Fenglin Tianxia – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 212: Burst

The water flow was very turbulent, the water body was turbid, and various broken trees and debris were swept down, turning the water into a Xiuluo field. Cheng Jia drank a few sips of water, and the more he tried to float up, the more he sank in the panic. The objects in the water hit him even more painful.

I didn't expect Cheng Jia to be buried here. Cheng Jia simply relaxed and watched the light fade, but he seemed to see the person's face in front of him.

She is the one who actually remembered at this moment? Cheng Jia was a little upset, and then he felt a warm object approached, and passed through the soft and fierceness in one breath, allowing him to come back alive from the suffocating edge.

Pulling Cheng Jia out of the water, Ling Qingyu shouted at Yan San who was following along on the shore: "Take the rope." Then he pushed Cheng Jia up.

Yan San had already rolled a noose in his hand. Seeing that Cheng Jia’s body was visible, he threw the noose accurately and caught him, lifted it hard, pulled it back, and threw it on the shore, pulling his hand and untied it. The rope continued to chase.

Cheng Jiamu looked at Ling Qingyu as he dived into the water again, sinking and floating in the river like a big fish.

Wang Xuanzhi knows a little water, but the clothes on his body are complicated, and after a few tossing, he tied his hands and feet and the person sank.

His official uniform was crimson, and it was still conspicuous in the water. When Ling Qingyu saw him, a big tree stump rushed towards him.

Without time to think about anything, Ling Qingyu plunged over with a fierce son, hugged Wang Xuanzhi and sank down, and the stump rushed over the two of them.

Without looking at Wang Xuanzhi's wide-open eyes, Ling Qingyu passed it in one breath, seeing that he had relieved his suffocation, and dragged him to the surface.

Because of the evasion just now, the two of them were a little far away from the shore, Ling Qingyu said loudly: "Don't move around, I'll take you up."

Wang Xuanzhi nodded, and Ling Qingyu put one arm under his arm and swam to the shore.

The rain is heavy, and various suspicious objects are constantly drifting by her side, but the woman has a firm face and clear eyes. She has a strong and powerful arm around her, swiftly avoiding those objects rushing from above.

At that moment, Wang Xuanzhi was a little dazed, just looking at her face quietly, following her up and down in the water.

Slightly closer to the shore, Ling Qingyu lifted Wang Xuanzhi higher, and Yan San dragged the person up as he did.

Without the drag, Ling Qingyu's several menacing sons plunged back to the shore, borrowed Yan San's strength, and climbed up the dam.

"Damn, I won't be a good person next time!" Ling Qingyu cursed, who was so hurt all over his body, lying in Yan San's arms, and said: "Yan San, I can't move."

Yan San hugged her tightly, smiled and kissed her lips, then picked up the person and walked to the place where she was going.

Cheng Jia and Wang Xuanzhi have been picked up by those who catch up with them.

"She's okay?" Cheng Jia asked anxiously when she saw Yan San.

"It's okay, it's just a little out of strength." Yan San replied.

Although it was not long, they had been washed down a long way, and when they returned to the original place, they saw that there was already a mess on the dam, and there was also a puddle inside the dam.

"Fortunately, the water is not very deep." Ling Qingyu said with satisfaction.

Before she finished her voice, there was a tight gong from the downstream side.

Cheng Jia's face suddenly turned pale, and said, "Somewhere the bank has burst."

There were seven days of torrential rain in the upper reaches and five days of torrential rain in the middle reaches. The water in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River rose by tens of feet. The flood flooded several cities in Bayu Hezhou and other places. However, the embankment on the south bank of the Yangtze River on the North Jinghu Road was washed away by water at Songzi, and the flood drained directly into Dongting Lake. The north bank levee ruptured at Kongjiatan, the Jingbei Jianghan Plain became a vast ocean, and countless fields of government residences were flooded. Jinghu South Road was damaged by the mouth of the Yangtze River. Floods flowed over the dike, and the **** collapsed, and there was no one left.

This is a miraculous disaster that has never occurred since the establishment of the Great Zhou!

Because of the government’s warning in Gangneung, most of the residents went up to the highlands and the towers. Although they suffered heavy losses, fortunately, there were not many dead people. I heard the tragedy elsewhere. I didn’t realize that they were all in love. I heard from the government that the government’s warning was Master Cheng only exchanged his own head guarantee, and he called Cheng Jia into Cheng Qingtian.

Cheng Qingtian is now eating and drinking in Ling Qingyu's tent again.

"Master Cheng!" Ling Qingyu's eyes twitched again. This person, now the food is all rationed, and he doesn't eat his own food. How can this not be angry.

"Don't be so stingy." Cheng Jia said with a grin. Thanks to preparations, whether it is the people or the government, a lot of food has been put on the high ground, or it is not only that Jiangling will start to panic about food like other places.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, you should be in a state of anxiousness now, what are you doing so leisurely?" Ling Qingyu grabbed a piece of meat, but fortunately she asked Sum to prepare not only food but also dried meat. Unfortunately, a few days It's uncomfortable without eating vegetables.

"It hasn't rained in the past few days, and the weather is good, and the water will recede in a few days." Cheng Jia laughed. Both he and Wang Xuanzhi had already gone through several tricks and asked the court for disaster relief, but now they have no reply at all. No, my heart was so anxious that the corners of his mouth bubbled. Only when Ling Qingyu was here could his heart settle down a little bit.

"That's it, don't you think the weather is too hot these days?" Ling Qingyu said.

"Yes, after the catastrophe, I'm afraid of the plague." Cheng Jia's eyes darkened, and then he smiled: "When are you going to leave?"

Ling Qingyu put down his chopsticks.

Her tent was also built on the city wall, where Sum was called to grab it early in the morning. From the high city wall, you can see the endless plain outside. Oh, it's still Mizusawa at this time. The rice in this season is completely gone.

"Now, Cheng Jia." Ling Qingyu called out.

Her eyes flickered, causing Cheng Jia's heart to twitch. Sure enough, Ling Qingyu went on to say, "Help me get some fields here. I will adjust 200,000 shi for the disaster relief."

Cheng Jiafufu asked, "When you let Han Mian go, you already started raising food, right?"

"Always give me some benefits! Or you will lose me!" Ling Qingyu stared at him.

"The fields here are not good. The King Chu's affairs have not been finished. There are too many disputes. I will get you some in Dongting Lake, okay?" Cheng Jia said helplessly.

"A word is settled!" Ling Qingyu said happily, and then continued: "Don't bring your tail!"


When the two turned around, Wang Xuanzhi was standing at the door, looking at them.

"You have the best position here, and the officer will also move over." After Wang Xuanzhi finished speaking, he stepped back and opened the door.

Ling Qingyu glanced at Cheng Jia, Cheng Jia shook his head, Ling Qingyu stood up and walked outside the tent. The place she wanted Sum to occupy was a turret. Although it was not big, it had walls and roofs to protect it from wind and rain, and it was still higher than the city wall, and it was relatively dry. Those who wanted to grab this place were taken by Sum. Frightened back with a knife, and then Cheng Jia imperiously squeezed into a small tent inside, and no one dared to grab it.

But now another tent actually squeezed in!

Cheng Jia can understand Wang Xuanzhi. Even the castle tower provided by the county magistrate is very crowded in other places. Although it is small, it is cleaned and not so much trouble. A few guards stand below. No matter how big a family is, those officials will not come over and get close. The most important thing is that no one climbs the tent in the middle of the night!

Seeing Ling Qingyu's annoyed face, Wang Xuanzhi said in his heart, you thought I wanted to come, but I would not come if I knew that you would never crawl on my bed.

Cheng Jia walked to the side of Wang Xuanzhi's young man and asked in a low voice, "There was someone else last night?"

"Yes, the daughter of Cheng's big household said that she would be a maid for the young master." The young man also whispered, grabbing two in one night, and these young men can't stand them, the young master hasn't fallen asleep for several nights.

After two days, the water began to recede, but the court’s rescue still did not arrive. Most of the residents began to go back to their houses. Although the houses were dirty and ugly, it was better than sleeping outside.

There are fewer people on the walls.

Ling Qingyu still did not leave. First, no one went back to clean up at the inn. Second, she planned to leave.

The carriage was still there, but the horse had been rushed away. Soum went back to the inn every day to clean the carriage, and it was almost clean, as long as he found the horse, he could leave.

"Didn't the county government specially clean up the room for you two? Why are you still not leaving?" Ling Qingyu disliked the two guys who were eating her lunch again.

"Don't dare to go, the girls in Jiangling are too enthusiastic." Cheng Jia sighed.

"Ah? Oh? Hahahaha!" Ling Qingyu pointed at the two and couldn't help laughing wildly. On the second day of Wang Xuanzhi's move, Yan San asked about the gossip.

Wang Xuanzhi is the current class champion, the son of Wang Xiang, and he is also a beautiful boy who grows like a jade-like jade tree. The big households in the city are squatting on the wall, so all the ladies in the city see this dream. Teenagers, of course, Cheng Jia Cheng is also very popular. The former champion, Cheng Xiang's son, the graceful son of Yushu Pian Pian Jia, the city wall is so big, and after the shock and surprise after the disaster, people don’t pay much attention to those rules. And if my daughter can really climb these two, that would be a good thing, so all kinds of encounters, ****, physical encounters, and finally bed encounters will unfold.

Wang Xuanzhi darkened his face, put down the bowl and chopsticks, got up and left.

"Are you leaving?" Cheng Jia asked when she finished laughing.

"Yes, logically, Han Xian's grain should have arrived, but now the grain hasn't arrived, the boat hasn't arrived, and there is no news at all. I am a little worried." Ling Qingyu nodded. Although all traffic has been cut off, there shouldn't be any news.

Cheng Jia said to his lips and tolerated it again, remembering what Wang Xuanzhi said, if this matter is spread out, I am afraid it is really unfavorable. The plague has already begun to spread in the Dongting Lake area. The imperial court has blocked all the roads there, I am afraid that the boats of the Ling family will also Okay, neither the food team can make it through. But it is also good for her to leave, at least she can leave this dangerous place.

"Master, the carriage is ready." Soum said, standing at the door.

"Okay, it depends on whether you can find a horse." Ling Qingyu looked at Cheng Jia, and now they are court officials who still have horses.

"I see, the cannibal's hands are short." Cheng Jia sighed and stood up.

"Thank you Master Cheng!" Ling Qingyu said with a big smile.

Cheng Jia shook his head and walked out.