Fenglin Tianxia – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 73: Zhu Weili

The people who strolled along the coast also had a lot to gain. Shi Fang and Zhu Weili found many unique local species, and they also had transactions with some tribes. The goods on the ship were all sold out, and they bought some local specialties.

Seeing the amazing skins and ivory brought back by Yang Zhao and the others, Ling Qingyu guarded the boat at the suggestion of the chef. The sailors on the boat took the children into the grassland to hunt. They did not go far. Just hunting antelope and buffalo animals on the grasslands on the coast, two days later, they brought back a large number of prey.

The chef took the local fragrant wood and spices to smoke the prey on the shore to make bacon.

After three days of tossing like this, Fengshen finally made it again, and the destination was Calicut.

Zhou Tan used the diamonds given by Ling Qingyu to develop a new gem polishing technique, using small diamonds to make a polishing plate, so that the polished gems have a much higher gloss than before, and they can be cut and polished, and then used This new tool polished out the two rough stones obtained from Ceylon. They were two rubies, as bright as blood, and the most special thing was that there was a tear-like trace in the middle.

Ling Qingyu couldn't put it down at first sight, and when he heard Zhou Tan say that this would bring good luck, he asked Zhou Tan to make a pair of earrings, and put his ears on after finishing.

There is a vast ocean from the East African coast across the Indian Ocean to Karakat. The ship has been sailing on the sea. Except for a few big storms in the middle, the rest of the time is very boring for Ling Qingyu.

Sixteen nights and Ye eleven and Su Mu were trained hard by Yan San and Yan Qi. Yang Zhao trained the crew of the entire ship. Zhou Tan and Huang Jing used the materials on the ship to make jewelry and pound some new things. Shifang is studying new recipes for newly discovered plants, and even chefs are studying new recipes.

Therefore, Ling Qingyu is the most boring person on board.

"Hey." Looking at the boundless sea level in front of him and the still fishing rod, Ling Qingyu sighed again.

"The head of the house." Zhu Weili passed by with a book, and smiled and shouted when she saw her feeling bored.

"Ah, Mr. Zhu." Ling Qingyu saw his eyes lit up and said, "Are you free? Let's go have tea." Yes, there is Mr. Zhu on this boat!

Zhu Weili couldn't help but refuse, Ling Qingyu put away the fishing rod, took him back to the captain's room, and made a pot of good tea.

"Come on, Mr. Zhu, let's drink tea and chat." Ling Qingyu poured a cup of tea in front of him, and then took a plate of the chef's new dried meat pastries and fruits on the table.

Zhu Weili laughed dumbfounded. It seemed that the master was boring to a certain extent.

"Master, do you want to run there again after we go back this time?" Zhu Weili smiled after twisting a piece of jerky. Although he is less than twenty years old, his master's knowledge is far superior to them. Not to mention these rare foreign countries, maritime routes, and even the customs and specialties of various countries. These things are impossible even for the Xie family. , How could a little girl know? It's just that she took it for granted, and others can't ask. If Zhu Weili had the idea of ​​wanting to find out before, but now it is gone. No matter where the master gets this knowledge, she never asks his past and details, why does he want to ask, just follow along Well, take a good look at such a vast world that you never knew before, far better than the previous time of calculating life every day.

"Well, when I go back this time, I will go home first and avenge my grudges," Ling Qingyu said with his jaw braced, "Also, for the money I made this time, I also want to set up some properties. I think I will stay in Da Zhou. Time, don't you guys go back this time?"

"Well, wait a few more years and wait for the wind to pass," Zhu Weili touched his beard, pondered, and said what he had thought about for a long time: "Master, you hired those locals to plant it in Mindanao, Have you ever thought of sending some people from Dazhou to develop the land, which is rich in gold, coal, iron, and copper. If we set up a forging plant there, then the master can use his own copper money to make transactions outside of Fanwai."

Ling Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, and he secretly said in his heart, knowing that the three of you definitely escaped not only because of a fake jade seal, but the copper coin was made exactly the same as the one made by the official Da Zhou, even the weight pattern was not different. Sure enough! really!

Seeing her look, Zhu Weili smiled and said: "The head of the house never asks about our origins, but gives absolute trust. People die for confidants. I, Zhu Weili, are not the kind of betrayal. Moreover, following the head, we three People can taste what they want and see such a vast world. The head of the house is kind to us, so I won’t hurt the head of the house. Together, the three of us, with the resources of Mindanao, as long as there are fifty people, ten thousand can be paid in ten days. The consistent copper coins, the transactions in Southeast Asia, can be paid for by the copper coins we produce."

No cost transaction! However, the development of this world is not the same as the historical trajectory of my own world. In my memory, there was no such large-scale battle in the Middle East Peninsula at this time, and there is no record of the catastrophe. The development trajectory of each country has In addition, the difference between Da Zhou and the Northern Song Dynasty is even greater.

Thinking, Ling Qingyu tapped his fingers on the desktop, and said: "Although Mindanao among the Southeast Asian islands is not the most abundant in resources, as you said, it is indeed the most suitable colony for us at present, the original island. Residents are inherently small, and they are still in the primitive stage. They are relatively easy to control. They just have to find people from Dazhou. They are not so easy to find. They are reliable and have some technical skills. Moreover, once we set up there The base area must be protected by armed forces, and these cannot be done in the short term."

"With General Yang, what is the head of the house afraid of?" Zhu Wei said with a slight smile. Talking to the head of the house is indeed the most enjoyable thing. Not only is it easy to get through, but she thinks sometimes farther than herself.

"Mr. Zhu should know that A Zhao has his destination." Ling Qingyu's eyes drooped, covering all the emotions in it, said.

Zhu Wei paused for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, the war in the north is going to happen, and the emperor must call him back."

If it's just the emperor's summoning, he can ignore it, the emperor is far away, can he find this foreigner? It’s just that someone like Yang Zhao is really buried beside him, okay?

Ling Qingyu smiled slightly and said, "Speaking of this, I really have something to ask Mr. Zhu."

Seeing her look, Zhu Weili suddenly sat upright and said, "The master, please tell me."

"I don't know the situation in the north. It's just the drought on Jingdong Fourth Road. I heard that people from Liao Kingdom crossed the border to rob. Is my Dazhou's combat power so inefficient?" Ling Qingyu asked.

"At the time when King Sejong Zhou was there, he was a great talent, unified the south, and took back the northwest. Unfortunately, he died early. Gaozong was only seventeen years old when he came to the throne, and he grew up in the hands of women. It’s easy to get, but the Queen Mother listened to the slander and recalled General Zhao, the king of the town, back to Bianliang, and lost the opportunity to retake the sixteen states of Yanyun. Now Dazhou and Daliao are facing each other at Yanyun, although there are wars because of the station There are many troops, but it’s not a big problem. It’s just that the most troublesome thing is the Northwest. The Dangxiang tribe there and the northern Huns have been harassing them. Originally, Shaanxi Road was made of wide-spread silk with abundant products, but now it has become a lot more deserted due to war Many people have left the fields. General Yang’s family has guarded Heishuiguan for generations. There is a place where the Liao State and Dangxiangda are intersected. Now the Yang family is suffering, and Heishuiguan is not very optimistic. Today Dazhou Most of the army is hoarding in the area facing Daliao. If there is a war, there will not necessarily be something wrong in the north, but something will happen in the northwest." Zhu Wei left.

"So." Ling Qingyu smiled coldly: "Even if the emperor recalls Ah Zhao, he must go to the northwest pit."

"Hey, I'm not afraid to tell you directly," Zhu Weili said with a sigh, "The Chu King's fief is in Changsha. There are also some ideas, but it is really not related to the Yang family. The Yang family was convicted. Because of the Battle of Baigou, the Yang family was loyal and his own son was killed. Only Yang Zhao, a righteous son, has gained fame over the years. Heishuiguan is located on the border between the Dangxiang tribe and the Great Liao State. It is an important town connected with Daliao. There are 100,000 troops stationed on my big Thursday, and the commander has always been from the Zhao family. At the beginning of the year before the first year, the emperor General Zhao was transferred back and replaced by Queen Dong’s brother, Dong Chao. That Dong Chao is very happy. Soon after he took office, he sent troops to Daliao, but was killed and abandoned, and was rescued by Yang Zhao's troops. Then General Yang took the lead, married the Dong family, and appointed Dong Chao’s daughter for Yang Zhao. That Wang family How willing is with the Zhao family? It happened that Daliao sent troops to attack in the autumn. Then the Zhao family and the Wang family encouraged the emperor to fight. The Zhao family had been in the military department for many years, and the Wang family was in charge of the household department. A pustule, the result of this battle is self-evident. The only victory was General Yang Zhao's battle at Heishuiguan, which broke the 100,000 Liao army and didn't let Daliao cross the border. But at that time, Chu The king’s affairs were also dug up. In order to keep Dong Chao, the Dong family also pushed the Yang family out of the crime. The final result was that the king of Chu and the Yang family were ransacked, and General Yang Zhao and his close generals were convicted and exiled. , The northwest frontline, no good general."

"Yang Zhao and the daughter of Dong's family have decided to kiss?" Other words are okay, Ling Qingyu's words can be heard like thunder.

"Hehe, I heard that it was only an oral agreement, and there was no decision. General Yang Zhao himself was afraid he didn't know. It was just that Empress Dong made this proposal, and General Yang agreed. After the accident, the Dong family would not mention it again." Zhu Weili hurriedly smiled.

Ling Qingyu let out a sigh of relief, and then laughed at himself again. Even if this matter didn't count, Yang Zhao could be regarded as a generalist. Once he was called again, his worth would be different. There would be another family without the Dong family. But if he decides to go, then it must be extremely dangerous, hey.

"Mr. Zhu, when we go back this time, we can first level up Mindanao and establish our own stronghold. People, I can also find a way to bring it there, but I hope that the forge is not just making copper coins," paused. Ling Qingyu continued: "I want the most sophisticated weapons and the best farm tools."

Yang Zhao, I hope you will have a bright future in the future, and don't let down the master's mind! Zhu Wei sighed secretly, nodded and said: "I see, the three of us rely on the orders of the master."

"It will take some time for me to go back this time. Mr. Zhu is not too idle. Those big ports are under reconstruction. Mr. Zhu can take part in the boat trip on behalf of our Ling family." Ling Qingyu blinked and smiled.

"Hehe, I understand." Zhu Weili also laughed. The head of the house is indeed the cutest when it comes to making money.

In the following days, Ling Qingyu often surrounded Zhu Weili and Huang Jing in Zhoutan to discuss. Ling Qingyu asked whether he could make some farm tools suitable for large-scale farming, and then roughly said some of the tools he had seen. At this time, she knew that Huang Jing is far from being as simple as a carpenter. According to Ling Qingyu, he can design very precise drawings and make small models in a short time. But basically everything she says Being able to copy it is really worthy of the name of ingenuity.

Seeing the large-scale farming tools Ling Qingyu said, Zhu Weili guessed that she was not only designing for the large plains of Mindanao, but mainly for Shaanxi Road, and talked to her about some local things.

In the morning, I had a lively conversation with the three of them. In the afternoon, I sometimes went fishing or watched their training or thought about the things discussed in the morning. The day was very fulfilling. In the evening, Yang Zhao came down more frequently. Under Yang Zhao’s shy permission, Ling Qingyu, who was curious to kill the cat, started experimenting with gifts from Princess Fatmei. It was only on the boat, so you should pay more attention. Influenced, Ling Qingyu only dared to find some harmless objects to adjust.