. Is it an ancient battlefield or somewhere, why are there so many corpses?

Tang Li felt her scalp numb and wanted to run, but in front was Chengshan's corpse pile, and behind her was the intricate white fog ghost forest. She didn't want to go anywhere.

What is this place... Tang Li's mind suddenly flashed, and she suddenly realized where her previous sense of familiarity came from.

The city lord of Beicheng, cousin Xuanyu, Chu Li, Guikulin... Tang Li connected these into a line and found relevant clues deep in his memory.

The first novel she read when she was in the third year of the junior high school was an abusive dog-blood essay, which was very popular at the time. This thick romance essay was rented from a nearby bookstore.

In that novel, the male protagonist is the city lord of Beicheng in Sifang City. What is Xuanyu's name? She has forgotten her name. The female protagonist seems to be her body. The details of Tang Li’s memorization are not very clear, I only remember the approximate. It seems that the female protagonist, an orphan, wandered around since childhood and met the male protagonist. Because she looks the same as the male protagonist Bai Yueguang, the male protagonist took her back to Beicheng. They are a pair of noisy and happy friends. In the process, he fell in love with the heroine, but he refused to admit it, because his Bai Yueguang fell asleep in order to save him from a serious injury. He felt that he could not betray Bai Yueguang, so he was hot and cold towards the heroine, and the heroine accidentally learned Bai Yueguang's existence found that she looked exactly the same as herself, so she thought that the hero would use herself as a substitute.

The entanglement all the way, when the misunderstanding between the two people is getting better, Bai Yueguang wakes up and provokes the male protagonist to harm the female protagonist. Of course, as a vicious female partner, Bai Yueguang is finally revealed, and the female protagonist finally ends with the male protagonist. The most **** thing in the plot is that the heroine and the Bai Yueguang are actually twin sisters, but when the two were born, the heroine was taken away by the enemy and lost his identity, and the hero thought it was the first time the heroine and Bai Yueguang were childhood and Bai Yueguang. The encounter was actually with the heroine, just because the two looked the same, he misunderstood, and that Bai Yueguang was seriously injured in order to protect him from an arrow.

At that time, the female classmates around Tang Li were all obsessed with the male lead's coldness and dominance. Only Tang Li was different. She hated the heavenly male lead and the female lead, and most distressed the infatuated male lead.

The infatuated man with a Sundan slave is a very powerful killer. He is ruthless and the number one in the world. Only because he was saved by the hostess, he was willing to protect her silently. Knowing what love is, he finally lost it for her. Life.

Tang Li had a big fight with the same table because of the question of who is better. That was probably the first time the good-tempered Tang Li quarreled so hard with people. Later, because Sundanu died in the novel, Tang Li cried for two days.

If she remembers correctly, in the novel, Sundanu and the heroine met for the first time in Guikuyuan behind Guikulin. He was seriously injured and was assassinated by people who were jealous of him in the organization. He was thrown into Guikuyuan and was dying. Heroine.

In other words, now Sundanu is in the pile of corpses in front of her, and now she has become the heroine "Chu Li" and has to save people.

Tang Li looked at the boundless pile of corpses, hugged her small snack box and stood up. The first love of a young man and a young girl is still special even after more than ten years. Although I don’t know why I became the heroine in this story, I have to save him now, or he will die!

Stepping on the crisp bones and the tattered clothing, Tang Li walked deep into the pile of corpses. She saw that there were still relatively fresh corpses on the corpses many years ago, and they had not rotted light, emitting bursts of light. stench. The scavenging birds gathered together to peck at the corpse. They were so startled by Tang Li's footsteps that they didn't fly. They turned their heads and stared at her, making a quack.

This scene is really a combination of horror and disgust. Tang Li was spinning around on the hills, and found that she didn't know which Sundan slave was at all. She could only find a fresher body to check whether the other party was dead.

After looking for a dozen hills, there was only a trace of light left in the sky, and she finally saw an unusual black figure in a barren ruins of bones.