Fenglin Tianxia – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 312: Go to Baiyin

The Huizhou where Baiyin is located is the place where Dazhou and Dangxiang tug-of-war. The Yellow River confrontation is separated between the two countries. Dangxiang has 20,000 troops stationed in Huizhou, and Dazhou has 10,000 troops stationed in Huizhou. Meng Su and Du Ming's 20,000 cavalry can use the desert no man's land to attack directly from Yanchi, but they cannot cross the river.

"I remember, there was a sheepskin raft," Ling Qingyu sat and listened, and when they heard them talking about crossing the river, he interjected, and when everyone saw it, he said, "I remember there is a raft made of sheepskin in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. It is to peel off the whole skin of the sheep without cutting any fur, then remove the wool and blow air to expand the tyre, then tie the head and tail and limbs tightly to float, and then use wooden strips for these skins. Tie into a raft and can be taken apart at any time."

Looking left and right, Ling Qingyu said, "Isn't this one of us a long time ago?"

"General, the master is talking about skin bags. If you put the skin bags together, you can make a raft. You can cross the river as long as you find a place where the water flow is relatively slow." He Lidao.

"It just happened that the single symbol sent 10,000 sheep over." Gao Liu smiled.

"Well, Ling Yunfei's people are almost here. They will be slaughtered right away. When we are ready, we will leave. Now Dangxiang and Liao are facing each other in Shuozhou, and they can't notice us." Yang Zhao nodded. A letter from Du Ming said that Han Mian had already established a relationship with the defending general in Jingyuan, Huizhou, and now he has started a business relationship with Jingyuan. If he fights here, he can encourage the local defenders to attack the Yellow River.

"Ten thousand sheep, by the way, I still remember that there is a kind of dried beef that is delicious. I wonder if it can be made into jerky?" Seeing everyone looking at her again, Ling Qingyu said, "What do I do? That jerky It’s not bad for a year, and I’m full after eating, um, let me think about it, what’s the practice?"

Master! What's in your head? Everyone looked at her speechless.

After thinking for a while, Ling Qingyu said: "But I remember it seems that there is a lot of beef. It will be blown by the wind for a month or two. I'm afraid you are too late, right?"

"I'm going to ask the kitchen for research? Is it made into meat?" Li Yan smiled.

"Well, I remember, it seemed to be sliced ​​into meat strips and touched with pepper and star anise salt, and then the meat was hung in the shade and dried to a certain extent, and then fried in a frying pan. That's probably the case." Ling Qingyu drank. Saliva.

"Meng Su, you go back first, we will meet here." Yang Zhao pointed to a small town in a desert on the map and said.

"I know, I'm leaving now." Meng Su stood up, bowed to Yang Zhao, then bowed to Ling Qingyu, turned and left.

Seeing that Gao Liu and Li Yan were both eager to try, Yang Zhao collected the map and said, "Look at the Shuozhou side. If the situation is not good, send troops to help Shan Fu."

"If they are good, they have to challenge." He Li added.

In mid-July, Ling Yun flew back to Daixian County. In addition to Liuyunzhai’s staff, he also summoned some people from the rivers and lakes. There were more than 100 people. Chen Rongxuan led them to Yinzhou first. This time the banner was Ling Ling. Home, Ling Yunfei was smart and didn't mention Yang Zhao.

The sheep was killed and the jerky was done. The Ling family formed a caravan of dozens of carts, and brought them full of sheepskins all the way to the sun.

Single Ling Yunfei went to Yinzhou first and led his people to Jingyuan. After crossing the Guandu River in Jingyuan, Ling Qingyu and Yang Zhao rode in a carriage, followed by Sixteen Yeyan Qiying and others in Heishuiguan. Yin Ting'an became a stand-in again.

Alan wanted to follow but was stopped by Shifang and the ghost doctor. After all, there was a battlefield. Ling Qingyu was enough to hold back. Add another Alan and the two of them. Yang Zhao was afraid that his head would be big. Alan had to Ling Qingyu should bring more medicine. Fortunately, her medicine came out more. Nine Turns Back Soul Pill Suspension Pills came out of a big box, and a lot of other wound medicine came out. They were brought to the Ling family caravan. Wait. After the caravan set out, Alan stood at the door and was silent for a long time, and then asked the shopkeeper of the Ling family to send more medicinal materials. She supervised the work of the coolies every day.

Ling Qingyu didn’t ask how to fight this time, but knew that Yang Zhao had been receiving and sending letters before he set off, and he was muttering with Ling Yun Feiyan Qi and the others every day. She didn’t understand and didn’t go to join in, just take Look at the letters and ledgers from the shopkeepers received on the way. Since she held a mobilization meeting in Daixian County, not only Han Mian, Cai Jingfang, Zheng Xi, they will write to her asking how to do some things, and now the major shopkeepers will also ask her for advice in addition to reporting to their direct superiors.

Ling Qingyu generally looked at Cai Jingfang's and Zhengxi's letters together with those of the big shopkeepers. The big shopkeepers would say a lot in detail, but they would bring their own ideas. At this time, she needs to distinguish them.

After crossing the Yellow River, which is the Loess Plateau, Ling Qingyu's legs can already walk, so occasionally Yang Zhao was asked to take her on horseback to speed up the horse team's progress.

The place where they agreed to meet is called Liujiapu, a small town in loess that stands in the desert grassland.

There are also dozens of families in the small town, and I was surprised to see such a big caravan. Yan Qi found a family in the town and bought their yard directly for a month, letting Ling Qingyu and Yang Zhao live in. Everyone else is camping outside.

The rest is okay, just coming all the way to the yellow sand and the sky is hot, Ling Qingyu's dusty soil, just want to find a place to take a bath.

While soaking in the bathtub, Ling Qingyu deeply realized that he was indeed here to hold back his legs, but he had already come, and sighed slightly. Ling Qingyu remembered what Ling Yunfei had said. The encirclement and suppression on Wolong Peak except for Ning Yu's encouragement thought , Actually, the most vigorous is that Daxia Qin, there are several family members, Daxia Qin himself, his daughter and a group of elite disciples, all died on Wolong Peak. There are not many people left. They were blackmailed by them. Taking all the fields over, the Qin family's ancestral hall was burned.

Ling Yunfei whispered at the time: "In fact, the people who went up were almost killed by Yan San, and the rest were killed by General Yang. If you want to say that the last murderer was Master Kongwu, now Master Kongwu has already regretted it. Retreat, don't ask questions about the world. Do you really want to kill all those sects?"

Ling Qingyu knew what he meant. By doing this, even the innocent women and children were counted. One school was completely pulled out, and it was not just the leaders of the scenery that were abolished. But, what about the hatred in her heart? ? That's why Yang Zhao personally brought her here and let her see that the Demon Cult was completely destroyed.

Just thinking about it, the earth shook like an earthquake, and Ling Qingyu was shaken and fell directly into the water. As soon as he climbed out of the water, he heard Meng Su's voice outside.

Meng Su's army did not enter the town, but stopped in the desert twenty miles away, bringing only 500 people to receive the goods.

From here, you will rush all the way to Jingyuan. When you see the red light-armored light cavalry phalanx, the cavalry who meanders as if you can't see their heads are all one man and two horses. The gun is hung on the saddle, and the long bow is left in the back. The crossbow, so many people are silent, only the sneezes of horses from time to time.

Yang Zhao also changed into red light armor. When he rode a dark horse with a spear in hand, and slowly walked to the front of the phalanx, one person took the lead, and the deafening general's mighty shouts sounded over the desert.

With one shot of Yang Zhao’s spear, the shouting suddenly fell silent, and Yang Zhaolang said: “We are going to kill Dang Xiang Dangzi today. This trip is dangerous and it is for Yang Zhao and his wife’s personal affairs. If anyone does not want to go, please reluctantly."

The crowd was silent for a long time, and a small soldier said loudly: "The general and the master's affairs are the villains! It is incumbent to kill Tarzi!"

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

After it came out, a shout with a stronger and stronger fighting spirit resounded through the sky.

Ling Qingyu watched with enthusiasm, thinking that he was so appealing? It was really rare, so I jumped out of the carriage and was about to walk towards Yang Zhao. I heard the two soldiers next to him whisper in a loud voice: "Why do you say that the general and the master are your own business?" "Because how many people have been killed? How much is it, let’s talk about it, Mr. Meng said, that the affairs of the house are his affairs, and the affairs of the boss are not ours?"

The voice spoken was the local accent of Yinzhou, Ling Qingyu looked at it again, um, it was very tall and sturdy, he must be the person who was subdued by Meng Suxin, no wonder it was different from those of Yang Zhao's old department in Heishuiguan.

Meng Su's guards distributed the dried mutton and dried skins to individuals, and the brigade separated into small teams to collect them.

Yang Zhao rode a horse to find Ling Qingyu, stretched out his hand to pull her up on the horse, and said: "This way, I can't dismount for several days. It's not as good as you..."

Ling Qingyu raised his hand to cover his mouth and said, "I'm with you."

"It will be very hard," Yang Zhao looked at her helplessly.

"It's okay, I'll change my clothes." Ling Qingyu said.

"If you don't dismount for three days and three nights, your buttocks will be worn out, so you can't sit or lie down." Yan Qi said coldly beside.

Ling Qingyu was taken aback and looked at Yang Zhao.

"We are so crowded that we can't take the road. We can only walk around the desert. We have to walk more. If we have to hurry, we have less time to rest." Yang Zhao got her closer and said: "You and Yan Qi From the official road, can we meet in Jingyuan?"

They have to avoid the government and army on both sides of the Dangxiang and Dazhou along the way. The best way is to walk along the border. The borders in this area are desert areas with few people, even if they encounter a small group of patrols. Pushing to the head of the enemy country, but there will definitely be danger along the way, and there are those massacre scenes, Yang Zhao did not want her to see.

"Yes, let's first help us find a place to cross the river." Meng Su smiled from the side.

If Yang Zhao just rushed to Baiyin, Yang Zhao would not stop her from following. It must be that he had other ideas, and these actions made their trip dangerous, so he really couldn't hold him back. Ling Qingyu hooked Yang Zhao's head, kissed it lightly, and said, "I'm waiting for you in Jingyuan, so be careful."

Yang Zhao hugged her tightly, bowed his head and kissed it deeply, and after all the heads of the people around him were turned away, Fang let go of her and whispered: "You are well, I will be well."

Yan Qi picked up Ling Qingyu and drove her into the carriage, and then drove the car first.

Ling Qingyu opened the curtain behind and saw that in the afterglow of the setting sun, the golden sunlight reflected Yang Zhao's tall and straight figure with a golden outline, just standing there, quietly sending her away.

The Huizhou where Baiyin is located is the place where Dazhou and Dangxiang tug-of-war. The Yellow River confrontation is separated between the two countries. Dangxiang has 20,000 troops stationed in Huizhou, and Dazhou has 10,000 troops stationed in Huizhou. Meng Su and Du Ming's 20,000 cavalry can use the desert no man's land to attack directly from Yanchi, but they cannot cross the river.

"I remember, there was a sheepskin raft," Ling Qingyu sat and listened, and when they heard them talking about crossing the river, he interjected, and when everyone saw it, he said, "I remember there is a raft made of sheepskin in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. It is to peel off the whole skin of the sheep without cutting any fur, then remove the wool and blow air to expand the tyre, then tie the head and tail and limbs tightly to float, and then use wooden strips for these skins. Tie into a raft and can be taken apart at any time."

Looking left and right, Ling Qingyu said, "Isn't this one of us a long time ago?"

"General, the master is talking about skin bags. If you put the skin bags together, you can make a raft. You can cross the river as long as you find a place where the water flow is relatively slow." He Lidao.

"It just happened that the single symbol sent 10,000 sheep over." Gao Liu smiled.

"Well, Ling Yunfei's people are almost here. They will be slaughtered right away. When we are ready, we will leave. Now Dangxiang and Liao are facing each other in Shuozhou, and they can't notice us." Yang Zhao nodded. A letter from Du Ming said that Han Mian had already established a relationship with the defending general in Jingyuan, Huizhou, and now he has started a business relationship with Jingyuan. If he fights here, he can encourage the local defenders to attack the Yellow River.

"Ten thousand sheep, by the way, I still remember that there is a kind of dried beef that is delicious. I wonder if it can be made into jerky?" Seeing everyone looking at her again, Ling Qingyu said, "What do I do? That jerky It’s not bad for a year, and I’m full after eating, um, let me think about it, what’s the practice?"

Master! What's in your head? Everyone looked at her speechless.

After thinking for a while, Ling Qingyu said: "But I remember it seems that there is a lot of beef. It will be blown by the wind for a month or two. I'm afraid you are too late, right?"

"I'm going to ask the kitchen for research? Is it made into meat?" Li Yan smiled.

"Well, I remember, it seemed to be sliced ​​into meat strips and touched with pepper and star anise salt, and then the meat was hung in the shade and dried to a certain extent, and then fried in a frying pan. That's probably the case." Ling Qingyu drank. Saliva.

"Meng Su, you go back first, we will meet here." Yang Zhao pointed to a small town in a desert on the map and said.

"I know, I'm leaving now." Meng Su stood up, bowed to Yang Zhao, then bowed to Ling Qingyu, turned and left.

Seeing that Gao Liu and Li Yan were both eager to try, Yang Zhao collected the map and said, "Look at the Shuozhou side. If the situation is not good, send troops to help Shan Fu."

"If they are good, they have to challenge." He Li added.

In mid-July, Ling Yun flew back to Daixian County. In addition to Liuyunzhai’s staff, he also summoned some people from the rivers and lakes. There were more than 100 people. Chen Rongxuan led them to Yinzhou first. This time the banner was Ling Ling. Home, Ling Yunfei was smart and didn't mention Yang Zhao.

The sheep was killed and the jerky was done. The Ling family formed a caravan of dozens of carts, and brought them full of sheepskins all the way to the sun.

Single Ling Yunfei went to Yinzhou first and led his people to Jingyuan. After crossing the Guandu River in Jingyuan, Ling Qingyu and Yang Zhao rode in a carriage, followed by Sixteen Yeyan Qiying and others in Heishuiguan. Yin Ting'an became a stand-in again.

Alan wanted to follow but was stopped by Shifang and the ghost doctor. After all, there was a battlefield. Ling Qingyu was enough to hold back. Add another Alan and the two of them. Yang Zhao was afraid that his head would be big. Alan had to Ling Qingyu should bring more medicine. Fortunately, her medicine came out more. Nine Turns Back Soul Pill Suspension Pills came out of a big box, and a lot of other wound medicine came out. They were brought to the Ling family caravan. Wait. After the caravan set out, Alan stood at the door and was silent for a long time, and then asked the shopkeeper of the Ling family to send more medicinal materials. She supervised the work of the coolies every day.

Ling Qingyu didn’t ask how to fight this time, but knew that Yang Zhao had been receiving and sending letters before he set off, and he was muttering with Ling Yun Feiyan Qi and the others every day. She didn’t understand and didn’t go to join in, just take Look at the letters and ledgers from the shopkeepers received on the way.

Since she held a mobilization meeting in Daixian County, not only Han Mian, Cai Jingfang, Zheng Xi, they will write to her asking how to do some things, and now the major shopkeepers will also ask her for advice in addition to reporting to their direct superiors.

Ling Qingyu generally looked at Cai Jingfang's and Zhengxi's letters together with those of the big shopkeepers. The big shopkeepers would say a lot in detail, but they would bring their own ideas. At this time, she needs to distinguish them.

After crossing the Yellow River, which is the Loess Plateau, Ling Qingyu's legs can already walk, so occasionally Yang Zhao was asked to take her on horseback to speed up the horse team's progress.

The place where they agreed to meet is called Liujiapu, a small town in loess that stands in the desert grassland.

There are also dozens of families in the small town, and I was surprised to see such a big caravan. Yan Qi found a family in the town and bought their yard directly for a month, letting Ling Qingyu and Yang Zhao live in. Everyone else is camping outside.

The rest is okay, just coming all the way to the yellow sand and the sky is hot, Ling Qingyu's dusty soil, just want to find a place to take a bath.

While soaking in the bathtub, Ling Qingyu deeply realized that he was indeed here to hold back his legs, but he had already come, and sighed slightly. Ling Qingyu remembered what Ling Yunfei had said. The encirclement and suppression on Wolong Peak except for Ning Yu's encouragement thought , Actually, the most vigorous is that Daxia Qin, there are several family members, Daxia Qin himself, his daughter and a group of elite disciples, all died on Wolong Peak. There are not many people left. They were blackmailed by them. Taking all the fields over, the Qin family's ancestral hall was burned.

Ling Yunfei whispered at the time: "In fact, the people who went up were almost killed by Yan San, and the rest were killed by General Yang. If you want to say that the last murderer was Master Kongwu, now Master Kongwu has already regretted it. Retreat, don't ask questions about the world. Do you really want to kill all those sects?"

Ling Qingyu knew what he meant. By doing this, even the innocent women and children were counted. One school was completely pulled out, and it was not just the leaders of the scenery that were abolished. But, what about the hatred in her heart? ? That's why Yang Zhao personally brought her here and let her see that the Demon Cult was completely destroyed.

Just thinking about it, the earth shook like an earthquake, and Ling Qingyu was shaken and fell directly into the water. As soon as he climbed out of the water, he heard Meng Su's voice outside.

Meng Su's army did not enter the town, but stopped in the desert twenty miles away, bringing only 500 people to receive the goods.

From here, you will rush all the way to Jingyuan. When you see the red light-armored light cavalry phalanx, the cavalry who meanders as if you can't see their heads are all one man and two horses. The gun is hung on the saddle, and the long bow is left in the back. The crossbow, so many people are silent, only the sneezes of horses from time to time.

Yang Zhao also changed into red light armor. When he rode a dark horse with a spear in hand, and slowly walked to the front of the phalanx, one person took the lead, and the deafening general's mighty shouts sounded over the desert.

With one shot of Yang Zhao’s spear, the shouting suddenly fell silent, and Yang Zhaolang said: “We are going to kill Dang Xiang Dangzi today. This trip is dangerous and it is for Yang Zhao and his wife’s personal affairs. If anyone does not want to go, please reluctantly."

The crowd was silent for a long time, and a small soldier said loudly: "The general and the master's affairs are the villains! It is incumbent to kill Tarzi!"

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

After it came out, a shout with a stronger and stronger fighting spirit resounded through the sky.

Ling Qingyu watched with enthusiasm, thinking that he was so appealing? It was really rare, so I jumped out of the carriage and was about to walk towards Yang Zhao. I heard the two soldiers next to him whisper in a loud voice: "Why do you say that the general and the master are your own business?" "Because how many people have been killed? How much is it, let’s talk about it, Mr. Meng said, that the affairs of the house are his affairs, and the affairs of the boss are not ours?"

The voice spoken was the local accent of Yinzhou, Ling Qingyu looked at it again, um, it was very tall and sturdy, he must be the person who was subdued by Meng Suxin, no wonder it was different from those of Yang Zhao's old department in Heishuiguan.

Meng Su's guards distributed the dried mutton and dried skins to individuals, and the brigade separated into small teams to collect them.

Yang Zhao rode a horse to find Ling Qingyu, stretched out his hand to pull her up on the horse, and said: "This way, I can't dismount for several days. It's not as good as you..."

Ling Qingyu raised his hand to cover his mouth and said, "I'm with you."

"It will be very hard," Yang Zhao looked at her helplessly.

"It's okay, I'll change my clothes." Ling Qingyu said.

"If you don't dismount for three days and three nights, your buttocks will be worn out, so you can't sit or lie down." Yan Qi said coldly beside.

Ling Qingyu was taken aback and looked at Yang Zhao.

"We are so crowded that we can't take the road. We can only walk around the desert. We have to walk more. If we have to hurry, we have less time to rest." Yang Zhao got her closer and said: "You and Yan Qi From the official road, can we meet in Jingyuan?"

They have to avoid the government and army on both sides of the Dangxiang and Dazhou along the way. The best way is to walk along the border. The borders in this area are desert areas with few people, even if they encounter a small group of patrols. Pushing to the head of the enemy country, but there will definitely be danger along the way, and there are those massacre scenes, Yang Zhao did not want her to see.

"Yes, let's first help us find a place to cross the river." Meng Su smiled from the side.

If Yang Zhao just rushed to Baiyin, Yang Zhao would not stop her from following. It must be that he had other ideas, and these actions made their trip dangerous, so he really couldn't hold him back. Ling Qingyu hooked Yang Zhao's head, kissed it lightly, and said, "I'm waiting for you in Jingyuan, so be careful."

Yang Zhao hugged her tightly, bowed his head and kissed it deeply, and after all the heads of the people around him were turned away, Fang let go of her and whispered: "You are well, I will be well."

Yan Qi picked up Ling Qingyu and drove her into the carriage, and then drove the car first.

Ling Qingyu opened the curtain behind and saw that in the afterglow of the setting sun, the golden sunlight reflected Yang Zhao's tall and straight figure with a golden outline, just standing there, quietly sending her away.