Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 571: Ghost Space

On the attic in front of the square, the second floor of the attic is open-air, with seats placed on it, which are the seats of the presiding elders and some elders.

At this time, a woman with a green yarn covering her face also slowly sat on a seat and watched the battle silently.

Immediately afterwards, a respectable great elder sat on both sides.

Many disciples were secretly shocked when they saw this scene. Who is this woman in Qingyi? Actually able to achieve the most central position.

One of the great elders also looked at the green-clothed woman with a deep meaning, and felt a little shocked in his heart.

The last time the appraisal of the introductory disciple was huge, and the princess of the vertical and horizontal gate did not come. Why did this princess come for the rather deserted appraisal of the introductory disciple today?

Could it be that this time the entry-level disciple assessment, it is good to have the princess's attention.

"In order to get the recognition of the Supreme Elders, this little princess also entered the void battlefield to participate in the assessment as an ordinary warrior, and won the fourth place."

The elder was slightly startled, his eyes lit up, and said, "Could it be that he is paying attention to the top three in the assessment?"

The little princess in his mouth was Yiye Qing, but within the sect, few people knew her true identity.

For a long time, she was covered with a tulle, because she had just entered the Congfeng Peak practice, so she regained her identity.

Yiyeqing's true identity is the granddaughter of the master of Zongmengmen.

The master of Zongmen Gate has only one daughter.

Moreover, this daughter fell in love with a man in Qingzhou.

At that time, the sect master was furious.

However, the sect master can only compromise when raw rice is cooked and matured rice, and the man in Qingzhou is a woman born to the young sect master, Yiye Qing.

It's just that Yiye Qing has been cultivating at the Zonghengmen since he was a child, and in order to gain the approval of those elders, he participated in the assessment on behalf of Qingzhou.

The requirements of those super elders are the top ten.

Fortunately, Yiyeqing took a fourth place. You know, Yiyeqing is only sixteen years old, much younger than Zhang Mofan.

"This is the list of disciples for this entry assessment. Who do you think will be able to pass the assessment?"

A big elder asked.

Several other great elders also looked at the list and said, "This Yunfeng, almost passed the entrance disciple assessment last time, and now he has been promoted to the seventh level of imperial qi, so he should be confident."

There is a huge gap between the sixth layer of imperial qi and the seventh layer of imperial qi.

"The rest are afraid that no disciple can become a beginner disciple."

Another great elder shook his head.

They look at the list, first, even if they look at the state, and second, look at the state of the last assessment.

For example, those who signed up for the entrance disciple assessment this time also had many seven-layer imperial qi disciples. However, the last time they participated in the assessment, it was also the seventh-layer imperial qi, but they failed to pass the assessment.

Like them, if they want to pass the assessment, they can only be promoted to the eighth layer of imperial qi.

However, it is not so easy to advance to a level.

Because of this, very few people came to watch this entry-level appraisal, and they were very deserted.

Many elders have no interest when they see the list of applications.

"There is also this Zhang Mofan. Although he helped Qiuyefeng get the first place in the Peak Master Competition, the entry-level disciple's assessment is about strength, not speed. He should accumulate experience when he comes to participate in the assessment this time."


sp; said another great elder.

Gain experience?

Yiyeqing recalled Zhang Mofan's bit by bit on the Battlefield of Nothingness, and couldn't help but shook his head.

This Zhang Mofan definitely has a talent comparable to the top ten in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

It is not impossible for the fifth layer of Yuqi to pass the entrance disciple assessment.


The sound of the bronze drum resounded, and the appraisal of the beginner disciples officially began.

A white-robed old man with a cold expression also came to the front of dozens of handyman disciples with his hand held down.

This old man is surprisingly a disciple who has registered at Disciple Peak.

His eyes flashed across the crowd, then he nodded and said: "Now I am ready to invite the demon and ghost out of the stone gate."

Suddenly, several elders on the second floor of the attic flew out at the same time. They waved their hands horizontally, and they gathered together and turned into a huge portal.

The door was blocked by Shimen, but it was closed.

Immediately afterwards, those great elders shot a burst of spiritual light, bombarding the stone gate.


The ancient stone gate was slowly opened, and a quaint aura rushed to the face.

At a glance, many handyman disciples saw the other side of Shimen, an endless void, full of air currents, billowing monsters, rushing out from inside.

"Next, there will be three seed disciples who will take you to the demon space. As for the rules of the assessment, you should not be ignorant after reading the "Disciple Guidance"?"

With that said, there were three seeded disciples out there, two of them, Zhang Mofan did not know, and as for the third person, it was actually Li Hongtian.

Li Hongtian can be said to have formed Liangzi completely with him. This time, I am afraid that the other party will retaliate secretly, right?

Therefore, this time, he is better to be cautious.

"You guys, follow us in!"

As Li Hongtian said, he led many disciples directly into Shimen.

Suddenly, Zhang Mofan felt that he seemed to have stepped into the endless secluded abyss, tearing and tearing, and then whirled and whirled, and the space fluctuations were also passed on.

Whoops whoops!

The sound of air currents passed, and all the disciples looked into the distance, and saw a ray of light passing in front of them.

After a while, they were teleported out and appeared in the demon space.

This space is very desolate, with pits and pits everywhere, and undulating mountains everywhere.

"Kill ten soldiers-level monsters and collect the ghost fires from Even if you complete the assessment, after you complete the assessment, you can come back here quickly and go out from this stone gate. Remember, you can't kill more. ,Understand?"

Li Hongtian said: "Of course, if you encounter a general-level demon, if you can kill one, even if you complete the assessment, as for the king-level demon, you don't need to think about it, just run away."

"If you lose, you will crush the sword, and the sword will take you directly away. This means that the assessment has failed."

Next, more than 30 disciples were divided into three groups, led by three seed disciples, and rushed in three directions respectively.

As for Zhang Mofan, he was naturally assigned to Li Hongtian's side.

"Have you tried to kill the general-level demon?"

Li Hongtian asked directly.

Everyone shook their heads. As for Zhang Mofan, he also shook his head. For him, as long as he can complete the assessment.

It was obviously much easier to kill ten soldiers-level monsters.